Option Component Index PropertySelection

Page Link

Creates a HTML <a> hyperlink to another page within the application. The Page component uses the PageService to construct the anchor's "href" URL.

Prior to release 2.2, this component was named Page.

See Also
ActionLink, DirectLink, ExternalLink, GenericLink, Rollover, ServiceLink
Name Type Direction Required Default Description
page String in yes   The name of a application page to link to.
disabled boolean in no false Controls whether the link is produced. If disabled, the portion of the template the link surrounds is still rendered, but not the link itself.
namespace INamespace in no   If specified, the namespace's prefix is prefixed (with a colon) to the page name. This is primarily used when pages (or components) in a namespace need to create links to other pages inside the same namespace (this is only a concern for developers of component libraries, not developers of applications).
scheme String in no   If specified, then a longer URL (including scheme, server and possibly port) is generated using the specified scheme. Server is determined fromt he incoming request, and port is deterimined from the port paramter or the incoming request.
port int in no   If specified, then a longer URL (including scheme, server and port) is generated using the specified port. The server is determined from the incoming request, the scheme from the scheme paramter or the incoming request.
anchor String in no   The name of an anchor or element to link to. The final URL will have '#' and the anchor appended to it.

Body: rendered
Informal parameters: allowed
Reserved parameters: "href"

This example uses the PageLink component to create a navigation menu bar across the top of the page. If the user is not authenticated, in their Visit object, all the navigation bar links are disabled.

Typically you would create an navigation menu component, using the RenderBody component. This navigation menu component would then be included as the first element in all the application's pages.

Home Inbox Sent Compose Contacts Options Help Logout
My mail page content.
<!-- Navigation Bar -->
<table bgcolor="navy" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="6" width="100%">
  <span jwcid="foreachNavigationPage">
   <td><font color="white"><b><span jwcid="navigationPageLink"/></b></font></td>

<component id="foreachNavigationPage" type="Foreach">
    <binding name="source" expression="engine@NAVIGATION_PAGES"/>
    <binding name="value" expression="navigationPage"/>

<component id="navigationPageLink" type="PageLink">
    <binding name="page" expression="navigationPage"/>
    <binding name="disabled" expression="! visit.authenticated"/>

public class MailPage extends BasePage {
    private String navigationPage;

    public String getNavigationPage() { return navigationPage; }

    public void setNavigationPage(String value) {
        navigationPage = value;
    public void detach() {
        navigationPage = null;

public class Visit implements Serializable {
    private boolean authenticated;

    public boolean isAuthenticated() { return authenticated; }

    public void setAuthenticated(boolean value) {
        authenticated = value;

public class MailEngine extends SimpleEngine implements Serializable {
    public static final String[] NAVIGATION_PAGES = 
        { "Home", "Inbox", "Sent", "Compose", "Contacts", "Options", "Help", "Logout" };

Option Component Index PropertySelection