Class SynapseCallbackReceiver

  extended by org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.SynapseCallbackReceiver
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SynapseCallbackReceiver
extends Object
implements MessageReceiver

This is the message receiver that receives the responses for outgoing messages sent out by Synapse. It holds a callbackStore that maps the [unique] messageID of each message to a callback object that gets executed on timeout or when a response is received (before timeout) The AnonymousServiceFactory uses this MessageReceiver for all Anonymous services created by it. This however - effectively - is a singleton class

Constructor Summary
SynapseCallbackReceiver(SynapseConfiguration synCfg, ServerContextInformation contextInformation)
          Create the *single* instance of this class that would be used by all anonymous services used for outgoing messaging.
Method Summary
 void addCallback(String MsgID, AxisCallback callback)
 int getCallbackCount()
 void receive(MessageContext messageCtx)
          Everytime a response message is received this method gets invoked.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SynapseCallbackReceiver(SynapseConfiguration synCfg,
                               ServerContextInformation contextInformation)
Create the *single* instance of this class that would be used by all anonymous services used for outgoing messaging.

synCfg - the Synapse configuration
contextInformation - server runtime information
Method Detail


public int getCallbackCount()


public void addCallback(String MsgID,
                        AxisCallback callback)


public void receive(MessageContext messageCtx)
             throws AxisFault
Everytime a response message is received this method gets invoked. It will then select the outgoing *Synapse* message context for the reply we received, and determine what action to take at the Synapse level

Specified by:
receive in interface MessageReceiver
messageCtx - the Axis2 message context of the reply received

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