Class SendMediator

  extended by org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractMediator
      extended by org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.SendMediator
All Implemented Interfaces:
AspectConfigurable, ManagedLifecycle, Mediator, SynapseArtifact

public class SendMediator
extends AbstractMediator
implements ManagedLifecycle

SendMediator sends a message using specified semantics. If it contains an endpoint it will send the message to that endpoint. Once a message is sent to the endpoint further sending behaviors are completely governed by that endpoint. If there is no endpoint available, SendMediator will send the message to the implicitly stated destination.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractMediator
log, trace, traceState
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void destroy()
          This method should implement the destroying of the implemented parts of the configuration.
 Endpoint getEndpoint()
 Value getReceivingSequence()
 void init(SynapseEnvironment synapseEnvironment)
          This method should implement the initialization of the implemented parts of the configuration.
 boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx)
          This will call the send method on the messages with implicit message parameters or else if there is an endpoint, with that endpoint parameters
 void setEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint)
 void setReceivingSequence(Value receivingSequence)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractMediator
auditLog, auditWarn, configure, disableStatistics, enableStatistics, getAspectConfiguration, getDescription, getLog, getTraceState, getType, handleException, handleException, isStatisticsEnable, isTraceOn, isTraceOrDebugOn, setDescription, setEffectiveTraceState, setTraceState, shouldTrace, traceOrDebug, traceOrDebugWarn
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SendMediator()
Method Detail


public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx)
This will call the send method on the messages with implicit message parameters or else if there is an endpoint, with that endpoint parameters

Specified by:
mediate in interface Mediator
synCtx - the current message to be sent
false always as this is a leaf mediator


public Endpoint getEndpoint()


public void setEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint)


public Value getReceivingSequence()


public void setReceivingSequence(Value receivingSequence)


public void init(SynapseEnvironment synapseEnvironment)
Description copied from interface: ManagedLifecycle
This method should implement the initialization of the implemented parts of the configuration.

Specified by:
init in interface ManagedLifecycle
synapseEnvironment - SynapseEnvironment to be used for initialization


public void destroy()
Description copied from interface: ManagedLifecycle
This method should implement the destroying of the implemented parts of the configuration.

Specified by:
destroy in interface ManagedLifecycle

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