Class PropertyUtils


Deprecated. At some point after Struts 1.0 final, will be replaced by an equivalent class in the Jakarta Commons Beanutils package.

public class PropertyUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Utility methods for using Java Reflection APIs to facilitate generic property getter and setter operations on Java objects. Much of this code was originally included in BeanUtils, but has been separated because of the volume of code involved.

In general, the objects that are examined and modified using these methods are expected to conform to the property getter and setter method naming conventions described in the JavaBeans Specification (Version 1.0.1). No data type conversions are performed, and there are no usage of any PropertyEditor classes that have been registered, although a convenient way to access the registered classes themselves is included.

For the purposes of this class, three formats for referencing a particular property value of a bean are defined, with the layout of an identifying String in parentheses:

$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2001/09/17 20:13:29 $
Craig R. McClanahan, Ralph Schaer, Chris Audley

Field Summary
private static int debug
          Deprecated. The debugging detail level for this component.
private static FastHashMap descriptorsCache
          Deprecated. The cache of PropertyDescriptor arrays for beans we have already introspected, keyed by the fully qualified class name of this object.
static char INDEXED_DELIM
          Deprecated. The delimiter that preceeds the zero-relative subscript for an indexed reference.
static char INDEXED_DELIM2
          Deprecated. The delimiter that follows the zero-relative subscript for an indexed reference.
static char NESTED_DELIM
          Deprecated. The delimiter that separates the components of a nested reference.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
(package private) static void ()
static void copyProperties(java.lang.Object dest, java.lang.Object orig)
          Deprecated. Copy property values from the "origin" bean to the "destination" bean for all cases where the property names are the same (even though the actual getter and setter methods might have been customized via BeanInfo classes).
static java.util.Map describe(java.lang.Object bean)
          Deprecated. Return the entire set of properties for which the specified bean provides a read method.
private static java.lang.reflect.Method getAccessibleMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Deprecated. Return an accessible method (that is, one that can be invoked via reflection) that implements the specified Method.
private static java.lang.reflect.Method getAccessibleMethodFromInterfaceNest(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Class[] parameterTypes)
          Deprecated. Return an accessible method (that is, one that can be invoked via reflection) that implements the specified method, by scanning through all implemented interfaces and subinterfaces.
static int getDebug()
static java.lang.Object getIndexedProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Return the value of the specified indexed property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
static java.lang.Object getIndexedProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name, int index)
          Deprecated. Return the value of the specified indexed property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
static java.lang.Object getNestedProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Return the value of the (possibly nested) property of the specified name, for the specified bean, with no type conversions.
static java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Return the value of the specified property of the specified bean, no matter which property reference format is used, with no type conversions.
static java.beans.PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Retrieve the property descriptor for the specified property of the specified bean, or return null if there is no such descriptor.
static java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors(java.lang.Object bean)
          Deprecated. Retrieve the property descriptors for the specified bean, introspecting and caching them the first time a particular bean class is encountered.
static java.lang.Class getPropertyEditorClass(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Return the Java Class repesenting the property editor class that has been registered for this property (if any).
static java.lang.Class getPropertyType(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Return the Java Class representing the property type of the specified property, or null if there is no such property for the specified bean.
static java.lang.reflect.Method getReadMethod(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
          Deprecated. Return an accessible property getter method for this property, if there is one; otherwise return null.
static java.lang.Object getSimpleProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Return the value of the specified simple property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
static java.lang.reflect.Method getWriteMethod(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
          Deprecated. Return an accessible property setter method for this property, if there is one; otherwise return null.
static void setDebug(int newDebug)
static void setIndexedProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Deprecated. Set the value of the specified indexed property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
static void setIndexedProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Deprecated. Set the value of the specified indexed property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
static void setNestedProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Deprecated. Set the value of the (possibly nested) property of the specified name, for the specified bean, with no type conversions.
static void setProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Deprecated. Set the value of the specified property of the specified bean, no matter which property reference format is used, with no type conversions.
static void setSimpleProperty(java.lang.Object bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Deprecated. Set the value of the specified simple property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final char INDEXED_DELIM
The delimiter that preceeds the zero-relative subscript for an indexed reference.


public static final char INDEXED_DELIM2
The delimiter that follows the zero-relative subscript for an indexed reference.


public static final char NESTED_DELIM
The delimiter that separates the components of a nested reference.


private static int debug
The debugging detail level for this component.


private static FastHashMap descriptorsCache
The cache of PropertyDescriptor arrays for beans we have already introspected, keyed by the fully qualified class name of this object.
Constructor Detail


public PropertyUtils()
Method Detail


public static int getDebug()


public static void setDebug(int newDebug)

static void ()


public static void copyProperties(java.lang.Object dest,
                                  java.lang.Object orig)
                           throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Copy property values from the "origin" bean to the "destination" bean for all cases where the property names are the same (even though the actual getter and setter methods might have been customized via BeanInfo classes). No conversions are performed on the actual property values -- it is assumed that the values retrieved from the origin bean are assignment-compatible with the types expected by the destination bean.
dest - Destination bean whose properties are modified
orig - Origin bean whose properties are retrieved
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the dest or orig argument is null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.util.Map describe(java.lang.Object bean)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Return the entire set of properties for which the specified bean provides a read method. This map contains the unconverted property values for all properties for which a read method is provided (i.e. where the getReadMethod() returns non-null).
bean - Bean whose properties are to be extracted
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean is null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.lang.Object getIndexedProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                                  java.lang.String name)
                                           throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Return the value of the specified indexed property of the specified bean, with no type conversions. The zero-relative index of the required value must be included (in square brackets) as a suffix to the property name, or IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
bean - Bean whose property is to be extracted
name - propertyname[index] of the property value to be extracted
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.lang.Object getIndexedProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                                  java.lang.String name,
                                                  int index)
                                           throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Return the value of the specified indexed property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
bean - Bean whose property is to be extracted
name - Simple property name of the property value to be extracted
index - Index of the property value to be extracted
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.lang.Object getNestedProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                                 java.lang.String name)
                                          throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Return the value of the (possibly nested) property of the specified name, for the specified bean, with no type conversions.
bean - Bean whose property is to be extracted
name - Possibly nested name of the property to be extracted
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a nested reference to a property returns null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                           java.lang.String name)
                                    throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Return the value of the specified property of the specified bean, no matter which property reference format is used, with no type conversions.
bean - Bean whose property is to be extracted
name - Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property to be extracted
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.beans.PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(java.lang.Object bean,
                                                                  java.lang.String name)
                                                           throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Retrieve the property descriptor for the specified property of the specified bean, or return null if there is no such descriptor. This method resolves indexed and nested property references in the same manner as other methods in this class, except that if the last (or only) name element is indexed, the descriptor for the last resolved property itself is returned.
bean - Bean for which a property descriptor is requested
name - Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property for which a property descriptor is requested
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a nested reference to a property returns null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors(java.lang.Object bean)
Retrieve the property descriptors for the specified bean, introspecting and caching them the first time a particular bean class is encountered.
bean - Bean for which property descriptors are requested
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean is null


public static java.lang.Class getPropertyEditorClass(java.lang.Object bean,
                                                     java.lang.String name)
                                              throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Return the Java Class repesenting the property editor class that has been registered for this property (if any). This method follows the same name resolution rules used by getPropertyDescriptor(), so if the last element of a name reference is indexed, the property editor for the underlying property's class is returned.

Note that null will be returned if there is no property, or if there is no registered property editor class. Because this return value is ambiguous, you should determine the existence of the property itself by other means.

bean - Bean for which a property descriptor is requested
name - Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property for which a property descriptor is requested
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a nested reference to a property returns null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.lang.Class getPropertyType(java.lang.Object bean,
                                              java.lang.String name)
                                       throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Return the Java Class representing the property type of the specified property, or null if there is no such property for the specified bean. This method follows the same name resolution rules used by getPropertyDescriptor(), so if the last element of a name reference is indexed, the type of the property itself will be returned. If the last (or only) element has no property with the specified name, null is returned.
bean - Bean for which a property descriptor is requested
name - Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property for which a property descriptor is requested
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a nested reference to a property returns null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.lang.reflect.Method getReadMethod(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
Return an accessible property getter method for this property, if there is one; otherwise return null.
descriptor - Property descriptor to return a getter for


public static java.lang.Object getSimpleProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                                 java.lang.String name)
                                          throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Return the value of the specified simple property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
bean - Bean whose property is to be extracted
name - Name of the property to be extracted
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the property name is nested or indexed
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static java.lang.reflect.Method getWriteMethod(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
Return an accessible property setter method for this property, if there is one; otherwise return null.
descriptor - Property descriptor to return a setter for


public static void setIndexedProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                      java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.Object value)
                               throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Set the value of the specified indexed property of the specified bean, with no type conversions. The zero-relative index of the required value must be included (in square brackets) as a suffix to the property name, or IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
bean - Bean whose property is to be modified
name - propertyname[index] of the property value to be modified
value - Value to which the specified property element should be set
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static void setIndexedProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                      java.lang.String name,
                                      int index,
                                      java.lang.Object value)
                               throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Set the value of the specified indexed property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
bean - Bean whose property is to be set
name - Simple property name of the property value to be set
index - Index of the property value to be set
value - Value to which the indexed property element is to be set
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static void setNestedProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                     java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.Object value)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Set the value of the (possibly nested) property of the specified name, for the specified bean, with no type conversions.
bean - Bean whose property is to be modified
name - Possibly nested name of the property to be modified
value - Value to which the property is to be set
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a nested reference to a property returns null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static void setProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                               java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.Object value)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Set the value of the specified property of the specified bean, no matter which property reference format is used, with no type conversions.
bean - Bean whose property is to be modified
name - Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property to be modified
value - Value to which this property is to be set
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


public static void setSimpleProperty(java.lang.Object bean,
                                     java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.Object value)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Set the value of the specified simple property of the specified bean, with no type conversions.
bean - Bean whose property is to be modified
name - Name of the property to be modified
value - Value to which the property should be set
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the caller does not have access to the property accessor method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bean or name is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the property name is nested or indexed
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the property accessor method throws an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - if an accessor method for this propety cannot be found


private static java.lang.reflect.Method getAccessibleMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
Return an accessible method (that is, one that can be invoked via reflection) that implements the specified Method. If no such method can be found, return null.
method - The method that we wish to call


private static java.lang.reflect.Method getAccessibleMethodFromInterfaceNest(java.lang.Class clazz,
                                                                             java.lang.String methodName,
                                                                             java.lang.Class[] parameterTypes)
Return an accessible method (that is, one that can be invoked via reflection) that implements the specified method, by scanning through all implemented interfaces and subinterfaces. If no such Method can be found, return null.
clazz - Parent class for the interfaces to be checked
methodName - Method name of the method we wish to call
parameterTypes - The parameter type signatures

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