Class CallMethodRule


public class CallMethodRule
extends Rule

Rule implementation that calls a method on the top (parent) object, passing arguments collected from subsequent CallParamRule rules or from the body of this element.

$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2001/09/17 20:06:45 $
Craig McClanahan

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String bodyText
          The body text collected from this element.
protected  java.lang.String methodName
          The method name to call on the parent object.
protected  int paramCount
          The number of parameters to collect from MethodParam rules.
protected  java.lang.Class[] paramTypes
          The parameter types of the parameters to be collected.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.struts.digester.Rule
Constructor Summary
CallMethodRule(Digester digester, java.lang.String methodName, int paramCount)
          Construct a "call method" rule with the specified method name.
CallMethodRule(Digester digester, java.lang.String methodName, int paramCount, java.lang.Class[] paramTypes)
          Construct a "call method" rule with the specified method name.
CallMethodRule(Digester digester, java.lang.String methodName, int paramCount, java.lang.String[] paramTypes)
          Construct a "call method" rule with the specified method name.
Method Summary
 void begin(org.xml.sax.AttributeList attributes)
          Process the start of this element.
 void body(java.lang.String bodyText)
          Process the body text of this element.
 void end()
          Process the end of this element.
 void finish()
          Clean up after parsing is complete.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String bodyText
The body text collected from this element.


protected java.lang.String methodName
The method name to call on the parent object.


protected int paramCount
The number of parameters to collect from MethodParam rules. If this value is zero, a single parameter will be collected from the body of this element.


protected java.lang.Class[] paramTypes
The parameter types of the parameters to be collected.
Constructor Detail


public CallMethodRule(Digester digester,
                      java.lang.String methodName,
                      int paramCount)
Construct a "call method" rule with the specified method name. The parameter types (if any) default to java.lang.String.
digester - The associated Digester
methodName - Method name of the parent method to call
paramCount - The number of parameters to collect, or zero for a single argument from the body of this element.


public CallMethodRule(Digester digester,
                      java.lang.String methodName,
                      int paramCount,
                      java.lang.String[] paramTypes)
Construct a "call method" rule with the specified method name.
digester - The associated Digester
methodName - Method name of the parent method to call
paramCount - The number of parameters to collect, or zero for a single argument from the body of ths element
paramTypes - The Java class names of the arguments (if you wish to use a primitive type, specify the corresonding Java wrapper class instead, such as java.lang.Boolean for a boolean parameter)


public CallMethodRule(Digester digester,
                      java.lang.String methodName,
                      int paramCount,
                      java.lang.Class[] paramTypes)
Construct a "call method" rule with the specified method name.
digester - The associated Digester
methodName - Method name of the parent method to call
paramCount - The number of parameters to collect, or zero for a single argument from the body of ths element
paramTypes - The Java classes that represent the parameter types of the method arguments (if you wish to use a primitive type, specify the corresonding Java wrapper class instead, such as java.lang.Boolean.TYPE for a boolean parameter)
Method Detail


public void begin(org.xml.sax.AttributeList attributes)
           throws java.lang.Exception
Process the start of this element.
begin in class Rule
attributes - The attribute list for this element


public void body(java.lang.String bodyText)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Process the body text of this element.
body in class Rule
bodyText - The body text of this element


public void end()
         throws java.lang.Exception
Process the end of this element.
end in class Rule


public void finish()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Clean up after parsing is complete.
finish in class Rule

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