- f1 - Variable in class backtype.storm.testing.TestSerObject
- f2 - Variable in class backtype.storm.testing.TestSerObject
- Factory(TAsyncClientManager, TProtocolFactory) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.AsyncClient.Factory
- Factory() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.Client.Factory
- Factory(TAsyncClientManager, TProtocolFactory) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.Factory
- Factory() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Client.Factory
- Factory(TAsyncClientManager, TProtocolFactory) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.Factory
- Factory() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client.Factory
- factory() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ZookeeperServerCnxnFactory
- Factory(StateType, HBaseMapState.Options) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.state.HBaseMapState.Factory
- Factory(JedisClusterConfig, StateType, Options) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterMapState.Factory
- Factory(JedisClusterConfig) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterState.Factory
- Factory(JedisPoolConfig, StateType, Options) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisMapState.Factory
- Factory(JedisPoolConfig) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisState.Factory
- Factory(Map) - Constructor for class storm.starter.trident.TridentReach.StaticSingleKeyMapState.Factory
- Factory(int) - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.LRUMemoryMapState.Factory
- Factory() - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.MemoryMapState.Factory
- Factory(int...) - Constructor for class storm.trident.tuple.ComboList.Factory
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.clojure.ClojureSpout
- fail(Tuple) - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.BatchOutputCollectorImpl
- fail(Tuple) - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.CoordinatedBolt.CoordinatedOutputCollector
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.DRPCSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in interface backtype.storm.spout.ISpout
The tuple emitted by this spout with the msgId identifier has failed to be
fully processed.
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.ShellSpout
- fail(Tuple) - Method in interface backtype.storm.task.IOutputCollector
- fail(Tuple) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector
- fail(Object) - Method in interface backtype.storm.testing.AckFailDelegate
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.AckFailMapTracker
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.AckTracker
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FeederSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.SpoutTracker
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestEventLogSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestPlannerSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestWordSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.base.BaseRichSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalSpoutCoordinator
- fail(Object) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpout
- fail(String) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.IPartitionManager
- fail(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.PartitionManager
- fail(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.SimplePartitionManager
- fail(Object) - Method in class storm.kafka.KafkaSpout
- fail(Long) - Method in class storm.kafka.PartitionManager
- fail(Object) - Method in class storm.starter.spout.RandomSentenceSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class storm.starter.spout.TwitterSampleSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchTriggerer
- fail(Object) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.MasterBatchCoordinator
- fail(Tuple) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentBoltExecutor.CoordinatedOutputCollector
- failed(Long) - Method in class storm.kafka.ExponentialBackoffMsgRetryManager
- failed(Long) - Method in interface storm.kafka.FailedMsgRetryManager
- FailedException - Exception in backtype.storm.topology
- FailedException() - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.topology.FailedException
- FailedException(String) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.topology.FailedException
- FailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.topology.FailedException
- FailedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.topology.FailedException
- FailedFetchException - Exception in storm.kafka
- FailedFetchException(String) - Constructor for exception storm.kafka.FailedFetchException
- FailedFetchException(Exception) - Constructor for exception storm.kafka.FailedFetchException
- FailedMsgRetryManager - Interface in storm.kafka
- failingTaskId - Variable in class backtype.storm.hooks.info.BoltFailInfo
- failLatencyMs - Variable in class backtype.storm.hooks.info.BoltFailInfo
- failLatencyMs - Variable in class backtype.storm.hooks.info.SpoutFailInfo
- failRequest(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.DRPCInvocationsClient
- failRequest(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient
- failRequest(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncIface
- failRequest() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.failRequest
- failRequest(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Client
- failRequest(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface
- failRequest() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.failRequest
- failRequest_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- failRequest_args(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- failRequest_args(DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- failRequest_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.failRequest_call
- failRequest_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- failRequest_result(AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- failRequest_result(DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- Failure(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveWriter.Failure
- failVersion(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionedStore
- family() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hbase.common.IColumn
- family() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ICounter
- feed(List<Object>) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FeederSpout
- feed(List<Object>, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FeederSpout
- feed(Object) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout
- feed(Object) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederCommitterBatchSpout
- feed(Object) - Method in interface storm.trident.testing.IFeeder
- FeederBatchSpout - Class in storm.trident.testing
- FeederBatchSpout(List<String>) - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout
- FeederBatchSpout.FeederCoordinator - Class in storm.trident.testing
- FeederBatchSpout.FeederEmitter - Class in storm.trident.testing
- FeederCommitterBatchSpout - Class in storm.trident.testing
- FeederCommitterBatchSpout(List<String>) - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.FeederCommitterBatchSpout
- FeederCoordinator(int) - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout.FeederCoordinator
- FeederEmitter(int) - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout.FeederEmitter
- FeederSpout - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- FeederSpout(Fields) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.FeederSpout
- fetchMaxWait - Variable in class storm.kafka.KafkaConfig
- fetchMessages(KafkaConfig, SimpleConsumer, Partition, long) - Static method in class storm.kafka.KafkaUtils
- fetchRequest(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.DRPCInvocationsClient
- fetchRequest(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient
- fetchRequest(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncIface
- fetchRequest() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.fetchRequest
- fetchRequest(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Client
- fetchRequest(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface
- fetchRequest() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.fetchRequest
- fetchRequest_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- fetchRequest_args(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- fetchRequest_args(DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- fetchRequest_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.fetchRequest_call
- fetchRequest_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- fetchRequest_result(DRPCRequest, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- fetchRequest_result(DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- fetchSizeBytes - Variable in class storm.kafka.KafkaConfig
- field - Variable in class storm.trident.tuple.ValuePointer
- FieldConstants - Class in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
- FieldConstants() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.FieldConstants
- fieldForId(int) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- fieldForId(int) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- fieldForId(int) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- fieldForId(int) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- fieldIndex(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.Fields
Returns the position of the specified field.
- fieldIndex(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the position of the specified field in this tuple.
- fieldIndex(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- fieldIndex(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper<K,V> - Class in storm.kafka.bolt.mapper
- FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper() - Constructor for class storm.kafka.bolt.mapper.FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper
- FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper(String, String) - Constructor for class storm.kafka.bolt.mapper.FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper
- FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper<K,V> - Class in storm.kafka.trident.mapper
- FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper(String, String) - Constructor for class storm.kafka.trident.mapper.FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper
- fields(List<String>) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- Fields - Class in backtype.storm.tuple
- Fields(String...) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.tuple.Fields
- Fields(List<String>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.tuple.Fields
- fieldsConcat(Fields...) - Static method in class storm.trident.util.TridentUtils
- fieldsGrouping(Fields) - Method in interface backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCInputDeclarer
- fieldsGrouping(String, Fields) - Method in interface backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCInputDeclarer
- fieldsGrouping(String, Fields) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
The stream is partitioned by the fields specified in the grouping.
- fieldsGrouping(String, String, Fields) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
The stream is partitioned by the fields specified in the grouping.
- fieldsGrouping(String, Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- fieldsGrouping(String, String, Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- fieldsSubtract(Fields, Fields) - Static method in class storm.trident.util.TridentUtils
- fieldsUnion(Fields...) - Static method in class storm.trident.util.TridentUtils
- fileNameFormat - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.AbstractHdfsBolt
- FileNameFormat - Interface in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format
Formatter interface for determining HDFS file names.
- FileNameFormat - Interface in org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format
Formatter interface for determining HDFS file names.
- fileNameFormat - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.HdfsState.Options
- FileRotationPolicy - Interface in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation
Used by the HdfsBolt to decide when to rotate files.
- FileRotationPolicy - Interface in org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation
Used by the HdfsBolt to decide when to rotate files.
- FileSizeRotationPolicy - Class in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation
File rotation policy that will rotate files when a certain
file size is reached.
- FileSizeRotationPolicy(float, FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.FileSizeRotationPolicy
- FileSizeRotationPolicy - Class in org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation
File rotation policy that will rotate files when a certain
file size is reached.
- FileSizeRotationPolicy(float, FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.FileSizeRotationPolicy
- FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units - Enum in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation
- FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units - Enum in org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation
- Filter - Interface in storm.trident.operation
- FilterExecutor - Class in storm.trident.operation.impl
- FilterExecutor(Filter) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.impl.FilterExecutor
- FilterNull - Class in storm.trident.operation.builtin
- FilterNull() - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.builtin.FilterNull
- findAndReadConfigFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- findAndReadConfigFile(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Assignment._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Bolt._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Credentials._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Grouping._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormBase._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Assignment._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Bolt._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Credentials._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Grouping._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormBase._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Assignment._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Bolt._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Credentials._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Grouping._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormBase._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByValue(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NumErrorsChoice
Find a the enum type by its integer value, as defined in the Thrift IDL.
- findByValue(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInitialStatus
Find a the enum type by its integer value, as defined in the Thrift IDL.
- findByValue(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyStatus
Find a the enum type by its integer value, as defined in the Thrift IDL.
- findResources(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- finishBatch() - Method in interface backtype.storm.coordination.IBatchBolt
- finishBatch() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.BatchNumberList
- finishBatch() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CountingBatchBolt
- finishBatch() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CountingCommitBolt
- finishBatch() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.KeyedCountingBatchBolt
- finishBatch() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.KeyedSummingBatchBolt
- finishBatch() - Method in class storm.starter.ReachTopology.CountAggregator
- finishBatch() - Method in class storm.starter.ReachTopology.PartialUniquer
- finishBatch() - Method in class storm.starter.TransactionalGlobalCount.BatchCount
- finishBatch() - Method in class storm.starter.TransactionalGlobalCount.UpdateGlobalCount
- finishBatch() - Method in class storm.starter.TransactionalWords.BucketCountUpdater
- finishBatch() - Method in class storm.starter.TransactionalWords.KeyedCountUpdater
- finishBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.AggregateProcessor
- finishBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.EachProcessor
- finishBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.MultiReducerProcessor
- finishBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.PartitionPersistProcessor
- finishBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.ProjectedProcessor
- finishBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.StateQueryProcessor
- finishBatch(BatchInfo) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.SubtopologyBolt
- finishBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.planner.TridentProcessor
- finishBatch(BatchInfo) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.TridentSpoutExecutor
- finishBatch(BatchInfo) - Method in interface storm.trident.topology.ITridentBatchBolt
- finishedId(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.clojure.ClojureBolt
- finishedId(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.BatchBoltExecutor
- finishedId(Object) - Method in interface backtype.storm.coordination.CoordinatedBolt.FinishedCallback
- finishedId(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.KeyedFairBolt
- finishFileUpload(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- finishFileUpload(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- finishFileUpload() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.finishFileUpload
- finishFileUpload(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- finishFileUpload(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
- finishFileUpload() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.finishFileUpload
- finishFileUpload_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- finishFileUpload_args(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- finishFileUpload_args(Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- finishFileUpload_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.finishFileUpload_call
- finishFileUpload_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- finishFileUpload_result(AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- finishFileUpload_result(Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- FirstN - Class in storm.trident.operation.builtin
- FirstN(int, String) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.builtin.FirstN
- FirstN(int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.builtin.FirstN
- FirstN.FirstNAgg - Class in storm.trident.operation.builtin
- FirstN.FirstNSortedAgg - Class in storm.trident.operation.builtin
- FirstNAgg(int) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.builtin.FirstN.FirstNAgg
- FirstNSortedAgg(int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.builtin.FirstN.FirstNSortedAgg
- FixedBatchSpout - Class in storm.trident.testing
- FixedBatchSpout(Fields, int, List<Object>...) - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.FixedBatchSpout
- FixedTuple - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- FixedTuple(List<Object>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTuple
- FixedTuple(String, List<Object>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTuple
- FixedTupleSpout - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- FixedTupleSpout(List) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- FixedTupleSpout(List, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- flush(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveWriter
Commits the current Txn.
- Flux - Class in org.apache.storm.flux
Flux entry point.
- Flux() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.Flux
- FluxBuilder - Class in org.apache.storm.flux
- FluxBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.FluxBuilder
- FluxParser - Class in org.apache.storm.flux.parser
- FluxShellBolt - Class in org.apache.storm.flux.wrappers.bolts
A generic `ShellBolt` implementation that allows you specify output fields
without having to subclass `ShellBolt` to do so.
- FluxShellBolt(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.wrappers.bolts.FluxShellBolt
Create a ShellBolt with command line arguments and output fields
- FluxShellSpout - Class in org.apache.storm.flux.wrappers.spouts
A generic `ShellSpout` implementation that allows you specify output fields
without having to subclass `ShellSpout` to do so.
- FluxShellSpout(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.wrappers.spouts.FluxShellSpout
Create a ShellSpout with command line arguments and output fields
- FOLLOWERS_DB - Static variable in class storm.starter.ReachTopology
- FOLLOWERS_DB - Static variable in class storm.starter.trident.TridentReach
- format(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.DelimitedRecordFormat
- format(Tuple) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.RecordFormat
- format(TridentTuple) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.DelimitedRecordFormat
- format(TridentTuple) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.RecordFormat
- format - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.HdfsState.HdfsFileOptions
- forPath(PathAndBytesable<String>, String, byte[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.transactional.state.TransactionalState
- forPath(PathAndBytesable<String>, String, byte[]) - Static method in class storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState
- ForwardingMetricsConsumer - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- ForwardingMetricsConsumer() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.ForwardingMetricsConsumer
- free(WorkerSlot, Cluster, boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
Frees a single slot in this node
- FREE_NODE_COMPARATOR_DEC - Static variable in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
Used to sort a list of nodes so the node with the most free slots comes
- freeAllSlots(Cluster) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
Free all slots on this node.
- FREEBSD - Static variable in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
- FreePool - Class in backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant
All of the machines that currently have nothing assigned to them
- FreePool() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.FreePool
- freeSlot(WorkerSlot) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Free the specified slot.
- freeSlots(Collection<WorkerSlot>) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
free the slots.
- freeTopology(String, Cluster) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
Frees all the slots for a topology.
- FreshCollector - Class in storm.trident.planner.processor
- FreshCollector(TridentContext) - Constructor for class storm.trident.planner.processor.FreshCollector
- FreshOutputFactory(Fields) - Constructor for class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.FreshOutputFactory
- from(Tuple) - Static method in class storm.starter.tools.RankableObjectWithFields
Construct a new instance based on the provided
- fromCompressedJsonConf(byte[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg.ShellLogLevel
- fromString(String) - Static method in class storm.kafka.Broker
- fs - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.AbstractHdfsBolt
- fs - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.HdfsState.Options
- fsUrl - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.AbstractHdfsBolt
- fsUrl - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.HdfsState.Options
- Function - Interface in storm.trident.operation
- FUNCTION_KEY - Static variable in class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.DRPCSimpleACLAuthorizer
- FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.DRPCAuthorizerBase
A key name for the function requested to be executed by a user.
- fv(Class, boolean) - Static method in class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation
Returns a new NestableFieldValidator for a given class.
- GeneralTopologyContext - Class in backtype.storm.task
- GeneralTopologyContext(StormTopology, Map, Map<Integer, String>, Map<String, List<Integer>>, Map<String, Map<String, Fields>>, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
- generateId(Random) - Static method in class backtype.storm.tuple.MessageId
- generateTuples(KafkaConfig, Message) - Static method in class storm.kafka.KafkaUtils
- get(Configuration, String, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
- get(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.Fields
- get(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- get(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- get(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.LocalState
- get() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableInt
- get() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableLong
- get(K) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.RotatingMap
- get(K) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.TimeCacheMap
- get(Map<S, T>, S, T) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- get() - Method in class storm.trident.state.map.SnapshottableMap
- get(Long) - Method in class storm.trident.state.OpaqueValue
- get() - Method in interface storm.trident.state.snapshot.ReadOnlySnapshottable
- get() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.LRUMemoryMapState
- get() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.MemoryMapState
- get(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.ComboList
- get(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.ConsList
- get(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- get_acked() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_acked() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- get_acked_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_acked_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- get_all() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- get_approved_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
- get_approved_workers_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
- get_args_list() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- get_args_list_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- get_args_list_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- get_assignment_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_assignments() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
- get_assignments_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
- get_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- get_binary_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- get_bits() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- get_bolt() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- get_bolt_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- get_bolts() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- get_bolts_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- get_bool_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- get_chunk() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- get_common() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- get_common() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- get_common() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- get_complete_ms_avg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- get_complete_ms_avg_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- get_component_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_component_executors_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_component_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- get_componentId() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- get_creds() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
- get_creds() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- get_creds() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- get_creds_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
- get_custom_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- get_custom_serialized() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- get_direct() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- get_double_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- get_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- get_emitted() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- get_emitted_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- get_error() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- get_error_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- get_errors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_errors_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_execute_ms_avg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_execute_ms_avg_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_executed() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_executed_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_execution_command() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- get_executor_info() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- get_executor_node_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- get_executor_node_port_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- get_executor_start_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- get_executor_start_time_secs_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- get_executor_stats() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- get_executor_stats_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- get_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- get_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- get_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_executors_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- get_executors_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- get_executors_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_executors_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- get_executors_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- get_executors_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_failed() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_failed() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- get_failed_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_failed_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- get_fields() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- get_file() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
- get_full_class_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- get_func_args() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- get_funcArgs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- get_functionName() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- get_functionName() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- get_host() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- get_host() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- get_host() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- get_hostname() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_initial_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- get_inputs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- get_inputs_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- get_int_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- get_ite() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- get_ite() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- get_ite() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- get_ite() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- get_java_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- get_json_conf() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- get_jsonConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- get_jsonConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- get_kill_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- get_launch_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_local_or_shuffle() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- get_location() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- get_location() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- get_long_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- get_master_code_dir() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- get_meta() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_meta_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_meta_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
- get_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
- get_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
- get_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- get_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_nimbus_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- get_node() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- get_node_host() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- get_node_host_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- get_none() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- get_num_err_choice() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
- get_num_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- get_num_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_num_executors_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- get_num_tasks() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_num_used_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- get_num_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- get_num_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_num_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- get_num_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- get_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- get_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- get_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- get_output_fields() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- get_output_fields_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- get_output_fields_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- get_owner() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_owner() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_owner() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_parallelism_hint() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- get_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- get_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- get_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- get_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- get_port_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- get_port_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- get_prev_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_process_ms_avg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_process_ms_avg_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- get_rate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- get_rebalance_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- get_request_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- get_result() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- get_sched_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_sched_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_scheduler_meta() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_scheduler_meta_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_script() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- get_serialized_java() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- get_serialized_parts() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
- get_serialized_parts_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
- get_shell() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- get_shuffle() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- get_specific() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- get_spout() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- get_spout_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- get_spouts() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- get_spouts_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- get_state_spout_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- get_state_spouts() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- get_state_spouts_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- get_stats() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- get_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_storm_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- get_streamId() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- get_streams() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- get_streams_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- get_string_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- get_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- get_supervisor_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
- get_supervisor_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- get_supervisors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- get_supervisors_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- get_supervisors_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- get_task_end() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- get_task_start() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- get_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- get_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- get_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_topologies() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- get_topologies_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- get_topologies_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- get_topology() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- get_topology() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- get_topology_action_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- get_topology_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- get_topology_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- get_transferred() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- get_transferred_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- get_uploadedJarLocation() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- get_uploadedJarLocation() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- get_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- get_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- get_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- get_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- get_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- get_used_ports() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_used_ports_iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_used_ports_size() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_version() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- get_version() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- get_wait_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
- get_wait_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- getAckVal() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getAdditionalKey() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.mapper.RedisDataTypeDescription
Returns defined additional key.
- getAllGroups() - Method in class storm.trident.graph.GraphGrouper
- getAllNodesFrom(Cluster) - Static method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
- getAllPorts() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails
- getAllVersions() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionedStore
Sorted from most recent to oldest
- getAnchors() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getAnchors() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.MessageId
- getAnchorsToIds() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.MessageId
- getAndClearResults() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TupleCaptureBolt
- getAndRemoveResults() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TupleCaptureBolt
- getArgs() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ConfigMethodDef
- getArgs() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- getAssignablePorts(SupervisorDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- getAssignableSlots(SupervisorDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- getAssignableSlots() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- getAssignedNumWorkers(TopologyDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Gets the number of workers assigned to this topology.
- getAssignmentById(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
get the current assignment for the topology.
- getAssignmentId() - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.ISupervisor
The id used in assignments.
- getAssignments() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Get all the assignments.
- getAsyncClient(TNonblockingTransport) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.AsyncClient.Factory
- getAsyncClient(TNonblockingTransport) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.Factory
- getAsyncClient(TNonblockingTransport) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.Factory
- getAttemptId() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionAttempt
- getAttemptId() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IBatchID
- getAttemptId() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchId
- getAttemptId() - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TransactionAttempt
- getAutoCreatePartitions() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- GetAutoCredentials(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Get all of the configured AutoCredential Plugins.
- getAvailablePorts(SupervisorDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Return the available ports of this supervisor.
- getAvailableSlots(SupervisorDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Return all the available slots on this supervisor.
- getAvailableSlots() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Gets all the available slots in the cluster.
- getBatchSize() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getBinary(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the byte array at position i in the tuple.
- getBinary(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getBinary(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getBinaryByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getBinaryByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getBinaryByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getBlacklistedHosts() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- getBolt(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ExecutionContext
- getBoltDef(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getBolts() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getBoolean(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the Boolean at position i in the tuple.
- getBoolean(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getBoolean(Object, boolean) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- getBoolean(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getBooleanByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getBooleanByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getBooleanByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getBranch() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- getBrokerFor(Integer) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.GlobalPartitionInformation
- getBrokerInfo() - Method in class storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader
Get all partitions with their current leaders
- getBuildVersion() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- getById(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Topologies
- getByName(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Topologies
- getByte(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the Byte at position i in the tuple.
- getByte(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getByte(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getByteByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getByteByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getByteByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getByteCount() - Method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units
- getByteCount() - Method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units
- getCallTimeOut() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getCheckpointIntervalInSeconds() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getChildren(DirectedGraph, T) - Static method in class storm.trident.util.TridentUtils
- getClassName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ObjectDef
- getCleanupState() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- getClient() - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.DRPCInvocationsClient
- getClient(TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.Client.Factory
- getClient(TProtocol, TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.Client.Factory
- getClient(TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Client.Factory
- getClient(TProtocol, TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Client.Factory
- getClient(TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client.Factory
- getClient(TProtocol, TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client.Factory
- getClient() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.DRPCClient
- getClient() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient
- getClusterInfo(AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- getClusterInfo(AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- getClusterInfo() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getClusterInfo
- getClusterInfo() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- getClusterInfo() - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
- getClusterInfo() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getClusterInfo
- getClusterInfo() - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalCluster
- getClusterInfo_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args
- getClusterInfo_args(Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getClusterInfo_call(AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getClusterInfo_call
- getClusterInfo_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- getClusterInfo_result(ClusterSummary, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- getClusterInfo_result(Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getCodeDir() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.WorkerTopologyContext
Gets the location of the external resources for this worker on the
local filesystem.
- getColumnFamilies() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.bolt.mapper.HBaseProjectionCriteria
- getColumnFamily() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.bolt.mapper.HBaseProjectionCriteria.ColumnMetaData
- getColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.Column
- getColumns() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.bolt.mapper.HBaseProjectionCriteria
- getColumns() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ColumnList
Get the list of column definitions.
- getColumns(ITuple) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.jdbc.mapper.JdbcMapper
- getColumns(ITuple) - Method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.mapper.SimpleJdbcMapper
- getColumnSchema(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.JdbcClient
- getCommand() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getCommand() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.SpoutMsg
- getComp() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- getCompleted() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- getCompletedOffset() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.PartitionManager
- getCompletedOffset() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.SimplePartitionManager
- getComponent() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkTupleParam
- getComponent(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ExecutionContext
- getComponent(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getComponentCommon(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
- getComponentCommon(StormTopology, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.ThriftTopologyUtils
- getComponentCommon(StormTopology, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.clojure.ClojureBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.clojure.ClojureSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.clojure.RichShellBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.clojure.RichShellSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.BatchBoltExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.CoordinatedBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.KeyedFairBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.BoltTracker
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FeederSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MemoryTransactionalSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.OpaqueMemoryTransactionalSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.PythonShellMetricsBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.PythonShellMetricsSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestConfBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestPlannerSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestWordSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TupleCaptureBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.base.BaseComponent
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.BasicBoltExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.IComponent
Declare configuration specific to this component.
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.OpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.PartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalSpoutBatchExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalSpoutCoordinator
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.OpaqueTridentEventHubSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.TransactionalTridentEventHubSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.examples.WordCounter
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.wrappers.bolts.FluxShellBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.wrappers.spouts.FluxShellSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.TransactionalTridentKafkaSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.starter.bolt.AbstractRankerBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.starter.bolt.RollingCountBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.starter.spout.TwitterSampleSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.starter.WordCountTopology.SplitSentence
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.starter.WordCountTopologyNode.RandomSentence
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.starter.WordCountTopologyNode.SplitSentence
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.SubtopologyBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.BatchSpoutExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IBatchSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IPartitionedTridentSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ITridentSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.PartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchTriggerer
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.TridentSpoutCoordinator
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.TridentSpoutExecutor
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederCommitterBatchSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FixedBatchSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.topology.MasterBatchCoordinator
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentBoltExecutor
- getComponentId(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets the component id for the specified task id.
- getComponentIds() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets a list of all component ids in this topology
- getComponentIds(StormTopology) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.ThriftTopologyUtils
- getComponentName() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- getComponentOutputFields(String, String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets the declared output fields for the specified component/stream.
- getComponentOutputFields(GlobalStreamId) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets the declared output fields for the specified global stream id.
- getComponents() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getComponentStreams(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets the set of streams declared for the specified component.
- getComponentTasks(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets the task ids allocated for the given component id.
- getConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails
- getConfig() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getConfigMethods() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ObjectDef
- GetConfiguration(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Construct a JAAS configuration object per storm configuration file
- getConfiguredClient(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient
- getConfiguredClientAs(Map, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient
- getConnection() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.ConnectionProvider
- getConnection() - Method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.HikariCPConnectionProvider
- getConnection(Partition) - Method in class storm.kafka.DynamicPartitionConnections
- getConnectionString() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.bolt.EventHubBoltConfig
- getConnectionString() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getConstructorArgs() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ObjectDef
- getConsumer(int) - Method in class storm.kafka.StaticPartitionConnections
- getConsumerGroupName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MemoryTransactionalSpout
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.OpaqueMemoryTransactionalSpout
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.ITransactionalSpout
The coordinator for a TransactionalSpout runs in a single thread and indicates when batches
of tuples should be emitted and when transactions should commit.
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.IPartitionedTransactionalSpout
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.OpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.PartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.OpaqueTridentEventHubSpout
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.TransactionalTridentEventHubSpout
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.TransactionalTridentKafkaSpout
- getCoordinator(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.BatchSpoutExecutor
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout
- getCoordinator(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IPartitionedTridentSpout
- getCoordinator(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ITridentSpout
The coordinator for a TransactionalSpout runs in a single thread and indicates when batches
of tuples should be emitted and when transactions should commit.
- getCoordinator(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getCoordinator(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.PartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getCoordinator(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchExecutor
- getCoordinator(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout
- getCoordinator(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederCommitterBatchSpout
- getCount() - Method in interface storm.starter.tools.Rankable
- getCount() - Method in class storm.starter.tools.RankableObjectWithFields
- getCount(T, int) - Method in class storm.starter.tools.SlotBasedCounter
- getCounters() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ColumnList
Get the list of counter definitions.
- getCounts() - Method in class storm.starter.tools.SlotBasedCounter
- getCountsThenAdvanceWindow() - Method in class storm.starter.tools.SlidingWindowCounter
Return the current (total) counts of all tracked objects, then advance the window.
- getCredentialKey() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.security.AutoHBase
- getCredentialKey() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.common.security.AutoHDFS
- GetCredentialRenewers(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Get all of the configured Credential Renwer Plugins.
- getCredentials(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.security.AutoHBase
- getCredentials(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.common.security.AutoHDFS
- getCurator() - Method in class storm.kafka.ZkState
- getCurr() - Method in class storm.trident.state.OpaqueValue
- getCurrentBrokers() - Method in interface storm.kafka.trident.IBrokerReader
- getCurrentBrokers() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.StaticBrokerReader
- getCurrentBrokers() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.ZkBrokerReader
- getCurrTxid() - Method in class storm.trident.state.OpaqueValue
- getCustomClass() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- getDaemonConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkClusterParam
- getData() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MockedSources
- getData(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.state.TransactionalState
- getData(String) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState
- getDatabase() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig
Returns database index.
- getDatabaseName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getDataType() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.mapper.RedisDataTypeDescription
Returns defined data type.
- getDataTypeDescription() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.redis.common.mapper.RedisMapper
Returns descriptor which defines data type.
- getDate() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- getDefaultSerializer(Class) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.DefaultKryoFactory.KryoSerializableDefault
- getDefaultSubject() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin
- getDefaultSubject() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.SingleUserSimpleTransport
- getDelegate() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- getDelegateCollector() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.TridentContext
- getDouble(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the Double at position i in the tuple.
- getDouble(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getDouble(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getDoubleByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getDoubleByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getDoubleByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- GetDrpcHttpCredentialsPlugin(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Construct an HttpServletRequest credential plugin specified by the DRPC
storm configuration
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MemoryTransactionalSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.OpaqueMemoryTransactionalSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.ICommitterTransactionalSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.ITransactionalSpout
The emitter for a TransactionalSpout runs as many tasks across the cluster.
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.IPartitionedTransactionalSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.OpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.PartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.OpaqueTridentEventHubSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.TransactionalTridentEventHubSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.TransactionalTridentKafkaSpout
- getEmitter(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.BatchSpoutExecutor
- getEmitter(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ICommitterTridentSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout
- getEmitter(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IPartitionedTridentSpout
- getEmitter(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ITridentSpout
The emitter for a TransactionalSpout runs as many tasks across the cluster.
- getEmitter(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getEmitter(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.PartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getEmitter(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchExecutor
- getEmitter(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout
- getEmitter(String, Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederCommitterBatchSpout
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.AsyncProcessor.execute
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.Processor.execute
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.failRequest
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.fetchRequest
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.result
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.failRequest
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.fetchRequest
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.result
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.activate
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileDownload
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileUpload
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.deactivate
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.downloadChunk
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.finishFileUpload
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getClusterInfo
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getNimbusConf
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopology
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyConf
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfo
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getUserTopology
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopology
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopologyWithOpts
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.rebalance
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopology
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadChunk
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadNewCredentials
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.activate
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.beginFileDownload
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.beginFileUpload
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.deactivate
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.downloadChunk
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.finishFileUpload
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getClusterInfo
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getNimbusConf
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopology
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyConf
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfo
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getUserTopology
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.killTopology
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.killTopologyWithOpts
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.rebalance
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.submitTopology
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.uploadChunk
- getEmptyArgsInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.uploadNewCredentials
- getEndTask() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails
- getEnqueueTimeFilter() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getEntityPath() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.bolt.EventHubBoltConfig
- getEntityPath() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getError(int) - Static method in enum storm.kafka.KafkaError
- getErrorsString() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- getEventDataFormat() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.bolt.EventHubBoltConfig
- getEventDataScheme() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getExecString() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
return an array containing the command name and its parameters
- getExecString() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.ShellCommandExecutor
- getExecuteSampleStartTime() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getExecutorData(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
- getExecutors() - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment
Return the executors covered by this assignments
- getExecutors() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignmentImpl
Return the executors covered by this assignments
- getExecutors() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails
- getExecutorToComponent() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails
- getExecutorToSlot() - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment
get the executor -> slot map.
- getExecutorToSlot() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignmentImpl
- getExitCode() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- getExitCode() - Method in exception backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.ExitCodeException
- getFamily() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ColumnList.AbstractColumn
- getFieldDesc(ComponentObject._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- getFieldDesc(ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- getFieldDesc(Grouping._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- getFieldDesc(JavaObjectArg._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- getFieldDesc(TopologyActionOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- getFieldIndex() - Method in interface storm.trident.tuple.TridentTuple.Factory
- getFieldIndex() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.FreshOutputFactory
- getFieldIndex() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.OperationOutputFactory
- getFieldIndex() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.ProjectionFactory
- getFieldIndex() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.RootFactory
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Assignment._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Bolt._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Credentials._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Grouping._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormBase._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary._Fields
- getFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkTupleParam
- getFields() - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Gets the names of the fields in this tuple.
- getFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getFields() - Method in class storm.starter.tools.RankableObjectWithFields
- getFields() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getFieldsDeclaration() - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsGetter
- getFieldValue(AlreadyAliveException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
- getFieldValue(Assignment._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- getFieldValue(AuthorizationException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
- getFieldValue(Bolt._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- getFieldValue(BoltStats._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- getFieldValue(ClusterSummary._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- getFieldValue(ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- getFieldValue(ComponentCommon._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- getFieldValue(Credentials._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
- getFieldValue(DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- getFieldValue(DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- getFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- getFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- getFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- getFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- getFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- getFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
- getFieldValue(DRPCExecutionException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
- getFieldValue(DRPCRequest._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- getFieldValue(ErrorInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- getFieldValue(ExecutorInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- getFieldValue(ExecutorStats._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- getFieldValue(ExecutorSummary._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- getFieldValue(GetInfoOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
- getFieldValue(GlobalStreamId._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- getFieldValue(InvalidTopologyException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- getFieldValue(JavaObject._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- getFieldValue(KillOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
- getFieldValue(LocalAssignment._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- getFieldValue(LocalStateData._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
- getFieldValue(LSApprovedWorkers._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
- getFieldValue(LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
- getFieldValue(LSSupervisorId._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
- getFieldValue(LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.activate_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.activate_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- getFieldValue(Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- getFieldValue(NodeInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- getFieldValue(NotAliveException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- getFieldValue(NullStruct._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct
- getFieldValue(RebalanceOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- getFieldValue(ShellComponent._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- getFieldValue(SpoutSpec._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- getFieldValue(SpoutStats._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- getFieldValue(StateSpoutSpec._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- getFieldValue(StormBase._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- getFieldValue(StormTopology._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- getFieldValue(StreamInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- getFieldValue(SubmitOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- getFieldValue(SupervisorInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- getFieldValue(SupervisorSummary._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- getFieldValue(ThriftSerializedObject._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- getFieldValue(TopologyInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- getFieldValue(TopologySummary._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- getFile() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.IncludeDef
- getFloat(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the Float at position i in the tuple.
- getFloat(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getFloat(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getFloatByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getFloatByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getFloatByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- GetFollowers() - Constructor for class storm.starter.ReachTopology.GetFollowers
- getForcedScheduler() - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.INimbus
- getFrom() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- getGlobalStreamId() - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.CoordinatedBolt.IdStreamSpec
- getGroupFields() - Method in class storm.trident.fluent.GroupedStream
- getGrouping() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- GetGroupMappingServiceProviderPlugin(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Construct a group mapping service provider plugin
- getGroups(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.security.auth.IGroupMappingServiceProvider
Get all various group memberships of a given user.
- getGroups(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ShellBasedGroupsMapping
Returns list of groups for a user
- getGroupsCommand() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
a Unix command to get the current user's groups list
- getGroupsForUserCommand(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
a Unix command to get a given user's groups list.
- getHadoopCredentials(Map) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.security.AutoHBase
- getHadoopCredentials(Map) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.common.security.AutoHDFS
- getHeartBeatInterval() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getHooks() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
- getHost() - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.DRPCInvocationsClient
- getHost(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- getHost() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails
- getHost() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.DRPCClient
- getHost() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig
Returns host.
- getHostName(Map<String, SupervisorDetails>, String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.INimbus
- getId() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- getId() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getId() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.SpoutMsg
- getId() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
- getId() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails
- getId() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails
- getId() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.Partition
- getId() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.BeanDef
- getId() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.BeanReference
- getId() - Method in class storm.kafka.Partition
- getId() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IBatchID
- getId() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ISpoutPartition
This is used as a Zookeeper node path for storing metadata.
- getId() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchId
- getId() - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TransactionAttempt
- getIdleTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getIncludes() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getIncrement() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ColumnList.Counter
- GetInfoOptions - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- GetInfoOptions() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
- GetInfoOptions(GetInfoOptions) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
Performs a deep copy on other.
- GetInfoOptions._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- getInstance() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.bolt.AbstractRedisBolt
Borrow JedisCommands instance from container.
- getInstance() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.container.JedisClusterContainer
Borrows instance from container.
- getInstance() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.redis.common.container.JedisCommandsInstanceContainer
Borrows instance from container.
- getInstance() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.container.JedisContainer
Borrows instance from container.
- getInt(Object) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- getInt(Object, Integer) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- getInteger(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the Integer at position i in the tuple.
- getInteger(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getInteger(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getIntegerByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getIntegerByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getIntegerByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getInterval() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.TimedRotationPolicy
- getInterval() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.TimedRotationPolicy
- getJavaType(int) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.Util
- getJedis() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisState
Borrows Jedis instance from pool.
- getJedisCluster() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterState
Borrows JedisCluster instance.
- getKerberosKeytab() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getKerberosPrincipal() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getKerbTicketClient() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.AutoTGTKrb5LoginModule
- getKerbTicketClient() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.AutoTGTKrb5LoginModuleTest
- getKerbTicketFromCache() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.AutoTGTKrb5LoginModule
- getKerbTicketFromCache() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.AutoTGTKrb5LoginModuleTest
- getKeyFactory() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.AbstractRedisMapState
Returns KeyFactory which is used for converting state key -> Redis key.
- getKeyFactory() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterMapState
Returns KeyFactory which is used for converting state key -> Redis key.
- getKeyFactory() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisMapState
Returns KeyFactory which is used for converting state key -> Redis key.
- getKeyFromTuple(ITuple) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.redis.common.mapper.TupleMapper
Extracts key from tuple.
- getKeyFromTuple(Tuple) - Method in class storm.kafka.bolt.mapper.FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper
- getKeyFromTuple(Tuple) - Method in interface storm.kafka.bolt.mapper.TupleToKafkaMapper
- getKeyFromTuple(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.mapper.FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper
- getKeyFromTuple(TridentTuple) - Method in interface storm.kafka.trident.mapper.TridentTupleToKafkaMapper
- getKryo(Map) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.DefaultKryoFactory
- getKryo(Map) - Method in interface backtype.storm.serialization.IKryoFactory
- getKryo(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.serialization.SerializationFactory
- getLastState() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.state.RotatingTransactionalState
- getLastState() - Method in class storm.trident.topology.state.RotatingTransactionalState
- getLastUsed() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveWriter
- getLogLevel() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getLong(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the Long at position i in the tuple.
- getLong(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getLong(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getLongByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getLongByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getLongByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getManagedSpoutIds() - Method in class storm.trident.topology.MasterBatchCoordinator
- getManager(Partition) - Method in interface storm.kafka.PartitionCoordinator
- getManager(Partition) - Method in class storm.kafka.StaticCoordinator
- getManager(Partition) - Method in class storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator
- getMap() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getMap() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- getMapper() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getMasterDeclarer() - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.BatchSubtopologyBuilder
- getMaxBufferSize(Map) - Method in enum backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftConnectionType
- getMaxOpenConnections() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getMaxPendingMsgsPerPartition() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getMaxRedirections() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisClusterConfig
Returns limit of redirection.
- getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventData
- getMessageFromTuple(Tuple) - Method in class storm.kafka.bolt.mapper.FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper
- getMessageFromTuple(Tuple) - Method in interface storm.kafka.bolt.mapper.TupleToKafkaMapper
- getMessageFromTuple(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.mapper.FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper
- getMessageFromTuple(TridentTuple) - Method in interface storm.kafka.trident.mapper.TridentTupleToKafkaMapper
- getMessageId() - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple
Gets the message id that associated with this tuple.
- getMessageId() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getMessageId() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventData
- getMeta() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails
- getMetadata() - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.ISupervisor
- getMetaStoreURI() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getMethodName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologySourceDef
- getMetricName() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getMetricParams() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getMetricsData() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubReceiverImpl
- getMetricsData() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.IEventHubReceiver
- getMetricsData() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.IPartitionManager
- getMetricsData() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.SimplePartitionManager
- getMetricsDataMap() - Method in class storm.kafka.PartitionManager
- getMilliSeconds() - Method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.TimedRotationPolicy.TimeUnit
- getMilliSeconds() - Method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.TimedRotationPolicy.TimeUnit
- getMockedSources() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- getMsg() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getMyManagedPartitions() - Method in interface storm.kafka.PartitionCoordinator
- getMyManagedPartitions() - Method in class storm.kafka.StaticCoordinator
- getMyManagedPartitions() - Method in class storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator
- getMyPartitionManagers() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.IPartitionCoordinator
- getMyPartitionManagers() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.StaticPartitionCoordinator
- getName() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails
- getName() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.SaslTransportPlugin.User
Get the full name of the user.
- getName() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.SingleUserPrincipal
- getName() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.DisruptorQueue
- getName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ConfigMethodDef
- getName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.PropertyDef
- getName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- getName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getName(long, long) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.DefaultFileNameFormat
- getName(long, long) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.FileNameFormat
Returns the filename the HdfsBolt will create.
- getName(long, long) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.DefaultFileNameFormat
- getName(long, long) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.FileNameFormat
Returns the filename the HdfsBolt will create.
- getNamespace() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getNeedsSchedulingComponentToExecutors(TopologyDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Gets a component-id -> executors map which needs scheduling in this topology.
- getNeedsSchedulingExecutorToComponents(TopologyDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Gets a executor -> component-id map which needs scheduling in this topology.
- getNimbusAutoCredPlugins(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Get all the Nimbus Auto cred plugins.
- getNimbusConf(AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- getNimbusConf(AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- getNimbusConf() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getNimbusConf
- getNimbusConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- getNimbusConf() - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
- getNimbusConf() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getNimbusConf
- getNimbusConf_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args
- getNimbusConf_args(Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getNimbusConf_call(AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getNimbusConf_call
- getNimbusConf_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- getNimbusConf_result(String, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- getNimbusConf_result(Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.DefaultPool
- getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.FreePool
- getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.IsolatedPool
- getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
Get the number of nodes and slots this would provide to get the slots needed
- getNodeCountIfSlotsWereTaken(int, NodePool[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
- getNodeId() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.WorkerSlot
- getNodes() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisClusterConfig
Returns nodes.
- getNumAcked(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- getNumAcked(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestEventLogSpout
- getNumAcks() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.AckTracker
- getNumFailed(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- getNumFailed(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestEventLogSpout
- getNumThreads(Map) - Method in enum backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftConnectionType
- getNumWorkers() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails
- getObject() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableObject
- getObject() - Method in interface storm.starter.tools.Rankable
- getObject() - Method in class storm.starter.tools.RankableObjectWithFields
- getOffset() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.MessageId
- getOffset(SimpleConsumer, String, int, KafkaConfig) - Static method in class storm.kafka.KafkaUtils
- getOffset(SimpleConsumer, String, int, long) - Static method in class storm.kafka.KafkaUtils
- getOrderedPartitions(Partitions) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.OpaqueTridentEventHubEmitter
- getOrderedPartitions(Partitions) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.TransactionalTridentEventHubEmitter
- getOrderedPartitions() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.GlobalPartitionInformation
- getOrderedPartitions(Partitions) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Emitter
- getOrderedPartitions(Partitions) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IPartitionedTridentSpout.Emitter
- getOutput() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.ShellCommandExecutor
Get the output of the shell command.
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.AggregateProcessor
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.AppendCollector
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.EachProcessor
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.FreshCollector
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.MultiReducerProcessor
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.PartitionPersistProcessor
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.ProjectedProcessor
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.StateQueryProcessor
- getOutputFactory() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.SubtopologyBolt.InitialReceiver
- getOutputFactory() - Method in interface storm.trident.planner.TridentProcessor
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface backtype.storm.spout.MultiScheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.RawMultiScheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.RawScheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface backtype.storm.spout.Scheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.SchemeAsMultiScheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestEventOrderCheckBolt
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestGlobalCount
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestPlannerBolt
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestPlannerSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventDataScheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.IEventDataScheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.OpaqueTridentEventHubSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.TransactionalTridentEventHubSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.kafka.StringScheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.TransactionalTridentKafkaSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.fluent.GroupedStream
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface storm.trident.fluent.IAggregatableStream
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.BatchSpoutExecutor
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IBatchSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IPartitionedTridentSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ITridentSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.PartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchExecutor
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.Stream
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederCommitterBatchSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FixedBatchSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in interface storm.trident.tuple.TridentTuple.Factory
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.FreshOutputFactory
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.OperationOutputFactory
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.ProjectionFactory
- getOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.RootFactory
- getOutputter() - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.BasicOutputCollector
- getOutStreamId() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.TridentContext
- getParallelism() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.VertexDef
- getParent(DirectedGraph, T) - Static method in class storm.trident.util.TridentUtils
- getParents(DirectedGraph, T) - Static method in class storm.trident.util.TridentUtils
Assumes edge contains an index
- getParentStreams() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.TridentContext
- getParentTupleFactories() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.TridentContext
- getPartition() - Method in class storm.kafka.PartitionManager
- getPartitionCount() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getPartitionedSpout() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.PartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor
- getPartitionedSpout() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.PartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor
- getPartitionId() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.MessageId
- getPartitionIndex() - Method in class storm.trident.operation.TridentOperationContext
- getPartitionInformation() - Method in class storm.kafka.StaticHosts
- getPartitionList() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getPartitionManager(String) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.IPartitionCoordinator
- getPartitionManager(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.StaticPartitionCoordinator
- getPartitionMode() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.bolt.EventHubBoltConfig
- getPartitions() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.Partitions
- getPartitionsForBatch() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.Coordinator
- getPartitionsForBatch() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator
- getPartitionsForBatch() - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IPartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator
Return the partitions currently in the source of data.
- getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig
Returns password.
- getPath() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.DefaultFileNameFormat
- getPath() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.FileNameFormat
- getPath() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.DefaultFileNameFormat
- getPath() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.FileNameFormat
- getPid() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- getPIDDir() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.WorkerTopologyContext
If this task spawns any subprocesses, those subprocesses must immediately
write their PID to this directory on the local filesystem to ensure that
Storm properly destroys that process when the worker is shutdown.
- getPort() - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.DRPCInvocationsClient
- getPort() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.WorkerSlot
- getPort(Map) - Method in enum backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftConnectionType
- getPort() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.DRPCClient
- getPort() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig
Returns port.
- getPortsPerSupervisor() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkClusterParam
- getPrev() - Method in class storm.trident.state.OpaqueValue
- getPreviousState(long) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.state.RotatingTransactionalState
- GetPrincipalToLocalPlugin(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Construct a principal to local plugin
- getProcess() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
get the current sub-process executing the given command
- getProcessInfoString() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- getProcessSampleStartTime() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getProcessTerminationInfoString() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ObjectDef
- getQualifier() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.bolt.mapper.HBaseProjectionCriteria.ColumnMetaData
- getQualifier() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ColumnList.AbstractColumn
- getQueueSize(Map) - Method in enum backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftConnectionType
- getRankings() - Method in class storm.starter.bolt.AbstractRankerBolt
- getRankings() - Method in class storm.starter.tools.Rankings
The returned defensive copy is only "somewhat" defensive.
- getRawTopology() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets the Thrift object representing the topology.
- getReceiverCredits() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getReceivers() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.TridentContext
- getRef() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.PropertyDef
- getRegisteredMetricByName(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Get component's metric from registered metrics by name.
- getResource(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.WorkerTopologyContext
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.AsyncClient.execute_call
- getResult(I, DistributedRPC.execute_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.Processor.execute
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.failRequest_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.fetchRequest_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.result_call
- getResult(I, DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.failRequest
- getResult(I, DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.fetchRequest
- getResult(I, DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.result
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.activate_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.beginFileDownload_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.beginFileUpload_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.deactivate_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.downloadChunk_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.finishFileUpload_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getClusterInfo_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getNimbusConf_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopology_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyConf_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfo_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getUserTopology_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.killTopology_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.killTopologyWithOpts_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.rebalance_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.submitTopology_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.submitTopologyWithOpts_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.uploadChunk_call
- getResult() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.uploadNewCredentials_call
- getResult(I, Nimbus.activate_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.activate
- getResult(I, Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.beginFileDownload
- getResult(I, Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.beginFileUpload
- getResult(I, Nimbus.deactivate_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.deactivate
- getResult(I, Nimbus.downloadChunk_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.downloadChunk
- getResult(I, Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.finishFileUpload
- getResult(I, Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getClusterInfo
- getResult(I, Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getNimbusConf
- getResult(I, Nimbus.getTopology_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopology
- getResult(I, Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyConf
- getResult(I, Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfo
- getResult(I, Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- getResult(I, Nimbus.getUserTopology_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getUserTopology
- getResult(I, Nimbus.killTopology_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.killTopology
- getResult(I, Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.killTopologyWithOpts
- getResult(I, Nimbus.rebalance_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.rebalance
- getResult(I, Nimbus.submitTopology_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.submitTopology
- getResult(I, Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- getResult(I, Nimbus.uploadChunk_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.uploadChunk
- getResult(I, Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.uploadNewCredentials
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.AsyncProcessor.execute
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.failRequest
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.fetchRequest
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.result
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.activate
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileDownload
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileUpload
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.deactivate
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.downloadChunk
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.finishFileUpload
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getClusterInfo
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getNimbusConf
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopology
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyConf
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfo
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getUserTopology
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopology
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopologyWithOpts
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.rebalance
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopology
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadChunk
- getResultHandler(AbstractNonblockingServer.AsyncFrameBuffer, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadNewCredentials
- getResults() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TupleCaptureBolt
- getRevision() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- getRoot() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionedStore
- getRunningTopologies() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
- getSaslToken() - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslMessageToken
Read accessor for SASL token
- getSchedulerMeta() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails
- getScheme() - Method in interface backtype.storm.spout.IMultiSchemableSpout
- getScheme() - Method in interface backtype.storm.spout.ISchemableSpout
- getSelfOutputFields() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.TridentContext
- getSequenceNumber() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.MessageId
- getSerializer() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.AbstractRedisMapState
Returns Serializer which is used for serializing tuple value and deserializing Redis value.
- getSerializer() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterMapState
Returns Serializer which is used for serializing tuple value and deserializing Redis value.
- getSerializer() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisMapState
Returns Serializer which is used for serializing tuple value and deserializing Redis value.
- getServer(TProcessor) - Method in interface backtype.storm.security.auth.ITransportPlugin
Create a server associated with a given port, service handler, and purpose
- getServer(TProcessor) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.SaslTransportPlugin
- getServer(TProcessor) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin
- getServerTransportFactory() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.digest.DigestSaslTransportPlugin
- getServerTransportFactory() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.KerberosSaslTransportPlugin
- getServerTransportFactory() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.SaslTransportPlugin
All subclass must implement this method
- getService(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.ServiceRegistry
- getServiceId() - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalDRPC
- getSetComponentObject(ComponentObject) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- getSharedExecutor() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.WorkerTopologyContext
- getShort(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the Short at position i in the tuple.
- getShort(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getShort(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getShortByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getShortByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getShortByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getSingleOutputStreamFields(IComponent) - Static method in class storm.trident.util.TridentUtils
- getSleepTimeMs(int, long) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry
- getSlots() - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment
- getSlots() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignmentImpl
- getSourceComponent() - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple
Gets the id of the component that created this tuple.
- getSourceComponent() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getSourceGlobalStreamid() - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple
Returns the global stream id (component + stream) of this tuple.
- getSourceGlobalStreamid() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getSources(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets the declared inputs to the specified component.
- getSourceStreamId() - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple
Gets the id of the stream that this tuple was emitted to.
- getSourceStreamId() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getSourceTask() - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple
Gets the id of the task that created this tuple.
- getSourceTask() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getSourceTuples() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- getSpout() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalSpoutCoordinator
- getSpoutDeclarer() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalTopologyBuilder
- getSpoutDef(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getSpouts() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getSqlType() - Method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.Column
- getSrcChecksum() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- getStartTask() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails
- getState() - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalCluster
- getState() - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Client
- getState() - Method in interface backtype.storm.metric.api.IStatefulObject
- getState(BigInteger, RotatingTransactionalState.StateInitializer) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.state.RotatingTransactionalState
- getState() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.DisruptorQueue
- getState(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.RegisteredGlobalState
- getState(long) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.state.RotatingTransactionalState
- getState(long, RotatingTransactionalState.StateInitializer) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.state.RotatingTransactionalState
- getStateIndex() - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.TridentContext
- getStateOrCreate(BigInteger, RotatingTransactionalState.StateInitializer) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.state.RotatingTransactionalState
Returns null if it was created, the value otherwise.
- getStateOrCreate(long, RotatingTransactionalState.StateInitializer) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.state.RotatingTransactionalState
Returns null if it was created, the value otherwise.
- getStatusMap() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- getStormConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Client
- getStormConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- getStormId() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets the unique id assigned to this topology.
- getStream() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- getStream() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getStream() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkTupleParam
- getStreamId(String, String) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.SerializationFactory.IdDictionary
- getStreamId() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- getStreamName(String, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.SerializationFactory.IdDictionary
- getStreams() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getString(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the String at position i in the tuple.
- getString(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getString(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getStringByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getStringByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getStringByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getStructDesc() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- getStructDesc() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- getStructDesc() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- getStructDesc() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- getStructDesc() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- getSupervisorById(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Get a specific supervisor with the nodeId
- getSupervisorId() - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.ISupervisor
The id used for writing metadata into ZK.
- getSupervisors() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Get all the supervisors.
- getSupervisors() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkClusterParam
- getSupervisorsByHost(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Get all the supervisors on the specified host
- getTableName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getTargets(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets information about who is consuming the outputs of the specified component,
and how.
- getTask() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- getTask() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getTaskData(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
- getTaskToComponent() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext
Gets a map from task id to component id.
- getTGT(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.AutoTGT
- getThisComponentId() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets the component id for this task.
- getThisInputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets the declared input fields for this component.
- getThisOutputFields(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets the declared output fields for the specified stream id for the
component this task is a part of.
- getThisOutputFieldsForStreams() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets the declared output fields for all streams for the
component this task is a part of.
- getThisSources() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets the declared inputs to this component.
- getThisStreams() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets the set of streams declared for the component of this task.
- getThisTargets() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets information about who is consuming the outputs of this component, and how.
- getThisTaskId() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets the task id of this task.
- getThisTaskIndex() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Gets the index of this task id in getComponentTasks(getThisComponentId()).
- getThisWorkerPort() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.WorkerTopologyContext
- getThisWorkerTasks() - Method in class backtype.storm.task.WorkerTopologyContext
Gets all the task ids that are running in this worker process
(including the task for this task).
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Assignment._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Bolt._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Credentials._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Grouping._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormBase._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary._Fields
- getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisClusterConfig
Returns socket / connection timeout.
- getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig
Returns timeout.
- getTimeoutMs() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- getTo() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- getTopic(Tuple) - Method in class storm.kafka.bolt.selector.DefaultTopicSelector
- getTopic(Tuple) - Method in interface storm.kafka.bolt.selector.KafkaTopicSelector
- getTopic(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.selector.DefaultTopicSelector
- getTopic(TridentTuple) - Method in interface storm.kafka.trident.selector.KafkaTopicSelector
- getTopologies() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Topologies
- getTopology(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- getTopology(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- getTopology() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopology
- getTopology(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- getTopology(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
Returns the compiled topology that contains ackers and metrics consumsers.
- getTopology() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopology
- getTopology(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalCluster
- getTopology() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails
- getTopology() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TrackedTopology
- getTopology(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.flux.api.TopologySource
- getTopology_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- getTopology_args(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- getTopology_args(Nimbus.getTopology_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getTopology_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopology_call
- getTopology_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- getTopology_result(StormTopology, NotAliveException, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- getTopology_result(Nimbus.getTopology_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getTopologyConf(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- getTopologyConf(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- getTopologyConf() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyConf
- getTopologyConf(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- getTopologyConf(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
- getTopologyConf() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyConf
- getTopologyConf(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalCluster
- getTopologyConf_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- getTopologyConf_args(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- getTopologyConf_args(Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getTopologyConf_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyConf_call
- getTopologyConf_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- getTopologyConf_result(String, NotAliveException, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- getTopologyConf_result(Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getTopologyDef() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ExecutionContext
- getTopologyId() - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment
get the topology-id this assignment is for.
- getTopologyId() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignmentImpl
- getTopologyInfo(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- getTopologyInfo(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- getTopologyInfo() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfo
- getTopologyInfo(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- getTopologyInfo(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
- getTopologyInfo() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfo
- getTopologyInfo(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalCluster
- getTopologyInfo_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- getTopologyInfo_args(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- getTopologyInfo_args(Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getTopologyInfo_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfo_call
- getTopologyInfo_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- getTopologyInfo_result(TopologyInfo, NotAliveException, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- getTopologyInfo_result(Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts(String, GetInfoOptions, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts(String, GetInfoOptions, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts(String, GetInfoOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts(String, GetInfoOptions) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args(String, GetInfoOptions) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args(Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts_call(String, GetInfoOptions, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_call
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result(TopologyInfo, NotAliveException, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result(Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getTopologyName() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- getTopologyName() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- getTopologySource() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- getTransactionId() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionAttempt
- getTransactionId() - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TransactionAttempt
- GetTransportPlugin(ThriftConnectionType, Map, Configuration) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Construct a transport plugin per storm configuration
- getTransportPlugin(Map) - Method in enum backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftConnectionType
- getTs() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ColumnList.Column
- getTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- getTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- getTuples() - Method in interface storm.trident.state.ITupleCollection
- getTuples() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.LRUMemoryMapState
- getTuples() - Method in class storm.trident.testing.MemoryMapState
- getTupleValue(Tuple, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestWordBytesCounter
- getTupleValue(Tuple, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestWordCounter
- GetTweeters() - Constructor for class storm.starter.ReachTopology.GetTweeters
- getTxid() - Method in class storm.trident.state.TransactionalValue
- getTxnsPerBatch() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- getType() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- GetUiHttpCredentialsPlugin(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
Construct an HttpServletRequest credential plugin specified by the UI
storm configuration
- getUnassignedExecutors(TopologyDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
get the unassigned executors of the topology.
- getUniqueStateId() - Method in class storm.trident.fluent.UniqueIdGen
- getUniqueStateId() - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- getUniqueStreamId() - Method in class storm.trident.fluent.UniqueIdGen
- getUniqueStreamId() - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- getUrl() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- getUsedPorts(SupervisorDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Get all the used ports of this supervisor.
- getUsedSlots() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- getUser() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- getUserName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.DefaultHttpCredentialsPlugin
Gets the user name from the request principal.
- getUserName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface backtype.storm.security.auth.IHttpCredentialsPlugin
Gets the user name from the request.
- getUserTopology(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- getUserTopology(String, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- getUserTopology() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getUserTopology
- getUserTopology(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- getUserTopology(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
Returns the user specified topology as submitted originally.
- getUserTopology() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getUserTopology
- getUserTopology_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- getUserTopology_args(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- getUserTopology_args(Nimbus.getUserTopology_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getUserTopology_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.getUserTopology_call
- getUserTopology_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- getUserTopology_result(StormTopology, NotAliveException, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- getUserTopology_result(Nimbus.getUserTopology_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- getVal() - Method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.Column
- getVal() - Method in class storm.trident.state.TransactionalValue
- getValue() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NumErrorsChoice
Get the integer value of this enum value, as defined in the Thrift IDL.
- getValue() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInitialStatus
Get the integer value of this enum value, as defined in the Thrift IDL.
- getValue() - Method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyStatus
Get the integer value of this enum value, as defined in the Thrift IDL.
- getValue(int) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Gets the field at position i in the tuple.
- getValue(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getValue() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.CRC32OutputStream
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.PropertyDef
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ColumnList.Column
- getValue(int) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getValueAndReset() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.AssignableMetric
- getValueAndReset() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.CombinedMetric
- getValueAndReset() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.CountMetric
- getValueAndReset() - Method in interface backtype.storm.metric.api.IMetric
- getValueAndReset() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.MultiCountMetric
- getValueAndReset() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.MultiReducedMetric
- getValueAndReset() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.ReducedMetric
- getValueAndReset() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.StateMetric
- getValueAndReset() - Method in class storm.kafka.KafkaUtils.KafkaOffsetMetric
- getValueByField(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
- getValueByField(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getValueByField(String) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getValueFromTuple(ITuple) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.redis.common.mapper.TupleMapper
Extracts value from tuple.
- getValues() - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Gets all the values in this tuple.
- getValues() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- getValues() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- getVersion() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- getVIntSize(long) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.WritableUtils
Get the encoded length if an integer is stored in a variable-length format
- getWorkerACL(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- getZkConnectionString() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- global() - Method in class storm.trident.Stream
- GLOBAL_COUNT_KEY - Static variable in class storm.starter.TransactionalGlobalCount
- GlobalAggregationScheme<S extends IAggregatableStream> - Interface in storm.trident.fluent
- GlobalBatchToPartition - Class in storm.trident.operation.impl
- GlobalBatchToPartition() - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.impl.GlobalBatchToPartition
- GlobalCountBolt - Class in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.samples.bolt
Globally count number of messages
- GlobalCountBolt() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.samples.bolt.GlobalCountBolt
- globalGrouping() - Method in interface backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCInputDeclarer
- globalGrouping(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCInputDeclarer
- globalGrouping(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
The entire stream goes to a single one of the bolt's tasks.
- globalGrouping(String, String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
The entire stream goes to a single one of the bolt's tasks.
- globalGrouping(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- globalGrouping(String, String) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- GlobalGrouping - Class in storm.trident.partition
- GlobalGrouping() - Constructor for class storm.trident.partition.GlobalGrouping
- globalKey - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.state.HBaseMapState.Options
- globalKey - Variable in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.Options
- globalLock() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.RegisteredGlobalState
- GlobalPartitionInformation - Class in storm.kafka.trident
- GlobalPartitionInformation() - Constructor for class storm.kafka.trident.GlobalPartitionInformation
- GlobalStreamId - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- GlobalStreamId() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- GlobalStreamId(String, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- GlobalStreamId(GlobalStreamId) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
Performs a deep copy on other.
- GlobalStreamId._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- GraphGrouper - Class in storm.trident.graph
- GraphGrouper(DirectedGraph<Node, IndexedEdge>, Collection<Group>) - Constructor for class storm.trident.graph.GraphGrouper
- Group - Class in storm.trident.graph
- Group(DirectedGraph, List<Node>) - Constructor for class storm.trident.graph.Group
- Group(DirectedGraph, Node) - Constructor for class storm.trident.graph.Group
- Group(Group, Group) - Constructor for class storm.trident.graph.Group
- groupBy(Fields) - Method in class storm.trident.Stream
- GroupCollector - Class in storm.trident.operation.impl
- GroupCollector(TridentCollector, ComboList.Factory) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.impl.GroupCollector
- GroupedAggregator - Class in storm.trident.operation.impl
- GroupedAggregator(Aggregator, Fields, Fields, int) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.impl.GroupedAggregator
- GroupedMultiReducer<T> - Interface in storm.trident.operation
- GroupedMultiReducerExecutor - Class in storm.trident.operation.impl
- GroupedMultiReducerExecutor(GroupedMultiReducer, List<Fields>, List<Fields>) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.impl.GroupedMultiReducerExecutor
- GroupedStream - Class in storm.trident.fluent
- GroupedStream(Stream, Fields) - Constructor for class storm.trident.fluent.GroupedStream
- Grouping - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Grouping() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- Grouping(Grouping._Fields, Object) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- Grouping(Grouping) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- grouping(GlobalStreamId, Grouping) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
- grouping(GlobalStreamId, Grouping) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- Grouping._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- GroupingDef - Class in org.apache.storm.flux.model
Bean representation of a Storm stream grouping.
- GroupingDef() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- GroupingDef.Type - Enum in org.apache.storm.flux.model
Types of stream groupings Storm allows
- gunzip(byte[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- gzip(byte[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- GzipBridgeSerializationDelegate - Class in backtype.storm.serialization
- GzipBridgeSerializationDelegate() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.serialization.GzipBridgeSerializationDelegate
- GzipBridgeThriftSerializationDelegate - Class in backtype.storm.serialization
Always writes gzip out, but tests incoming to see if it's gzipped.
- GzipBridgeThriftSerializationDelegate() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.serialization.GzipBridgeThriftSerializationDelegate
- GzipSerializationDelegate - Class in backtype.storm.serialization
Note, this assumes it's deserializing a gzip byte stream, and will err if it encounters any other serialization.
- GzipSerializationDelegate() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.serialization.GzipSerializationDelegate
- GzipThriftSerializationDelegate - Class in backtype.storm.serialization
Note, this assumes it's deserializing a gzip byte stream, and will err if it encounters any other serialization.
- GzipThriftSerializationDelegate() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.serialization.GzipThriftSerializationDelegate
- IAggregatableStream - Interface in storm.trident.fluent
- IAuthorizer - Interface in backtype.storm.security.auth
Nimbus could be configured with an authorization plugin.
- IAutoCredentials - Interface in backtype.storm.security.auth
Provides a way to automatically push credentials to a topology and to
retreave them in the worker.
- IBackingMap<T> - Interface in storm.trident.state.map
- IBasicBolt - Interface in backtype.storm.topology
- IBasicOutputCollector - Interface in backtype.storm.topology
- IBatchBolt<T> - Interface in backtype.storm.coordination
- IBatchCoordinator - Interface in storm.kafka.trident
- IBatchID - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- IBatchSpout - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- IBolt - Interface in backtype.storm.task
An IBolt represents a component that takes tuples as input and produces tuples
as output.
- IBrokerReader - Interface in storm.kafka.trident
- IChainedAggregatorDeclarer - Interface in storm.trident.fluent
- IColumn - Interface in org.apache.storm.hbase.common
Interface definition for classes that support being written to HBase as
a regular column.
- ICombiner<T> - Interface in backtype.storm.metric.api
- ICommitter - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional
This marks an IBatchBolt within a transactional topology as a committer.
- ICommitterTransactionalSpout<X> - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional
- ICommitterTransactionalSpout.Emitter - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional
- ICommitterTridentSpout<X> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- ICommitterTridentSpout.Emitter - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- IComponent - Interface in backtype.storm.topology
Common methods for all possible components in a topology.
- IConnection - Interface in backtype.storm.messaging
- IContext - Interface in backtype.storm.messaging
This interface needs to be implemented for messaging plugin.
- ICounter - Interface in org.apache.storm.hbase.common
Interface definition for classes that support being written to HBase as
a counter column.
- ICredentialsListener - Interface in backtype.storm
Allows a bolt or a spout to be informed when the credentials of the topology have changed.
- ICredentialsRenewer - Interface in backtype.storm.security.auth
Provides a way to renew credentials on behelf of a user.
- id - Variable in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.BeanReference
- id - Variable in class storm.kafka.SpoutConfig
- id - Variable in class storm.trident.planner.NodeStateInfo
- ID_FIELD - Static variable in class storm.trident.spout.TridentSpoutExecutor
- ID_STREAM - Static variable in class backtype.storm.drpc.PrepareRequest
- IdDictionary(StormTopology) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.serialization.SerializationFactory.IdDictionary
- identity() - Method in interface backtype.storm.metric.api.ICombiner
- identity() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.MaxMetric
- IdentityBolt - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- IdentityBolt(Fields) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.IdentityBolt
- IdentityGrouping - Class in storm.trident.partition
- IdentityGrouping() - Constructor for class storm.trident.partition.IdentityGrouping
- IdentityMultiReducer - Class in storm.trident.operation.impl
- IdentityMultiReducer() - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.impl.IdentityMultiReducer
- identityPartition() - Method in class storm.trident.Stream
- idleTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveOptions
- IdStreamSpec(String, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.coordination.CoordinatedBolt.IdStreamSpec
- IErrorReporter - Interface in backtype.storm.task
- IEventDataFormat - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.bolt
Serialize a tuple to a byte array to be sent to EventHubs
- IEventDataScheme - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
- IEventHubReceiver - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
- IEventHubReceiverFactory - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
An abstract factory to generate EventHubReceiver
- IFeeder - Interface in storm.trident.testing
- ignoreZkOffsets - Variable in class storm.kafka.KafkaConfig
- IGroupMappingServiceProvider - Interface in backtype.storm.security.auth
- IHttpCredentialsPlugin - Interface in backtype.storm.security.auth
Interface for handling credentials in an HttpServletRequest
- IKryoDecorator - Interface in backtype.storm.serialization
- IKryoFactory - Interface in backtype.storm.serialization
An interface that controls the Kryo instance used by Storm for serialization.
- ILocalCluster - Interface in backtype.storm
- ILocalDRPC - Interface in backtype.storm
- IMetric - Interface in backtype.storm.metric.api
- IMetricsConsumer - Interface in backtype.storm.metric.api
- IMetricsConsumer.DataPoint - Class in backtype.storm.metric.api
- IMetricsConsumer.TaskInfo - Class in backtype.storm.metric.api
- IMetricsContext - Interface in backtype.storm.task
- impersonatingUser - Variable in class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.ImpersonationAuthorizer.ImpersonationACL
- ImpersonationAuthorizer - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer
- ImpersonationAuthorizer() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.ImpersonationAuthorizer
- ImpersonationAuthorizer.ImpersonationACL - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer
- IMultiSchemableSpout - Interface in backtype.storm.spout
- IncludeDef - Class in org.apache.storm.flux.model
Represents an include.
- IncludeDef() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.model.IncludeDef
- incomingGroups(Group) - Method in class storm.trident.graph.GraphGrouper
- incomingNodes() - Method in class storm.trident.graph.Group
- incr() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.CountMetric
- incrBy(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.CountMetric
- increment() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableInt
- increment(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableInt
- increment() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableLong
- increment(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableLong
- increment() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hbase.common.ICounter
- incrementCount(T) - Method in class storm.starter.tools.SlidingWindowCounter
- incrementCount(T, int) - Method in class storm.starter.tools.SlotBasedCounter
- index - Variable in class storm.trident.tuple.ValuePointer
- index - Variable in class storm.trident.util.IndexedEdge
- IndexedEdge<T> - Class in storm.trident.util
- IndexedEdge(T, T, int) - Constructor for class storm.trident.util.IndexedEdge
- IndexHashBatchToPartition - Class in storm.trident.operation.impl
- IndexHashBatchToPartition() - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.impl.IndexHashBatchToPartition
- IndexHashGrouping - Class in storm.trident.partition
- IndexHashGrouping(int) - Constructor for class storm.trident.partition.IndexHashGrouping
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- IndifferentAccessMap - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- IndifferentAccessMap() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- IndifferentAccessMap(IPersistentMap) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- INimbus - Interface in backtype.storm.scheduler
- INimbusCredentialPlugin - Interface in backtype.storm.security
Nimbus auto credential plugin that will be called on nimbus host
during submit topology option.
- init() - Method in interface backtype.storm.metric.api.IReducer
- init() - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.MeanReducer
- init(Cluster, Map<String, Node>) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.FreePool
- init(Cluster, Map<String, Node>) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
Initialize the pool.
- init(BigInteger, Object) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.state.RotatingTransactionalState.StateInitializer
- init(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.starter.trident.TridentReach.One
- init(TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.drpc.ReturnResultsReducer
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in interface storm.trident.operation.Aggregator
- init(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.builtin.Count
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.builtin.FirstN.FirstNAgg
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.builtin.FirstN.FirstNSortedAgg
- init(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.builtin.Sum
- init(TridentTuple) - Method in interface storm.trident.operation.CombinerAggregator
- init(TridentCollector, TridentTuple) - Method in interface storm.trident.operation.GroupedMultiReducer
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.ChainedAggregatorImpl
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.CombinerAggregatorCombineImpl
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.GroupedAggregator
- init(TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.GroupedMultiReducerExecutor
- init(TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.IdentityMultiReducer
- init(TridentCollector, TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.JoinerMultiReducer
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.ReducerAggregatorImpl
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.SingleEmitAggregator
- init(TridentCollector) - Method in interface storm.trident.operation.MultiReducer
- init() - Method in interface storm.trident.operation.ReducerAggregator
- init(Object, TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.CountAsAggregator
- init(long, Object) - Method in interface storm.trident.topology.state.RotatingTransactionalState.StateInitializer
- INIT_TXID - Static variable in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalSpoutCoordinator
- INIT_TXID - Static variable in class storm.trident.topology.MasterBatchCoordinator
- initBatchState(String, Object) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.SubtopologyBolt
- initBatchState(String, Object) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.TridentSpoutExecutor
- initBatchState(String, Object) - Method in interface storm.trident.topology.ITridentBatchBolt
- initialize(OutputStream, InputStream) - Method in interface backtype.storm.multilang.ISerializer
This method sets the input and output streams of the serializer
- initialize(OutputStream, InputStream) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.JsonSerializer
- initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.AutoTGTKrb5LoginModule
- initializeTransaction(BigInteger, X) - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.ITransactionalSpout.Coordinator
Create metadata for this particular transaction id which has never
been emitted before.
- initializeTransaction(BigInteger, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.OpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor.Coordinator
- initializeTransaction(long, Object, Object) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.BatchSpoutExecutor.EmptyCoordinator
- initializeTransaction(long, X, X) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ITridentSpout.BatchCoordinator
Create metadata for this particular transaction id which has never
been emitted before.
- initializeTransaction(long, Object, Object) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor.Coordinator
- initializeTransaction(long, Map<Integer, List<List<Object>>>, Map<Integer, List<List<Object>>>) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout.FeederCoordinator
- InitialReceiver(String, Fields) - Constructor for class storm.trident.planner.SubtopologyBolt.InitialReceiver
- InprocMessaging - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- InprocMessaging() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.InprocMessaging
- InputDeclarer<T extends InputDeclarer> - Interface in backtype.storm.topology
- insert(String, List<List<Column>>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.JdbcClient
- int_arg(int) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- integerDivided(int, int) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- IntegersValidator - Static variable in class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation
Validates is a list of Integers.
- IntegerValidator - Static variable in class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation
Validates a Integer.
- IntermediateRankingsBolt - Class in storm.starter.bolt
This bolt ranks incoming objects by their count.
- IntermediateRankingsBolt() - Constructor for class storm.starter.bolt.IntermediateRankingsBolt
- IntermediateRankingsBolt(int) - Constructor for class storm.starter.bolt.IntermediateRankingsBolt
- IntermediateRankingsBolt(int, int) - Constructor for class storm.starter.bolt.IntermediateRankingsBolt
- InvalidRequestException - Exception in backtype.storm.ui
- InvalidRequestException() - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.ui.InvalidRequestException
- InvalidRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.ui.InvalidRequestException
- InvalidRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.ui.InvalidRequestException
- InvalidRequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.ui.InvalidRequestException
- InvalidTopologyException - Exception in backtype.storm.generated
- InvalidTopologyException() - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- InvalidTopologyException(String) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- InvalidTopologyException(InvalidTopologyException) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
Performs a deep copy on other.
- InvalidTopologyException._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- INVOCATION_USER_KEY - Static variable in class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.DRPCSimpleACLAuthorizer
- invocationUser - Variable in class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.DRPCSimpleACLAuthorizer.AclFunctionEntry
- invoke(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- invoke(Object, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- invokeConfigMethods(ObjectDef, Object, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.flux.FluxBuilder
- IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout<T> - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned
This defines a transactional spout which does *not* necessarily
replay the same batch every time it emits a batch for a transaction id.
- IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout.Coordinator - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned
- IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout.Emitter<X> - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned
- IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout<Partitions,Partition extends ISpoutPartition,M> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
This defines a transactional spout which does *not* necessarily
replay the same batch every time it emits a batch for a transaction id.
- IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator<Partitions> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Emitter<Partitions,Partition extends ISpoutPartition,M> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- IOutputCollector - Interface in backtype.storm.task
- IPartitionCoordinator - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
- IPartitionedTransactionalSpout<T> - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned
This interface defines a transactional spout that reads its tuples from a partitioned set of
- IPartitionedTransactionalSpout.Coordinator - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned
- IPartitionedTransactionalSpout.Emitter<X> - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned
- IPartitionedTridentSpout<Partitions,Partition extends ISpoutPartition,T> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
This interface defines a transactional spout that reads its tuples from a partitioned set of
- IPartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator<Partitions> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- IPartitionedTridentSpout.Emitter<Partitions,Partition extends ISpoutPartition,X> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- IPartitionManager - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
- IPartitionManagerFactory - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
An interface of factory method to create IPartitionManager
- IPrincipalToLocal - Interface in backtype.storm.security.auth
Storm can be configured to launch worker processed as a given user.
- IReducer<T> - Interface in backtype.storm.metric.api
- IRichBolt - Interface in backtype.storm.topology
When writing topologies using Java,
are the main interfaces
to use to implement components of the topology.
- IRichSpout - Interface in backtype.storm.topology
When writing topologies using Java,
are the main interfaces
to use to implement components of the topology.
- IRichStateSpout - Interface in backtype.storm.topology
- is_direct() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- is_set_acked() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
Returns true if field acked is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_acked() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
Returns true if field acked is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_all() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- is_set_approved_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
Returns true if field approved_workers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_args_list() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
Returns true if field args_list is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_assignment_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field assignment_id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_assignments() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
Returns true if field assignments is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_aze() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
Returns true if field aze is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_binary_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- is_set_bits() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
Returns true if field bits is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_bolt() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- is_set_bolt_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
Returns true if field bolt_object is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_bolts() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
Returns true if field bolts is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_bool_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- is_set_chunk() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
Returns true if field chunk is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_common() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
Returns true if field common is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_common() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
Returns true if field common is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_common() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
Returns true if field common is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_complete_ms_avg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
Returns true if field complete_ms_avg is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_component_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field component_executors is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_component_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
Returns true if field component_id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_componentId() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
Returns true if field componentId is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_creds() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
Returns true if field creds is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_creds() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
Returns true if field creds is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_creds() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
Returns true if field creds is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_custom_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- is_set_custom_serialized() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- is_set_direct() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- is_set_direct() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
Returns true if field direct is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_double_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_e() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_emitted() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
Returns true if field emitted is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_error() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
Returns true if field error is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_error_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
Returns true if field error_time_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_errors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field errors is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_execute_ms_avg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
Returns true if field execute_ms_avg is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_executed() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
Returns true if field executed is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_execution_command() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
Returns true if field execution_command is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_executor_info() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
Returns true if field executor_info is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_executor_node_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
Returns true if field executor_node_port is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_executor_start_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
Returns true if field executor_start_time_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_executor_stats() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field executor_stats is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
Returns true if field executors is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field executors is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field executors is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_failed() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
Returns true if field failed is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_failed() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
Returns true if field failed is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_fields() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- is_set_file() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
Returns true if field file is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_full_class_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
Returns true if field full_class_name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_func_args() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
Returns true if field func_args is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_funcArgs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
Returns true if field funcArgs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_functionName() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
Returns true if field functionName is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_functionName() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
Returns true if field functionName is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_host() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
Returns true if field host is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_host() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
Returns true if field host is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_host() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
Returns true if field host is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_hostname() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field hostname is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_initial_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
Returns true if field initial_status is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_inputs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
Returns true if field inputs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_int_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- is_set_ite() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
Returns true if field ite is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_ite() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
Returns true if field ite is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_ite() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
Returns true if field ite is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_ite() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
Returns true if field ite is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_java_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- is_set_json_conf() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
Returns true if field json_conf is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_jsonConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
Returns true if field jsonConf is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_jsonConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field jsonConf is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_kill_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- is_set_launch_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field launch_time_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_local_or_shuffle() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- is_set_location() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
Returns true if field location is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_location() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
Returns true if field location is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_long_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- is_set_master_code_dir() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
Returns true if field master_code_dir is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_meta() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field meta is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
Returns true if field msg is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
Returns true if field msg is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
Returns true if field msg is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
Returns true if field msg is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_msg() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
Returns true if field msg is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_name() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field name is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_nimbus_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
Returns true if field nimbus_uptime_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_node() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
Returns true if field node is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_node_host() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
Returns true if field node_host is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_none() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- is_set_num_err_choice() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
Returns true if field num_err_choice is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_num_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
Returns true if field num_executors is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_num_executors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field num_executors is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_num_tasks() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field num_tasks is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_num_used_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
Returns true if field num_used_workers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_num_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
Returns true if field num_workers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_num_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field num_workers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_num_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
Returns true if field num_workers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_num_workers() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field num_workers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
Returns true if field options is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field options is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
Returns true if field options is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field options is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_output_fields() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
Returns true if field output_fields is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_owner() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field owner is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_owner() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field owner is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_owner() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field owner is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_parallelism_hint() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
Returns true if field parallelism_hint is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
Returns true if field port is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
Returns true if field port is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field port is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_port() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
Returns true if field port is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_prev_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field prev_status is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_process_ms_avg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
Returns true if field process_ms_avg is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_rate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
Returns true if field rate is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_rebalance_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- is_set_request_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
Returns true if field request_id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_result() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
Returns true if field result is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_sched_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field sched_status is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_sched_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field sched_status is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_scheduler_meta() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field scheduler_meta is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_script() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
Returns true if field script is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_serialized_java() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- is_set_serialized_parts() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
Returns true if field serialized_parts is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_shell() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- is_set_shuffle() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- is_set_specific() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
Returns true if field specific is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_spout() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- is_set_spout_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
Returns true if field spout_object is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_spouts() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
Returns true if field spouts is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_state_spout_object() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
Returns true if field state_spout_object is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_state_spouts() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
Returns true if field state_spouts is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_stats() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
Returns true if field stats is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field status is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field status is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_status() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field status is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_storm_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field storm_id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_streamId() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
Returns true if field streamId is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_streams() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
Returns true if field streams is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_string_arg() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_supervisor_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
Returns true if field supervisor_id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_supervisor_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
Returns true if field supervisor_id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_supervisors() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
Returns true if field supervisors is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_task_end() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
Returns true if field task_end is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_task_start() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
Returns true if field task_start is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field time_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field time_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_time_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field time_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_topologies() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
Returns true if field topologies is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_topology() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
Returns true if field topology is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_topology() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field topology is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_topology_action_options() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field topology_action_options is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_topology_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
Returns true if field topology_id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_topology_id() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field topology_id is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_transferred() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
Returns true if field transferred is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_uploadedJarLocation() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
Returns true if field uploadedJarLocation is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_uploadedJarLocation() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field uploadedJarLocation is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field uptime_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
Returns true if field uptime_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field uptime_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
Returns true if field uptime_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field uptime_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_uptime_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field uptime_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_used_ports() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field used_ports is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_version() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field version is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_version() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
Returns true if field version is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_wait_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
Returns true if field wait_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- is_set_wait_secs() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
Returns true if field wait_secs is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isAcked(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.AckFailMapTracker
- isAlive() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
- isBlackListed(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- isBlacklistedHost(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- IScheduler - Interface in backtype.storm.scheduler
- ISchemableSpout - Interface in backtype.storm.spout
- isComplete() - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslNettyClient
- isConnected() - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.DRPCInvocationsClient
- isDslTopology() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- isEmpty() - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.MessageBuffer
- isEmpty() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- isEmpty() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- ISerializer - Interface in backtype.storm.multilang
The ISerializer interface describes the methods that an object should
implement to provide serialization and de-serialization capabilities to
non-JVM language components.
- isExecutorAssigned(ExecutorDetails) - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment
is the executor assigned?
- isExecutorAssigned(ExecutorDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignmentImpl
- isExhaustedTuples() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MemoryTransactionalSpout
- isExhaustedTuples() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.OpaqueMemoryTransactionalSpout
- isFailed(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.AckFailMapTracker
- IShellMetric - Interface in backtype.storm.metric.api.rpc
- isImpersonating() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ReqContext
Returns true if this request is an impersonation request.
- isKeep(TridentTuple) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.samples.TransactionalTridentEventCount.LoggingFilter
- isKeep(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.builtin.Debug
- isKeep(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.builtin.Equals
- isKeep(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.builtin.FilterNull
- isKeep(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.builtin.Negate
- isKeep(TridentTuple) - Method in interface storm.trident.operation.Filter
- isKeep(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.TrueFilter
- isKeep(TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.TrueFilter
- isNegativeVInt(byte) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.WritableUtils
Given the first byte of a vint/vlong, determine the sign
- IsolatedPool - Class in backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant
A pool of machines that can be used to run isolated topologies
- IsolatedPool(int) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.IsolatedPool
- ISOLATION_SCHEDULER_MACHINES - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A map from topology name to the number of machines that should be dedicated for that topology.
- ISOLATION_SCHEDULER_MACHINES_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.AsyncProcessor.execute
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.Processor.execute
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.failRequest
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.fetchRequest
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.result
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.failRequest
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.fetchRequest
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.result
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.activate
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileDownload
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileUpload
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.deactivate
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.downloadChunk
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.finishFileUpload
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getClusterInfo
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getNimbusConf
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopology
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyConf
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfo
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getUserTopology
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopology
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopologyWithOpts
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.rebalance
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopology
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadChunk
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadNewCredentials
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.activate
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.beginFileDownload
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.beginFileUpload
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.deactivate
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.downloadChunk
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.finishFileUpload
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getClusterInfo
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getNimbusConf
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopology
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyConf
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfo
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.getUserTopology
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.killTopology
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.killTopologyWithOpts
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.rebalance
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.submitTopology
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.uploadChunk
- isOneway() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.uploadNewCredentials
- isOpen() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubReceiverImpl
- isOpen() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.IEventHubReceiver
- isOverride() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.IncludeDef
- ISpout - Interface in backtype.storm.spout
ISpout is the core interface for implementing spouts.
- ISpoutOutputCollector - Interface in backtype.storm.spout
- ISpoutPartition - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- ISpoutWaitStrategy - Interface in backtype.storm.spout
The strategy a spout needs to use when its waiting.
- isPrimitiveNumber(Class) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.flux.FluxBuilder
- isReady() - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.ITransactionalSpout.Coordinator
Returns true if its ok to emit start a new transaction, false otherwise (will skip this transaction).
- isReady() - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout.Coordinator
Returns true if its ok to emit start a new transaction, false otherwise (will skip this transaction).
- isReady() - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.IPartitionedTransactionalSpout.Coordinator
Returns true if its ok to emit start a new transaction, false otherwise (will skip this transaction).
- isReady() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.OpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpoutExecutor.Coordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident.Coordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.DefaultCoordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in interface storm.kafka.trident.IBatchCoordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.BatchSpoutExecutor.EmptyCoordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.IPartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ITridentSpout.BatchCoordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor.Coordinator
- isReady(long) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout.FeederCoordinator
- isReference() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.PropertyDef
- isResource() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.IncludeDef
- isServing() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftServer
Is ThriftServer listening to requests?
- isSet(AlreadyAliveException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Assignment._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(AuthorizationException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Bolt._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(BoltStats._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ClusterSummary._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ComponentCommon._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Credentials._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DRPCExecutionException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(DRPCRequest._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ErrorInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ExecutorInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ExecutorStats._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ExecutorSummary._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(GetInfoOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(GlobalStreamId._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(InvalidTopologyException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(JavaObject._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(KillOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(LocalAssignment._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(LocalStateData._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(LSApprovedWorkers._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(LSSupervisorId._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.activate_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.activate_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(NodeInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(NotAliveException._Fields) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(NullStruct._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(RebalanceOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ShellComponent._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(SpoutSpec._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(SpoutStats._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(StateSpoutSpec._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(StormBase._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(StormTopology._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(StreamInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(SubmitOptions._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(SupervisorInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(SupervisorSummary._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(ThriftSerializedObject._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(TopologyInfo._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(TopologySummary._Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSimulating() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Time
- isSlotOccupied(WorkerSlot) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Checks the specified slot is occupied.
- isSlotOccupied(WorkerSlot) - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment
Does this slot occupied by this assignment?
- isSlotOccupied(WorkerSlot) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignmentImpl
Does this slot occupied by this assignment?
- isSystemId(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- IStatefulObject - Interface in backtype.storm.metric.api
- IStateSpout - Interface in backtype.storm.state
- IStateSpoutOutputCollector - Interface in backtype.storm.state
- IStateStore - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
- isThreadWaiting(Thread) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Time
- isThrottled() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.WindowedTimeThrottler
- isTick(Tuple) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.TupleUtils
- isTimedOut() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
To check if the passed script to shell command executor timed out or
- isTotallyFree() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
- ISubscribedState - Interface in backtype.storm.state
- ISupervisor - Interface in backtype.storm.scheduler
- isValidConf(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- ISynchronizeOutputCollector - Interface in backtype.storm.state
- isZkAuthenticationConfiguredStormServer(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
Is the cluster configured to interact with ZooKeeper in a secure way?
This only works when called from within Nimbus or a Supervisor process.
- isZkAuthenticationConfiguredTopology(Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
Is the topology configured to have ZooKeeper authentication.
- ITaskHook - Interface in backtype.storm.hooks
- iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.Fields
- iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- iterator() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- iterator() - Method in class storm.kafka.trident.GlobalPartitionInformation
- ITopologyValidator - Interface in backtype.storm.nimbus
- ITransactionalSpout<T> - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional
- ITransactionalSpout.Coordinator<X> - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional
- ITransactionalSpout.Emitter<X> - Interface in backtype.storm.transactional
- ITransportPlugin - Interface in backtype.storm.security.auth
Interface for Thrift Transport plugin
- ITridentBatchBolt - Interface in storm.trident.topology
- ITridentPartitionManager - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident
- ITridentPartitionManagerFactory - Interface in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.trident
- ITridentSpout<T> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- ITridentSpout.BatchCoordinator<X> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- ITridentSpout.Emitter<X> - Interface in storm.trident.spout
- ITuple - Interface in backtype.storm.tuple
- ITupleCollection - Interface in storm.trident.state
- ITupleDeserializer - Interface in backtype.storm.serialization
- ITupleSerializer - Interface in backtype.storm.serialization
- name - Variable in class backtype.storm.metric.api.IMetricsConsumer.DataPoint
- name(String) - Method in class storm.trident.fluent.GroupedStream
- name - Variable in class storm.trident.planner.Node
- name(String) - Method in class storm.trident.Stream
- needsScheduling(TopologyDetails) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Does the topology need scheduling?
A topology needs scheduling if one of the following conditions holds:
Although the topology is assigned slots, but is squeezed.
- needsSchedulingTopologies(Topologies) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
Gets all the topologies which needs scheduling.
- Negate - Class in storm.trident.operation.builtin
- Negate(Filter) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.builtin.Negate
- NestableFieldValidator() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation.NestableFieldValidator
- NettyRenameThreadFactory - Class in backtype.storm.messaging.netty
- newCoordinatorState(Map, String, Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.transactional.state.TransactionalState
- newCoordinatorState(Map, String) - Static method in class storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState
- newCurator(Map, List<String>, Object, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- newCurator(Map, List<String>, Object, String, ZookeeperAuthInfo) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- newCurator(Map, List<String>, Object, ZookeeperAuthInfo) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- newCuratorStarted(Map, List<String>, Object, String, ZookeeperAuthInfo) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- newCuratorStarted(Map, List<String>, Object, ZookeeperAuthInfo) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- newDRPCStream(String) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newDRPCStream(String, ILocalDRPC) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newInstance() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.DisruptorQueue.ObjectEventFactory
- newInstance(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- newStaticState(StateFactory) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newStaticState(StateSpec) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newStream(String, IRichSpout) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newStream(String, IBatchSpout) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newStream(String, ITridentSpout) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newStream(String, IPartitionedTridentSpout) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newStream(String, IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout) - Method in class storm.trident.TridentTopology
- newThread(Runnable) - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.NettyRenameThreadFactory
- newUserState(Map, String, Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.transactional.state.TransactionalState
- newUserState(Map, String) - Static method in class storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState
- newValuesStream() - Method in class storm.trident.TridentState
- next(SpoutOutputCollector) - Method in class storm.kafka.PartitionManager
- nextFailedMessageToRetry() - Method in class storm.kafka.ExponentialBackoffMsgRetryManager
- nextFailedMessageToRetry() - Method in interface storm.kafka.FailedMsgRetryManager
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.clojure.ClojureSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.drpc.DRPCSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in interface backtype.storm.spout.ISpout
When this method is called, Storm is requesting that the Spout emit tuples to the
output collector.
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.ShellSpout
- nextTuple(StateSpoutOutputCollector) - Method in interface backtype.storm.state.IStateSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FeederSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.SpoutTracker
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestEventLogSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestPlannerSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.TestWordSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalSpoutCoordinator
- nextTuple() - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class storm.kafka.KafkaSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class storm.starter.spout.RandomSentenceSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class storm.starter.spout.TwitterSampleSpout
- nextTuple() - Method in class storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchTriggerer
- nextTuple() - Method in class storm.trident.topology.MasterBatchCoordinator
- NGrouping - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- NGrouping(int) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.NGrouping
- Nimbus - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus
- Nimbus.activate_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.activate_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.activate_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.activate_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.AsyncClient - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.activate_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.beginFileDownload_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.beginFileUpload_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.deactivate_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.downloadChunk_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.Factory - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.finishFileUpload_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.getClusterInfo_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.getNimbusConf_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopology_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyConf_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfo_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.getUserTopology_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.killTopology_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.killTopologyWithOpts_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.rebalance_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.submitTopology_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.submitTopologyWithOpts_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.uploadChunk_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncClient.uploadNewCredentials_call - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncIface - Interface in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.activate<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileDownload<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileUpload<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.deactivate<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.downloadChunk<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.finishFileUpload<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getClusterInfo<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getNimbusConf<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopology<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyConf<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfo<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getUserTopology<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopology<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopologyWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.rebalance<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopology<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopologyWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadChunk<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadNewCredentials<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.Client - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Client.Factory - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.deactivate_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.deactivate_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.downloadChunk_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.downloadChunk_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getTopology_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getTopology_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getUserTopology_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.getUserTopology_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.Iface - Interface in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.killTopology_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.killTopology_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.Processor<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.activate<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.beginFileDownload<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.beginFileUpload<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.deactivate<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.downloadChunk<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.finishFileUpload<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.getClusterInfo<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.getNimbusConf<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.getTopology<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyConf<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfo<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.getUserTopology<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.killTopology<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.killTopologyWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.rebalance<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.submitTopology<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.submitTopologyWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.uploadChunk<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.Processor.uploadNewCredentials<I extends Nimbus.Iface> - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.rebalance_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.rebalance_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.submitTopology_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.submitTopology_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.uploadChunk_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.uploadChunk_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- NIMBUS_ADMINS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A list of users that are cluster admins and can run any command.
- NIMBUS_ADMINS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_AUTHORIZER - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Class name for authorization plugin for Nimbus
- NIMBUS_AUTHORIZER_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_AUTO_CRED_PLUGINS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A list of plugins that nimbus should load during submit topology to populate
credentials on user's behalf.
- NIMBUS_AUTO_CRED_PLUGINS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_CHILDOPTS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
This parameter is used by the storm-deploy project to configure the
jvm options for the nimbus daemon.
- NIMBUS_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_CLEANUP_INBOX_FREQ_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How often nimbus should wake the cleanup thread to clean the inbox.
- NIMBUS_CLEANUP_INBOX_FREQ_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_CREDENTIAL_RENEW_FREQ_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How often nimbus should wake up to renew credentials if needed.
- NIMBUS_CREDENTIAL_RENEW_FREQ_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_CREDENTIAL_RENEWERS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A list of credential renewers that nimbus should load.
- NIMBUS_CREDENTIAL_RENEWERS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_EXECUTORS_PER_TOPOLOGY - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A number representing the maximum number of executors any single topology can acquire.
- NIMBUS_EXECUTORS_PER_TOPOLOGY_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_FILE_COPY_EXPIRATION_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
During upload/download with the master, how long an upload or download connection is idle
before nimbus considers it dead and drops the connection.
- NIMBUS_FILE_COPY_EXPIRATION_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_GROUPS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A list of groups , users belong to these groups are the only ones allowed to run user operation on storm cluster.
- NIMBUS_GROUPS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_HOST - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The host that the master server is running on.
- NIMBUS_HOST_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_IMPERSONATION_ACL - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Impersonation user ACL config entries.
- NIMBUS_IMPERSONATION_ACL_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_IMPERSONATION_AUTHORIZER - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Impersonation user ACL config entries.
- NIMBUS_IMPERSONATION_AUTHORIZER_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_INBOX_JAR_EXPIRATION_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The length of time a jar file lives in the inbox before being deleted by the cleanup thread.
- NIMBUS_INBOX_JAR_EXPIRATION_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_MONITOR_FREQ_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How often nimbus should wake up to check heartbeats and do reassignments.
- NIMBUS_MONITOR_FREQ_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_REASSIGN - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_REASSIGN_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_SLOTS_PER_TOPOLOGY - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A number representing the maximum number of workers any single topology can acquire.
- NIMBUS_SLOTS_PER_TOPOLOGY_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How long before a supervisor can go without heartbeating before nimbus considers it dead
and stops assigning new work to it.
- NIMBUS_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_SUPERVISOR_USERS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A list of users that run the supervisors and should be authorized to interact with
nimbus as a supervisor would.
- NIMBUS_SUPERVISOR_USERS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_TASK_LAUNCH_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A special timeout used when a task is initially launched.
- NIMBUS_TASK_LAUNCH_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How long without heartbeating a task can go before nimbus will consider the
task dead and reassign it to another location.
- NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_THRIFT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The maximum buffer size thrift should use when reading messages.
- NIMBUS_THRIFT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_THRIFT_PORT - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Which port the Thrift interface of Nimbus should run on.
- NIMBUS_THRIFT_PORT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_THRIFT_THREADS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The number of threads that should be used by the nimbus thrift server.
- NIMBUS_THRIFT_THREADS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_THRIFT_TRANSPORT_PLUGIN - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The Nimbus transport plug-in for Thrift client/server communication
- NIMBUS_THRIFT_TRANSPORT_PLUGIN_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_TOPOLOGY_VALIDATOR - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A custom class that implements ITopologyValidator that is run whenever a
topology is submitted.
- NIMBUS_TOPOLOGY_VALIDATOR_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NIMBUS_USERS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A list of users that are the only ones allowed to run user operation on storm cluster.
- NIMBUS_USERS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- NimbusClient - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- NimbusClient(Map, String, int) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient
- NimbusClient(Map, String, int, Integer) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient
- NimbusClient(Map, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient
- NimbusClient(Map, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient
- Node - Class in backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant
Represents a single node in the cluster.
- Node(String, Set<Integer>, boolean) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.Node
- Node - Class in storm.trident.planner
- Node(String, String, Fields) - Constructor for class storm.trident.planner.Node
- NodeAndSlotCounts(int, int) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool.NodeAndSlotCounts
- nodeGroup(Node) - Method in class storm.trident.graph.GraphGrouper
- NodeInfo - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- NodeInfo() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- NodeInfo(String, Set<Long>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- NodeInfo(NodeInfo) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
Performs a deep copy on other.
- NodeInfo._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- NodePool - Class in backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant
A pool of nodes that can be used to run topologies.
- NodePool() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
- NodePool.NodeAndSlotCounts - Class in backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant
- NodePool.RoundRobinSlotScheduler - Class in backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant
Place executors into slots in a round robin way, taking into account
component spreading among different hosts.
- nodes - Variable in class storm.trident.graph.Group
- nodesAvailable() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.DefaultPool
- nodesAvailable() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.FreePool
- nodesAvailable() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.IsolatedPool
- nodesAvailable() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
- nodesAvailable(NodePool[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
- NodeStateInfo - Class in storm.trident.planner
- NodeStateInfo(String, StateSpec) - Constructor for class storm.trident.planner.NodeStateInfo
- none(NullStruct) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- noneGrouping() - Method in interface backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCInputDeclarer
- noneGrouping(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCInputDeclarer
- noneGrouping(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
This grouping specifies that you don't care how the stream is grouped.
- noneGrouping(String, String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
This grouping specifies that you don't care how the stream is grouped.
- noneGrouping(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- noneGrouping(String, String) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- NonRichBoltTracker - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- NonRichBoltTracker(IBolt, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.NonRichBoltTracker
- nonTransactional() - Static method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.state.HBaseMapState
- nonTransactional(HBaseMapState.Options<Object>) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.state.HBaseMapState
- nonTransactional(JedisClusterConfig) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterMapState
Provides StateFactory for non transactional.
- nonTransactional(JedisClusterConfig, RedisDataTypeDescription) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterMapState
Provides StateFactory for non transactional.
- nonTransactional(JedisClusterConfig, KeyFactory) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterMapState
Provides StateFactory for non transactional.
- nonTransactional(JedisClusterConfig, Options<Object>) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisClusterMapState
Provides StateFactory for non transactional.
- nonTransactional(JedisPoolConfig) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisMapState
Provides StateFactory for non transactional.
- nonTransactional(JedisPoolConfig, RedisDataTypeDescription) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisMapState
Provides StateFactory for non transactional.
- nonTransactional(JedisPoolConfig, KeyFactory) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisMapState
Provides StateFactory for non transactional.
- nonTransactional(JedisPoolConfig, Options<Object>) - Static method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.RedisMapState
Provides StateFactory for non transactional.
- NonTransactionalMap<T> - Class in storm.trident.state.map
- NonTransactionalMap(IBackingMap<T>) - Constructor for class storm.trident.state.map.NonTransactionalMap
- NoopAuthorizer - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer
A no-op authorization implementation that illustrate info available for authorization decisions.
- NoopAuthorizer() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.NoopAuthorizer
- NoOutputException - Exception in backtype.storm.multilang
A NoOutputException states that no data has been received from the connected
non-JVM process.
- NoOutputException() - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.multilang.NoOutputException
- NoOutputException(String) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.multilang.NoOutputException
- NoOutputException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.multilang.NoOutputException
- NoOutputException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.multilang.NoOutputException
- NoRotationPolicy - Class in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation
File rotation policy that will never rotate...
- NoRotationPolicy() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.NoRotationPolicy
- NoRotationPolicy - Class in org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation
File rotation policy that will never rotate...
- NoRotationPolicy() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.NoRotationPolicy
- NotAliveException - Exception in backtype.storm.generated
- NotAliveException() - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- NotAliveException(String) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- NotAliveException(NotAliveException) - Constructor for exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
Performs a deep copy on other.
- NotAliveException._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- NothingEmptyEmitStrategy - Class in backtype.storm.spout
- NothingEmptyEmitStrategy() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.NothingEmptyEmitStrategy
- notifyInterestChanged(Channel) - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Client
Called by Netty thread on change in channel interest
- nth(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- nth(int, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- NthLastModifiedTimeTracker - Class in storm.starter.tools
This class tracks the time-since-last-modify of a "thing" in a rolling fashion.
- NthLastModifiedTimeTracker(int) - Constructor for class storm.starter.tools.NthLastModifiedTimeTracker
- NullStruct - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- NullStruct() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct
- NullStruct(NullStruct) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct
Performs a deep copy on other.
- NullStruct._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- NumbersValidator - Static variable in class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation
Validates a list of Numbers.
- numDelegates() - Method in interface storm.trident.tuple.TridentTuple.Factory
- numDelegates() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.FreshOutputFactory
- numDelegates() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.OperationOutputFactory
- numDelegates() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.ProjectionFactory
- numDelegates() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView.RootFactory
- NumErrorsChoice - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
- numPartitions() - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout.Emitter
- numPartitions() - Method in interface backtype.storm.transactional.partitioned.IPartitionedTransactionalSpout.Coordinator
Return the number of partitions currently in the source of data.
- numPartitions() - Method in class storm.trident.operation.TridentOperationContext
- numWorkers - Variable in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.samples.EventCount
- SaslMessageToken - Class in backtype.storm.messaging.netty
Send and receive SASL tokens.
- SaslMessageToken() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslMessageToken
Constructor used for reflection only.
- SaslMessageToken(byte[]) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslMessageToken
Constructor used to send request.
- SaslNettyClient - Class in backtype.storm.messaging.netty
Implements SASL logic for storm worker client processes.
- SaslNettyClient(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslNettyClient
Create a SaslNettyClient for authentication with servers.
- saslResponse(SaslMessageToken) - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslNettyClient
Respond to server's SASL token.
- SaslStormClientHandler - Class in backtype.storm.messaging.netty
- SaslStormClientHandler(Client) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslStormClientHandler
- SaslStormServerAuthorizeHandler - Class in backtype.storm.messaging.netty
Authorize or deny client requests based on existence and completeness of
client's SASL authentication.
- SaslStormServerAuthorizeHandler() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslStormServerAuthorizeHandler
- SaslStormServerHandler - Class in backtype.storm.messaging.netty
- SaslStormServerHandler(Server) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslStormServerHandler
- SaslTransportPlugin - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth
Base class for SASL authentication plugin.
- SaslTransportPlugin() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.SaslTransportPlugin
- SaslTransportPlugin.User - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth
- saveData(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.IStateStore
- saveData(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.ZookeeperStateStore
- saveTGT(KerberosTicket, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.AutoTGT
- schedule(Topologies, Cluster) - Method in interface backtype.storm.scheduler.IScheduler
Set assignments for the topologies which needs scheduling.
- schedule(Topologies, Cluster) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.MultitenantScheduler
- scheduleAsNeeded(NodePool...) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.DefaultPool
- scheduleAsNeeded(NodePool...) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.FreePool
- scheduleAsNeeded(NodePool...) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.IsolatedPool
- scheduleAsNeeded(NodePool...) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
Reschedule any topologies as needed.
- SchedulerAssignment - Interface in backtype.storm.scheduler
- SchedulerAssignmentImpl - Class in backtype.storm.scheduler
- SchedulerAssignmentImpl(String, Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignmentImpl
- Scheme - Interface in backtype.storm.spout
- scheme - Variable in class backtype.storm.spout.SchemeAsMultiScheme
- scheme - Variable in class backtype.storm.utils.ZookeeperAuthInfo
- scheme - Variable in class storm.kafka.KafkaConfig
- SchemeAsMultiScheme - Class in backtype.storm.spout
- SchemeAsMultiScheme(Scheme) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.SchemeAsMultiScheme
- scope(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.MultiCountMetric
- scope(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.MultiReducedMetric
- secondsSinceOldestModification() - Method in class storm.starter.tools.NthLastModifiedTimeTracker
- SECRET_KEY - Static variable in class backtype.storm.security.serialization.BlowfishTupleSerializer
The secret key (if any) for data encryption by blowfish payload serialization factory (BlowfishSerializationFactory).
- secureRandomLong() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- select(Fields, List<Object>) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.Fields
- select(Fields) - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns a subset of the tuple based on the fields selector.
- select(Fields) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- select(String, List<Column>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.jdbc.common.JdbcClient
- select(Fields) - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- selectExecutorToComponent(Collection<ExecutorDetails>) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails
- selfOutFields - Variable in class storm.trident.planner.ProcessorNode
- send(int, byte[]) - Method in interface backtype.storm.messaging.IConnection
send a message with taskId and payload
- send(Iterator<TaskMessage>) - Method in interface backtype.storm.messaging.IConnection
send batch messages
- send(int, byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Client
- send(Iterator<TaskMessage>) - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Client
Enqueue task messages to be sent to the remote destination (cf.
- send(HashMap<Integer, String>, HashMap<String, IConnection>) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.TransferDrainer
- send_activate(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_beginFileDownload(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_beginFileUpload() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_deactivate(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_downloadChunk(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_execute(String, String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.Client
- send_failRequest(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Client
- send_fetchRequest(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Client
- send_finishFileUpload(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_getClusterInfo() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_getNimbusConf() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_getTopology(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_getTopologyConf(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_getTopologyInfo(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_getTopologyInfoWithOpts(String, GetInfoOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_getUserTopology(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_killTopology(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_killTopologyWithOpts(String, KillOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_rebalance(String, RebalanceOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_result(String, String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.Client
- send_submitTopology(String, String, String, StormTopology) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_submitTopologyWithOpts(String, String, String, StormTopology, SubmitOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_uploadChunk(String, ByteBuffer) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- send_uploadNewCredentials(String, Credentials) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- sender - Variable in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.bolt.EventHubBolt
- sendMessage(int, Object) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.InprocMessaging
- seq() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- seq() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- SequenceFileBolt - Class in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt
- SequenceFileBolt() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.SequenceFileBolt
- SequenceFileOptions() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.HdfsState.SequenceFileOptions
- SequenceFormat - Interface in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format
Interface for converting Tuple
objects to HDFS sequence file key-value pairs.
- SequenceFormat - Interface in org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format
Interface for converting TridentTuple
objects to HDFS sequence file key-value pairs.
- SerializableSerializer - Class in backtype.storm.serialization
- SerializableSerializer() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.serialization.SerializableSerializer
- SerializationDelegate - Interface in backtype.storm.serialization
to delegate meta serialization.
- SerializationFactory - Class in backtype.storm.serialization
- SerializationFactory() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.serialization.SerializationFactory
- SerializationFactory.IdDictionary - Class in backtype.storm.serialization
- serialize() - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.TaskMessage
- serialize(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.DefaultSerializationDelegate
- serialize(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.GzipBridgeSerializationDelegate
- serialize(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.GzipBridgeThriftSerializationDelegate
- serialize(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.GzipSerializationDelegate
- serialize(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.GzipThriftSerializationDelegate
- serialize(Tuple) - Method in interface backtype.storm.serialization.ITupleSerializer
- serialize(Tuple) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.KryoTupleSerializer
- serialize(List<Object>) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.KryoValuesSerializer
- serialize(Object) - Method in interface backtype.storm.serialization.SerializationDelegate
- serialize(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.ThriftSerializationDelegate
- serialize(Output) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.MessageId
- serialize(Object) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- serialize(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.bolt.DefaultEventDataFormat
- serialize(Tuple) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.eventhubs.bolt.IEventDataFormat
- serialize(Object) - Method in class storm.trident.state.JSONNonTransactionalSerializer
- serialize(OpaqueValue) - Method in class storm.trident.state.JSONOpaqueSerializer
- serialize(TransactionalValue) - Method in class storm.trident.state.JSONTransactionalSerializer
- serialize(T) - Method in interface storm.trident.state.Serializer
- serialized_java(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- serialized_java(byte[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- serializeInto(List<Object>, Output) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.KryoValuesSerializer
- serializeKerberosTicket(KerberosTicket) - Static method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
- serializeObject(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.serialization.KryoValuesSerializer
- serializer - Variable in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- serializer - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.state.HBaseMapState.Options
- serializer - Variable in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.Options
- Serializer<T> - Interface in storm.trident.state
- serve() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftServer
- ServerCallbackHandler - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth.digest
SASL server side collback handler
- ServerCallbackHandler(Configuration) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.digest.ServerCallbackHandler
- ServerCallbackHandler - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos
SASL server side callback handler
- ServerCallbackHandler(Configuration, Map) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.ServerCallbackHandler
- SERVICE - Static variable in class backtype.storm.security.auth.AuthUtils
- ServiceRegistry - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- ServiceRegistry() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ServiceRegistry
- set(Object, Tuple) - Method in interface backtype.storm.state.ISubscribedState
- set(int, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- set(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableInt
- set(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableLong
- set(T) - Method in class storm.trident.state.map.SnapshottableMap
- set(T) - Method in interface storm.trident.state.snapshot.Snapshottable
- set(T) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.LRUMemoryMapState
- set(T) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.MemoryMapState
- set_acked(Map<String, Map<GlobalStreamId, Long>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_acked(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- set_acked_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_acked_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- set_all(NullStruct) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_approved_workers(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
- set_approved_workers_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
- set_args_list(List<JavaObjectArg>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- set_args_list_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- set_assignment_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_assignment_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_assignments(Map<Integer, LocalAssignment>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
- set_assignments_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
- set_aze(AuthorizationException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
- set_aze_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- set_binary_arg(byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- set_binary_arg(ByteBuffer) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- set_bits(byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- set_bits(ByteBuffer) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- set_bits_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- set_bolt(BoltStats) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- set_bolt_object(ComponentObject) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- set_bolt_object_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- set_bolts(Map<String, Bolt>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- set_bolts_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- set_bool_arg(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- set_chunk(byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- set_chunk(ByteBuffer) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- set_chunk_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- set_common(ComponentCommon) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- set_common(ComponentCommon) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- set_common(ComponentCommon) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- set_common_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- set_common_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- set_common_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- set_complete_ms_avg(Map<String, Map<String, Double>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- set_complete_ms_avg_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- set_component(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.Monitor
- set_component_executors(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_component_executors_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_component_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_component_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_componentId(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- set_componentId_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- set_creds(Map<String, String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
- set_creds(Credentials) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- set_creds(Credentials) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- set_creds_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
- set_creds_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- set_creds_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- set_custom_object(JavaObject) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_custom_serialized(byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_custom_serialized(ByteBuffer) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_direct(NullStruct) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_direct(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- set_direct_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- set_double_arg(double) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- set_e(DRPCExecutionException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- set_e(AlreadyAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- set_e(AlreadyAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_e(NotAliveException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_e_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- set_emitted(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- set_emitted_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- set_error(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- set_error_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- set_error_time_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- set_error_time_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- set_errors(Map<String, List<ErrorInfo>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_errors_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_execute_ms_avg(Map<String, Map<GlobalStreamId, Double>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_execute_ms_avg_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_executed(Map<String, Map<GlobalStreamId, Long>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_executed_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_execution_command(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- set_execution_command_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- set_executor_info(ExecutorInfo) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_executor_info_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_executor_node_port(Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- set_executor_node_port_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- set_executor_start_time_secs(Map<List<Long>, Long>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- set_executor_start_time_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- set_executor_stats(Map<ExecutorInfo, ExecutorStats>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- set_executor_stats_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- set_executors(List<ExecutorInfo>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- set_executors(List<ExecutorInfo>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- set_executors(List<ExecutorSummary>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_executors_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- set_executors_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- set_executors_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_failed(Map<String, Map<GlobalStreamId, Long>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_failed(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- set_failed_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_failed_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- set_fields(List<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_file(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
- set_file_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
- set_full_class_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- set_full_class_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- set_func_args(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- set_func_args_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- set_funcArgs(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- set_funcArgs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- set_functionName(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- set_functionName(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- set_functionName_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- set_functionName_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- set_host(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- set_host(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_host(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_host_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- set_host_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_host_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_hostname(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_hostname_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_initial_status(TopologyInitialStatus) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- set_initial_status_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- set_inputs(Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- set_inputs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- set_int_arg(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- set_interval(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.Monitor
- set_ite(InvalidTopologyException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- set_ite(InvalidTopologyException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- set_ite(InvalidTopologyException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_ite(InvalidTopologyException) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- set_ite_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- set_ite_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- set_ite_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- set_ite_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- set_java_object(JavaObject) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- set_json_conf(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- set_json_conf_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- set_jsonConf(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- set_jsonConf(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_jsonConf_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- set_jsonConf_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_kill_options(KillOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- set_launch_time_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_launch_time_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_local_or_shuffle(NullStruct) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_location(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- set_location(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- set_location_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- set_location_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- set_long_arg(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- set_master_code_dir(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- set_master_code_dir_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- set_meta(List<Long>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_meta_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_msg(String) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
- set_msg(String) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
- set_msg(String) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
- set_msg(String) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- set_msg(String) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- set_msg_isSet(boolean) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
- set_msg_isSet(boolean) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
- set_msg_isSet(boolean) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
- set_msg_isSet(boolean) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- set_msg_isSet(boolean) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_name(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_nimbus_uptime_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- set_nimbus_uptime_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- set_node(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- set_node_host(Map<String, String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- set_node_host_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- set_node_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- set_none(NullStruct) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_num_err_choice(NumErrorsChoice) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
- set_num_err_choice_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
- set_num_executors(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- set_num_executors(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_num_executors_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- set_num_executors_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_num_tasks(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_num_tasks_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_num_used_workers(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_num_used_workers_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_num_workers(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- set_num_workers(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_num_workers(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_num_workers(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_num_workers_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- set_num_workers_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_num_workers_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_num_workers_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_options(GetInfoOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- set_options(KillOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_options(RebalanceOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- set_options(SubmitOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_options_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- set_options_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_options_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- set_options_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_output_fields(List<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- set_output_fields_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- set_owner(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_owner(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_owner(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_owner_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_owner_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_owner_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_parallelism_hint(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- set_parallelism_hint_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- set_port(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- set_port(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_port(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- set_port(Set<Long>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- set_port_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- set_port_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_port_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- set_port_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- set_prev_status(TopologyStatus) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_prev_status_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_process_ms_avg(Map<String, Map<GlobalStreamId, Double>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_process_ms_avg_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- set_rate(double) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- set_rate_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- set_rebalance_options(RebalanceOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- set_request_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- set_request_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- set_result(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- set_result_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- set_sched_status(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_sched_status(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_sched_status_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_sched_status_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_scheduler_meta(Map<String, String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_scheduler_meta_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_script(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- set_script_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- set_serialized_java(byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- set_serialized_java(ByteBuffer) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- set_serialized_parts(Map<String, ThriftSerializedObject>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
- set_serialized_parts_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
- set_shell(ShellComponent) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- set_shuffle(NullStruct) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- set_specific(ExecutorSpecificStats) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- set_specific_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- set_spout(SpoutStats) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- set_spout_object(ComponentObject) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- set_spout_object_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- set_spouts(Map<String, SpoutSpec>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- set_spouts_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- set_state_spout_object(ComponentObject) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- set_state_spout_object_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- set_state_spouts(Map<String, StateSpoutSpec>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- set_state_spouts_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- set_stats(ExecutorStats) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_stats_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_status(TopologyStatus) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_status(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_status(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_status_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_status_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_status_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_storm_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- set_storm_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- set_stream(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.Monitor
- set_streamId(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- set_streamId_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- set_streams(Map<String, StreamInfo>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- set_streams_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- set_string_arg(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- set_success(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- set_success(DRPCRequest) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- set_success(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- set_success(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- set_success(byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- set_success(ByteBuffer) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- set_success(ClusterSummary) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- set_success(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- set_success(StormTopology) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- set_success(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- set_success(TopologyInfo) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- set_success(TopologyInfo) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- set_success(StormTopology) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- set_supervisor_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
- set_supervisor_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_supervisor_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
- set_supervisor_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_supervisors(List<SupervisorSummary>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- set_supervisors_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- set_task_end(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- set_task_end_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- set_task_start(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- set_task_start_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- set_time_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- set_time_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- set_time_secs(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_time_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- set_time_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- set_time_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_topologies(List<TopologySummary>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- set_topologies_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- set_topology(StormTopology) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- set_topology(StormTopology) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_topology(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.Monitor
- set_topology_action_options(TopologyActionOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_topology_action_options_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- set_topology_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- set_topology_id(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- set_topology_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- set_topology_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- set_topology_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- set_topology_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_transferred(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- set_transferred_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- set_uploadedJarLocation(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- set_uploadedJarLocation(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_uploadedJarLocation_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- set_uploadedJarLocation_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- set_uptime_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- set_uptime_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_uptime_secs(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_uptime_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_uptime_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_uptime_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_uptime_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- set_uptime_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- set_uptime_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_uptime_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_uptime_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- set_uptime_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- set_used_ports(List<Long>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_used_ports_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_version(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_version(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_version_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- set_version_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- set_wait_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
- set_wait_secs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- set_wait_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
- set_wait_secs_isSet(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- set_watch(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.Monitor
- setAckFailDelegate(AckFailDelegate) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.FeederSpout
- setAllSubscribedState(T) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
All state from all subscribed state spouts streams will be synced with
the provided object.
- setAnchors(List<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setArgs(List<Object>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ConfigMethodDef
- setArgs(List<String>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- setBatchPerTupleSpout(String, String, IRichSpout, Integer, String) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentTopologyBuilder
- setBlacklistedHosts(Set<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- setBolt(String, IBatchBolt) - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.BatchSubtopologyBuilder
- setBolt(String, IBatchBolt, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.BatchSubtopologyBuilder
- setBolt(String, IBasicBolt) - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.BatchSubtopologyBuilder
- setBolt(String, IBasicBolt, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.coordination.BatchSubtopologyBuilder
- setBolt(String, IRichBolt) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
Define a new bolt in this topology with parallelism of just one thread.
- setBolt(String, IRichBolt, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
Define a new bolt in this topology with the specified amount of parallelism.
- setBolt(String, IBasicBolt) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
Define a new bolt in this topology.
- setBolt(String, IBasicBolt, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
Define a new bolt in this topology.
- setBolt(String, IBatchBolt) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalTopologyBuilder
- setBolt(String, IBatchBolt, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalTopologyBuilder
- setBolt(String, IBasicBolt) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalTopologyBuilder
- setBolt(String, IBasicBolt, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalTopologyBuilder
- setBolt(String, ITridentBatchBolt, Integer, Set<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentTopologyBuilder
- setBolts(List<BoltDef>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setCheckpointIntervalInSeconds(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- setClassName(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ObjectDef
- setClasspath(Map, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setClasspath(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setCleanupState(Boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- setCollector(TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.CaptureCollector
- setCommand(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setCommand(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.SpoutMsg
- setCommitterBolt(String, IBatchBolt) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalTopologyBuilder
- setCommitterBolt(String, IBatchBolt, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.TransactionalTopologyBuilder
- setComp(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- setComponent(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkTupleParam
- setComponents(List<BeanDef>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setConfig(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setConfigMethods(List<ConfigMethodDef>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ObjectDef
- setConstructorArgs(List<Object>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ObjectDef
- setConsumerGroupName(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- setContext(Tuple) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.BasicOutputCollector
- setContext(ProcessorContext, TridentTuple) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.AppendCollector
- setContext(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.FreshCollector
- setCredentials(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface backtype.storm.ICredentialsListener
Called when the credentials of a topology have changed.
- setCurrBatch(TridentBoltExecutor.TrackedBatch) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentBoltExecutor.CoordinatedOutputCollector
- setCustomClass(ObjectDef) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- setCycle(boolean) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FixedBatchSpout
- setDaemonConf(Map) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkClusterParam
- setData(String, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.transactional.state.TransactionalState
- setData(String, Object) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState
- setDatabase(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig.Builder
Sets database index.
- setDebug(Map, boolean) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setDebug(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setDebug(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.BaseConfigurationDeclarer
- setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.ComponentConfigurationDeclarer
- setDelegate(List<Object>) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- setDisabled(Integer, boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.OpaqueMemoryTransactionalSpout
- setEnqueueTimeFilter(long) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- setEnvironment(Map, Map) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setEnvironment(Map) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setEnvironment(Map<String, String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
set the environment for the command
- setEventDataScheme(IEventDataScheme) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- setExecuteSampleStartTime(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- setExecutorData(String, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
- setExpireInterval(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state.AbstractRedisStateUpdater
Sets expire (time to live) if needed
- setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(Map, boolean) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setFields(String...) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkTupleParam
- setFieldValue(AlreadyAliveException._Fields, Object) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
- setFieldValue(Assignment._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- setFieldValue(AuthorizationException._Fields, Object) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
- setFieldValue(Bolt._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- setFieldValue(BoltStats._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- setFieldValue(ClusterSummary._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- setFieldValue(ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- setFieldValue(ComponentCommon._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- setFieldValue(Credentials._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
- setFieldValue(DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- setFieldValue(DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- setFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- setFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- setFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- setFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- setFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- setFieldValue(DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
- setFieldValue(DRPCExecutionException._Fields, Object) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
- setFieldValue(DRPCRequest._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- setFieldValue(ErrorInfo._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- setFieldValue(ExecutorInfo._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- setFieldValue(ExecutorStats._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- setFieldValue(ExecutorSummary._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- setFieldValue(GetInfoOptions._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
- setFieldValue(GlobalStreamId._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- setFieldValue(InvalidTopologyException._Fields, Object) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- setFieldValue(JavaObject._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- setFieldValue(KillOptions._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
- setFieldValue(LocalAssignment._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- setFieldValue(LocalStateData._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
- setFieldValue(LSApprovedWorkers._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
- setFieldValue(LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
- setFieldValue(LSSupervisorId._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
- setFieldValue(LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.activate_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.activate_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- setFieldValue(Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- setFieldValue(NodeInfo._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- setFieldValue(NotAliveException._Fields, Object) - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- setFieldValue(NullStruct._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct
- setFieldValue(RebalanceOptions._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- setFieldValue(ShellComponent._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- setFieldValue(SpoutSpec._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- setFieldValue(SpoutStats._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- setFieldValue(StateSpoutSpec._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- setFieldValue(StormBase._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- setFieldValue(StormTopology._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- setFieldValue(StreamInfo._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- setFieldValue(SubmitOptions._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- setFieldValue(SupervisorInfo._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- setFieldValue(SupervisorSummary._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- setFieldValue(ThriftSerializedObject._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- setFieldValue(TopologyInfo._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- setFieldValue(TopologySummary._Fields, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- setFile(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.IncludeDef
- setFollowThroughCollector(TridentCollector) - Method in class storm.trident.operation.impl.ChainedResult
- setFrom(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- setGrouping(GroupingDef) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- setHeartBeatNeeded() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hive.common.HiveWriter
- setHost(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig.Builder
Sets host.
- setId(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- setId(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setId(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.SpoutMsg
- setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.BeanDef
- setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.BeanReference
- setIncludes(List<IncludeDef>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setKerbTicket(KerberosTicket) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.kerberos.AutoTGTKrb5LoginModuleTest
- setKryoFactory(Map, Class<? extends IKryoFactory>) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setKryoFactory(Class<? extends IKryoFactory>) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setLatestEmittedOffset(Partition, long) - Method in class storm.kafka.KafkaUtils.KafkaOffsetMetric
- setLocalNimbus(ILocalCluster) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
- setLogLevel(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setMap(IPersistentMap) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- setMaxPendingMsgsPerPartition(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- setMaxRedirections(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisClusterConfig.Builder
Sets limit of redirection.
- setMaxSpoutPending(Map, int) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setMaxSpoutPending(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setMaxSpoutPending(Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.BaseConfigurationDeclarer
- setMaxSpoutPending(Number) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.ComponentConfigurationDeclarer
- setMaxTaskParallelism(Map, int) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setMaxTaskParallelism(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setMaxTaskParallelism(Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.BaseConfigurationDeclarer
- setMaxTaskParallelism(Number) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.ComponentConfigurationDeclarer
- setMessageTimeoutSecs(Map, int) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setMessageTimeoutSecs(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setMethodName(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologySourceDef
- setMetricName(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setMetricParams(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setMockedSources(MockedSources) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- setMsg(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ConfigMethodDef
- setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.PropertyDef
- setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setName(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setNeedTaskIds(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setNodes(Set<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisClusterConfig.Builder
Sets list of node.
- setNumAckers(Map, int) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setNumAckers(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setNumTasks(Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.BaseConfigurationDeclarer
- setNumTasks(Number) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.ComponentConfigurationDeclarer
- setNumWorkers(Map, int) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setNumWorkers(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setObject(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.MutableObject
- setOverride(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.IncludeDef
- setParallelism(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.VertexDef
- setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig.Builder
Sets password.
- setPort(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig.Builder
Sets port.
- setPortsPerSupervisor(Integer) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkClusterParam
- setProcessSampleStartTime(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- setProperties(List<PropertyDef>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.ObjectDef
- setRealPrincipal(Principal) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ReqContext
- setReceiverCredits(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- setRef(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.PropertyDef
- setRemoteAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ReqContext
client address
- setResource(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.IncludeDef
- setSaslToken(byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.SaslMessageToken
Write accessor for SASL token
- setScheme(MultiScheme) - Method in interface backtype.storm.spout.IMultiSchemableSpout
- setScheme(Scheme) - Method in interface backtype.storm.spout.ISchemableSpout
- setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(Map, boolean) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(boolean) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setSpout(String, IRichSpout) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
Define a new spout in this topology.
- setSpout(String, IRichSpout, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
Define a new spout in this topology with the specified parallelism.
- setSpout(String, String, String, IBatchSpout, Integer, String) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentTopologyBuilder
- setSpout(String, String, String, ITridentSpout, Integer, String) - Method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentTopologyBuilder
- setSpouts(List<SpoutDef>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setState(String, Object) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.RegisteredGlobalState
- setStateSpout(String, IRichStateSpout) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
- setStateSpout(String, IRichStateSpout, Number) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
- setStatsSampleRate(Map, double) - Static method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setStatsSampleRate(double) - Method in class backtype.storm.Config
- setStatus(String, String) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.Cluster
- setStormConf(Config) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- setStream(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- setStream(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setStream(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkTupleParam
- setStreamId(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- setStreams(List<StreamDef>) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setSubject(Subject) - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ReqContext
Set remote subject explicitly
- setSubscribedState(String, T) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Synchronizes the default stream from the specified state spout component
id with the provided ISubscribedState object.
- setSubscribedState(String, String, T) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
Synchronizes the specified stream from the specified state spout component
id with the provided ISubscribedState object.
- setSupervisors(Integer) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MkClusterParam
- setTargetAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- setTask(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- setTask(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setTaskData(String, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext
- setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisClusterConfig.Builder
Sets socket / connection timeout.
- setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.storm.redis.common.config.JedisPoolConfig.Builder
Sets timeout.
- setTimeoutMs(Integer) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- setTo(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- setTopologyName(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam
- setTopologyName(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- setTopologySource(TopologySourceDef) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- setTuple(List<Object>) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.BoltMsg
- setTuple(List<Object>) - Method in class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- setType(GroupingDef.Type) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef
- setupBuilder(CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder, String, Map, ZookeeperAuthInfo) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- setValue(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.metric.api.AssignableMetric
- setValue(Object) - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.PropertyDef
- setWaitToEmit(boolean) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout
- setWaitToEmit(boolean) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederCommitterBatchSpout
- setWorkingDirectory(File) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
set the working directory
- setZkConnectionString(String) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.EventHubSpoutConfig
- SHARED_EXECUTOR - Static variable in class backtype.storm.task.WorkerTopologyContext
- shell(ShellComponent) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- ShellBasedGroupsMapping - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth
- ShellBasedGroupsMapping() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.ShellBasedGroupsMapping
- ShellBolt - Class in backtype.storm.task
A bolt that shells out to another process to process tuples.
- ShellBolt(ShellComponent) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.task.ShellBolt
- ShellBolt(String...) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.task.ShellBolt
- ShellCommandExecutor(String[]) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.ShellCommandExecutor
- ShellCommandExecutor(String[], File) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.ShellCommandExecutor
- ShellCommandExecutor(String[], File, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.ShellCommandExecutor
- ShellCommandExecutor(String[], File, Map<String, String>, long) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.ShellCommandExecutor
Create a new instance of the ShellCommandExecutor to execute a command.
- ShellComponent - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- ShellComponent() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- ShellComponent(String, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- ShellComponent(ShellComponent) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
Performs a deep copy on other.
- ShellComponent._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- ShellLogger - Static variable in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- ShellMsg - Class in backtype.storm.multilang
ShellMsg is an object that represents the data sent to a shell component from
a process that implements a multi-language protocol.
- ShellMsg() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg
- ShellMsg.ShellLogLevel - Enum in backtype.storm.multilang
- ShellProcess - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- ShellProcess(String[]) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ShellProcess
- ShellSpout - Class in backtype.storm.spout
- ShellSpout(ShellComponent) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.ShellSpout
- ShellSpout(String...) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.ShellSpout
- ShellUtils - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- ShellUtils() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
- ShellUtils(long) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
- ShellUtils(long, boolean) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
- ShellUtils.ExitCodeException - Exception in backtype.storm.utils
This is an IOException with exit code added.
- ShellUtils.OSType - Enum in backtype.storm.utils
- ShellUtils.ShellCommandExecutor - Class in backtype.storm.utils
A simple shell command executor.
- shouldRetryMsg(Long) - Method in class storm.kafka.ExponentialBackoffMsgRetryManager
- shouldRetryMsg(Long) - Method in interface storm.kafka.FailedMsgRetryManager
- shuffle(NullStruct) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- shuffle() - Method in class storm.trident.Stream
- shuffleGrouping() - Method in interface backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCInputDeclarer
- shuffleGrouping(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.drpc.LinearDRPCInputDeclarer
- shuffleGrouping(String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
Tuples are randomly distributed across the bolt's tasks in a way such that
each bolt is guaranteed to get an equal number of tuples.
- shuffleGrouping(String, String) - Method in interface backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer
Tuples are randomly distributed across the bolt's tasks in a way such that
each bolt is guaranteed to get an equal number of tuples.
- shuffleGrouping(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- shuffleGrouping(String, String) - Method in class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.BoltGetter
- shutdown() - Method in interface backtype.storm.daemon.Shutdownable
- shutdown() - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalCluster
- shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hbase.security.AutoHBase
- shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.common.security.AutoHDFS
- Shutdownable - Interface in backtype.storm.daemon
- SimpleACLAuthorizer - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer
An authorization implementation that simply checks if a user is allowed to perform specific
- SimpleACLAuthorizer() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.SimpleACLAuthorizer
- SimpleHBaseMapper - Class in org.apache.storm.hbase.bolt.mapper
- SimpleHBaseMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hbase.bolt.mapper.SimpleHBaseMapper
- SimpleJdbcLookupMapper - Class in org.apache.storm.jdbc.mapper
- SimpleJdbcLookupMapper(Fields, List<Column>) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.jdbc.mapper.SimpleJdbcLookupMapper
- SimpleJdbcMapper - Class in org.apache.storm.jdbc.mapper
- SimpleJdbcMapper(String, ConnectionProvider) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.jdbc.mapper.SimpleJdbcMapper
- SimpleJdbcMapper(List<Column>) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.jdbc.mapper.SimpleJdbcMapper
- SimplePartitionManager - Class in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
A simple partition manager that does not re-send failed messages
- SimplePartitionManager(EventHubSpoutConfig, String, IStateStore, IEventHubReceiver) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.SimplePartitionManager
- SimpleTransportPlugin - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth
Simple transport for Thrift plugin.
- SimpleTransportPlugin() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin
- SimpleTridentHBaseMapMapper - Class in org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.mapper
- SimpleTridentHBaseMapMapper(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.mapper.SimpleTridentHBaseMapMapper
- SimpleTridentHBaseMapper - Class in org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.mapper
- SimpleTridentHBaseMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.hbase.trident.mapper.SimpleTridentHBaseMapper
- SimpleWhitelistAuthorizer - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer
An authorization implementation that simply checks a whitelist of users that
are allowed to use the cluster.
- SimpleWhitelistAuthorizer() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.authorizer.SimpleWhitelistAuthorizer
- single() - Static method in class backtype.storm.coordination.CoordinatedBolt.SourceArgs
- single() - Static method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentBoltExecutor.CoordType
- singleCount - Variable in class backtype.storm.coordination.CoordinatedBolt.SourceArgs
- singleCount - Variable in class storm.trident.topology.TridentBoltExecutor.CoordType
- SingleEmitAggregator - Class in storm.trident.operation.impl
- SingleEmitAggregator(Aggregator, SingleEmitAggregator.BatchToPartition) - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.impl.SingleEmitAggregator
- SingleEmitAggregator.BatchToPartition - Interface in storm.trident.operation.impl
- singleEmitPartitioner() - Method in interface storm.trident.fluent.GlobalAggregationScheme
- singleEmitPartitioner() - Method in class storm.trident.fluent.GroupedStream
- SingleJoinBolt - Class in storm.starter.bolt
- SingleJoinBolt(Fields) - Constructor for class storm.starter.bolt.SingleJoinBolt
- SingleJoinExample - Class in storm.starter
- SingleJoinExample() - Constructor for class storm.starter.SingleJoinExample
- SingleUserPrincipal - Class in backtype.storm.security.auth
A Principal that represents a user.
- SingleUserPrincipal(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.security.auth.SingleUserPrincipal
- SingleUserSimpleTransport - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- SingleUserSimpleTransport() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.SingleUserSimpleTransport
- size() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.Fields
- size() - Method in interface backtype.storm.tuple.ITuple
Returns the number of fields in this tuple.
- size() - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- size() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- size() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- size() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.RotatingMap
- size() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.TimeCacheMap
- size() - Method in class storm.starter.tools.Rankings
- size() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.ComboList
- size() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.ConsList
- size() - Method in class storm.trident.tuple.TridentTupleView
- SkewedRollingTopWords - Class in storm.starter
This topology does a continuous computation of the top N words that the topology has seen in terms of cardinality.
- SkewedRollingTopWords(String) - Constructor for class storm.starter.SkewedRollingTopWords
- skipCompressedByteArray(DataInput) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.WritableUtils
- skipFully(DataInput, int) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.WritableUtils
Skip len number of bytes in input streamin
- sleep(long) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Time
- sleep(long) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Utils
- SleepSpoutWaitStrategy - Class in backtype.storm.spout
- SleepSpoutWaitStrategy() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.SleepSpoutWaitStrategy
- sleepUntil(long) - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Time
- SlidingWindowCounter<T> - Class in storm.starter.tools
This class counts objects in a sliding window fashion.
- SlidingWindowCounter(int) - Constructor for class storm.starter.tools.SlidingWindowCounter
- SlotBasedCounter<T> - Class in storm.starter.tools
This class provides per-slot counts of the occurrences of objects.
- SlotBasedCounter(int) - Constructor for class storm.starter.tools.SlotBasedCounter
- slotsAvailable() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.DefaultPool
- slotsAvailable() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.FreePool
- slotsAvailable() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.IsolatedPool
- slotsAvailable() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
- slotsAvailable(NodePool[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.NodePool
- snapshot() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.LocalState
- SnapshotGet - Class in storm.trident.operation.builtin
- SnapshotGet() - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.builtin.SnapshotGet
- Snapshottable<T> - Interface in storm.trident.state.snapshot
- SnapshottableMap<T> - Class in storm.trident.state.map
- SnapshottableMap(MapState<T>, List<Object>) - Constructor for class storm.trident.state.map.SnapshottableMap
- socketTimeoutMs - Variable in class storm.kafka.KafkaConfig
- SOLARIS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils
- source - Variable in class storm.trident.util.IndexedEdge
- SourceArgs(boolean) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.coordination.CoordinatedBolt.SourceArgs
- spec - Variable in class storm.trident.planner.NodeStateInfo
- Split() - Constructor for class storm.starter.trident.TridentWordCount.Split
- Split - Class in storm.trident.testing
- Split() - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.Split
- SplitSentence() - Constructor for class storm.starter.WordCountTopology.SplitSentence
- SplitSentence() - Constructor for class storm.starter.WordCountTopologyNode.SplitSentence
- spout(SpoutStats) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- spout - Variable in class storm.trident.planner.SpoutNode
- spoutAck(SpoutAckInfo) - Method in class backtype.storm.hooks.BaseTaskHook
- spoutAck(SpoutAckInfo) - Method in interface backtype.storm.hooks.ITaskHook
- SpoutAckInfo - Class in backtype.storm.hooks.info
- SpoutAckInfo(Object, int, Long) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.hooks.info.SpoutAckInfo
- spoutConfig - Variable in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.samples.EventCount
- SpoutConfig - Class in storm.kafka
- SpoutConfig(BrokerHosts, String, String, String) - Constructor for class storm.kafka.SpoutConfig
- spoutCoordinator(String) - Static method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentTopologyBuilder
- SpoutDeclarer - Interface in backtype.storm.topology
- SpoutDef - Class in org.apache.storm.flux.model
Bean representation of a Storm spout.
- SpoutDef() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.model.SpoutDef
- spoutFail(SpoutFailInfo) - Method in class backtype.storm.hooks.BaseTaskHook
- spoutFail(SpoutFailInfo) - Method in interface backtype.storm.hooks.ITaskHook
- SpoutFailInfo - Class in backtype.storm.hooks.info
- SpoutFailInfo(Object, int, Long) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.hooks.info.SpoutFailInfo
- SpoutGetter(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.SpoutGetter
- spoutIdFromCoordinatorId(String) - Static method in class storm.trident.topology.TridentTopologyBuilder
- SpoutMsg - Class in backtype.storm.multilang
SpoutMsg is an object that represents the data sent from a shell spout to a
process that implements a multi-language spout.
- SpoutMsg() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.multilang.SpoutMsg
- SpoutNode - Class in storm.trident.planner
- SpoutNode(String, Fields, String, Object, SpoutNode.SpoutType) - Constructor for class storm.trident.planner.SpoutNode
- SpoutNode.SpoutType - Enum in storm.trident.planner
- SpoutOutputCollector - Class in backtype.storm.spout
This output collector exposes the API for emitting tuples from an
- SpoutOutputCollector(ISpoutOutputCollector) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.SpoutOutputCollector
- SpoutSpec - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- SpoutSpec() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- SpoutSpec(ComponentObject, ComponentCommon) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- SpoutSpec(SpoutSpec) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
Performs a deep copy on other.
- SpoutSpec._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- SpoutStats - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- SpoutStats() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- SpoutStats(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>, Map<String, Map<String, Long>>, Map<String, Map<String, Double>>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- SpoutStats(SpoutStats) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
Performs a deep copy on other.
- SpoutStats._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- spoutTaskId - Variable in class backtype.storm.hooks.info.SpoutAckInfo
- spoutTaskId - Variable in class backtype.storm.hooks.info.SpoutFailInfo
- SpoutTracker - Class in backtype.storm.testing
- SpoutTracker(IRichSpout, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.testing.SpoutTracker
- srcComponentId - Variable in class backtype.storm.metric.api.IMetricsConsumer.TaskInfo
- srcTaskId - Variable in class backtype.storm.metric.api.IMetricsConsumer.TaskInfo
- srcWorkerHost - Variable in class backtype.storm.metric.api.IMetricsConsumer.TaskInfo
- srcWorkerPort - Variable in class backtype.storm.metric.api.IMetricsConsumer.TaskInfo
- standardSchemeReadValue(TProtocol, TField) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- standardSchemeReadValue(TProtocol, TField) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- standardSchemeReadValue(TProtocol, TField) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- standardSchemeReadValue(TProtocol, TField) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- standardSchemeReadValue(TProtocol, TField) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- standardSchemeWriteValue(TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject
- standardSchemeWriteValue(TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats
- standardSchemeWriteValue(TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Grouping
- standardSchemeWriteValue(TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- standardSchemeWriteValue(TProtocol) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions
- start(I, DistributedRPC.execute_args, AsyncMethodCallback<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.AsyncProcessor.execute
- start(I, DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.failRequest
- start(I, DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args, AsyncMethodCallback<DRPCRequest>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.fetchRequest
- start(I, DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.result
- start(I, Nimbus.activate_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.activate
- start(I, Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args, AsyncMethodCallback<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileDownload
- start(I, Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args, AsyncMethodCallback<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileUpload
- start(I, Nimbus.deactivate_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.deactivate
- start(I, Nimbus.downloadChunk_args, AsyncMethodCallback<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.downloadChunk
- start(I, Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.finishFileUpload
- start(I, Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args, AsyncMethodCallback<ClusterSummary>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getClusterInfo
- start(I, Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args, AsyncMethodCallback<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getNimbusConf
- start(I, Nimbus.getTopology_args, AsyncMethodCallback<StormTopology>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopology
- start(I, Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args, AsyncMethodCallback<String>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyConf
- start(I, Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args, AsyncMethodCallback<TopologyInfo>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfo
- start(I, Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args, AsyncMethodCallback<TopologyInfo>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts
- start(I, Nimbus.getUserTopology_args, AsyncMethodCallback<StormTopology>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getUserTopology
- start(I, Nimbus.killTopology_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopology
- start(I, Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopologyWithOpts
- start(I, Nimbus.rebalance_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.rebalance
- start(I, Nimbus.submitTopology_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopology
- start(I, Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- start(I, Nimbus.uploadChunk_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadChunk
- start(I, Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args, AsyncMethodCallback<Void>) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadNewCredentials
- startBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.AggregateProcessor
- startBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.EachProcessor
- startBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.MultiReducerProcessor
- startBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.PartitionPersistProcessor
- startBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.ProjectedProcessor
- startBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in class storm.trident.planner.processor.StateQueryProcessor
- startBatch(ProcessorContext) - Method in interface storm.trident.planner.TridentProcessor
- startOffsetTime - Variable in class storm.kafka.KafkaConfig
- startSimulating() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Time
- startup() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.MemoryTransactionalSpout
- startup() - Method in class backtype.storm.testing.OpaqueMemoryTransactionalSpout
- state - Variable in class storm.trident.planner.ProcessorContext
- State - Interface in storm.trident.state
There's 3 different kinds of state:
- state - Variable in class storm.trident.topology.BatchInfo
- StateFactory - Interface in storm.trident.state
- stateFactory - Variable in class storm.trident.state.StateSpec
- stateInfo - Variable in class storm.trident.planner.Node
- StateMetric - Class in backtype.storm.metric.api
- StateMetric(IStatefulObject) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.metric.api.StateMetric
- stateQuery(TridentState, Fields, QueryFunction, Fields) - Method in class storm.trident.fluent.GroupedStream
- stateQuery(TridentState, QueryFunction, Fields) - Method in class storm.trident.fluent.GroupedStream
- stateQuery(TridentState, Fields, QueryFunction, Fields) - Method in class storm.trident.Stream
- stateQuery(TridentState, QueryFunction, Fields) - Method in class storm.trident.Stream
- StateQueryProcessor - Class in storm.trident.planner.processor
- StateQueryProcessor(String, Fields, QueryFunction) - Constructor for class storm.trident.planner.processor.StateQueryProcessor
- StateSpec - Class in storm.trident.state
- StateSpec(StateFactory) - Constructor for class storm.trident.state.StateSpec
- StateSpoutOutputCollector - Class in backtype.storm.state
- StateSpoutOutputCollector() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.state.StateSpoutOutputCollector
- StateSpoutSpec - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- StateSpoutSpec() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- StateSpoutSpec(ComponentObject, ComponentCommon) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- StateSpoutSpec(StateSpoutSpec) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
Performs a deep copy on other.
- StateSpoutSpec._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- stateStore - Variable in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.StaticPartitionCoordinator
- StateType - Enum in storm.trident.state
- stateUpdateIntervalMs - Variable in class storm.kafka.SpoutConfig
- StateUpdater<S extends State> - Interface in storm.trident.state
- StaticBrokerReader - Class in storm.kafka.trident
- StaticBrokerReader(GlobalPartitionInformation) - Constructor for class storm.kafka.trident.StaticBrokerReader
- StaticCoordinator - Class in storm.kafka
- StaticCoordinator(DynamicPartitionConnections, Map, SpoutConfig, ZkState, int, int, String) - Constructor for class storm.kafka.StaticCoordinator
- StaticHosts - Class in storm.kafka
Date: 11/05/2013
Time: 14:43
- StaticHosts(GlobalPartitionInformation) - Constructor for class storm.kafka.StaticHosts
- StaticPartitionConnections - Class in storm.kafka
- StaticPartitionConnections(KafkaConfig) - Constructor for class storm.kafka.StaticPartitionConnections
- StaticPartitionCoordinator - Class in org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout
- StaticPartitionCoordinator(EventHubSpoutConfig, int, int, IStateStore, IPartitionManagerFactory, IEventHubReceiverFactory) - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.spout.StaticPartitionCoordinator
- StaticSingleKeyMapState(Map) - Constructor for class storm.starter.trident.TridentReach.StaticSingleKeyMapState
- status() - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.ConnectionWithStatus
whether this connection is available to transfer data
- status() - Method in class backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Client
Note: Storm will check via this method whether a worker can be activated safely during the initial startup of a
- stop() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftServer
- stopSimulating() - Static method in class backtype.storm.utils.Time
- storm.kafka - package storm.kafka
- storm.kafka.bolt - package storm.kafka.bolt
- storm.kafka.bolt.mapper - package storm.kafka.bolt.mapper
- storm.kafka.bolt.selector - package storm.kafka.bolt.selector
- storm.kafka.trident - package storm.kafka.trident
- storm.kafka.trident.mapper - package storm.kafka.trident.mapper
- storm.kafka.trident.selector - package storm.kafka.trident.selector
- storm.starter - package storm.starter
- storm.starter.bolt - package storm.starter.bolt
- storm.starter.spout - package storm.starter.spout
- storm.starter.tools - package storm.starter.tools
- storm.starter.trident - package storm.starter.trident
- storm.starter.util - package storm.starter.util
- storm.trident - package storm.trident
- storm.trident.drpc - package storm.trident.drpc
- storm.trident.fluent - package storm.trident.fluent
- storm.trident.graph - package storm.trident.graph
- storm.trident.operation - package storm.trident.operation
- storm.trident.operation.builtin - package storm.trident.operation.builtin
- storm.trident.operation.impl - package storm.trident.operation.impl
- storm.trident.partition - package storm.trident.partition
- storm.trident.planner - package storm.trident.planner
- storm.trident.planner.processor - package storm.trident.planner.processor
- storm.trident.spout - package storm.trident.spout
- storm.trident.state - package storm.trident.state
- storm.trident.state.map - package storm.trident.state.map
- storm.trident.state.snapshot - package storm.trident.state.snapshot
- storm.trident.testing - package storm.trident.testing
- storm.trident.topology - package storm.trident.topology
- storm.trident.topology.state - package storm.trident.topology.state
- storm.trident.tuple - package storm.trident.tuple
- storm.trident.util - package storm.trident.util
- STORM_CLUSTER_MODE - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The mode this Storm cluster is running in.
- STORM_CLUSTER_MODE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- storm_conf - Variable in class backtype.storm.security.auth.SaslTransportPlugin
- storm_conf - Variable in class backtype.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin
- STORM_DO_AS_USER - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The user as which the nimbus client should be acquired to perform the operation.
- STORM_DO_AS_USER_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_GROUP_MAPPING_SERVICE_CACHE_DURATION_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Max no.of seconds group mapping service will cache user groups
- STORM_GROUP_MAPPING_SERVICE_CACHE_DURATION_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_GROUP_MAPPING_SERVICE_PROVIDER_PLUGIN - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The plugin that will provide user groups service
- STORM_GROUP_MAPPING_SERVICE_PROVIDER_PLUGIN_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ID - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The id assigned to a running topology.
- STORM_ID_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_KEYTAB_FILE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.storm.hbase.security.HBaseSecurityUtil
- STORM_KEYTAB_FILE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.common.security.HdfsSecurityUtil
- STORM_LOCAL_DIR - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A directory on the local filesystem used by Storm for any local
filesystem usage it needs.
- STORM_LOCAL_DIR_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The hostname the supervisors/workers should report to nimbus.
- STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_LOCAL_MODE_ZMQ - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Whether or not to use ZeroMQ for messaging in local mode.
- STORM_LOCAL_MODE_ZMQ_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Netty based messaging: Is authentication required for Netty messaging from client worker process to server worker process.
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Netty based messaging: The buffer size for send/recv buffer
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_BUFFER_SIZE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_CLIENT_WORKER_THREADS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Netty based messaging: The # of worker threads for the client.
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_CLIENT_WORKER_THREADS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MAX_RETRIES - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MAX_RETRIES_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MAX_SLEEP_MS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Netty based messaging: The max # of milliseconds that a peer will wait.
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MAX_SLEEP_MS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MIN_SLEEP_MS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Netty based messaging: The min # of milliseconds that a peer will wait.
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MIN_SLEEP_MS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_SERVER_WORKER_THREADS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Netty based messaging: The # of worker threads for the server.
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_SERVER_WORKER_THREADS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_SOCKET_BACKLOG - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Netty based messaging: Sets the backlog value to specify when the channel binds to a local address
- STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_SOCKET_BACKLOG_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_MESSAGING_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The transporter for communication among Storm tasks
- STORM_MESSAGING_TRANSPORT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_META_SERIALIZATION_DELEGATE - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The delegate for serializing metadata, should be used for serialized objects stored in zookeeper and on disk.
- STORM_META_SERIALIZATION_DELEGATE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_NETTY_FLUSH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
We check with this interval that whether the Netty channel is writable and try to write pending messages
- STORM_NETTY_FLUSH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_NETTY_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
If the Netty messaging layer is busy, the Netty client will try to batch message as more as possible up to the size of STORM_NETTY_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE bytes
- STORM_NETTY_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_NIMBUS_RETRY_INTERVAL - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The starting interval between exponential backoff retries of a Nimbus operation.
- STORM_NIMBUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_CEILING - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The ceiling of the interval between retries of a client connect to Nimbus operation.
- STORM_NIMBUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_CEILING_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_NIMBUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_NIMBUS_RETRY_TIMES - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The number of times to retry a Nimbus operation.
- STORM_NIMBUS_RETRY_TIMES_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_PRINCIPAL_TO_LOCAL_PLUGIN - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The plugin that will convert a principal to a local user.
- STORM_PRINCIPAL_TO_LOCAL_PLUGIN_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_SCHEDULER - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A global task scheduler used to assign topologies's tasks to supervisors' wokers.
- STORM_SCHEDULER_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_THRIFT_TRANSPORT_PLUGIN - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The default transport plug-in for Thrift client/server communication
- STORM_THRIFT_TRANSPORT_PLUGIN_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_USER_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.storm.hbase.security.HBaseSecurityUtil
- STORM_USER_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.common.security.HdfsSecurityUtil
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_AUTH_PAYLOAD - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A string representing the payload for cluster Zookeeper authentication.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_AUTH_PAYLOAD_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_AUTH_SCHEME - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The cluster Zookeeper authentication scheme to use, e.g.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_AUTH_SCHEME_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The connection timeout for clients to ZooKeeper.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The port Storm will use to connect to each of the ZooKeeper servers.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The interval between retries of a Zookeeper operation.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL_CEILING - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The ceiling of the interval between retries of a Zookeeper operation.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL_CEILING_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_TIMES - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The number of times to retry a Zookeeper operation.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_TIMES_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The root location at which Storm stores data in ZooKeeper.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A list of hosts of ZooKeeper servers used to manage the cluster.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The session timeout for clients to ZooKeeper.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SUPERACL - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
This is part of a temporary workaround to a ZK bug, it is the 'scheme:acl' for
the user Nimbus and Supervisors use to authenticate with ZK.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SUPERACL_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_TOPOLOGY_AUTH_PAYLOAD - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A string representing the payload for topology Zookeeper authentication.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_TOPOLOGY_AUTH_PAYLOAD_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_TOPOLOGY_AUTH_SCHEME - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
The topology Zookeeper authentication scheme to use, e.g.
- STORM_ZOOKEEPER_TOPOLOGY_AUTH_SCHEME_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- StormBase - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- StormBase() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- StormBase(String, TopologyStatus, int) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- StormBase(StormBase) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
Performs a deep copy on other.
- StormBase._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry(int, int, int) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry
The class provides generic exponential-linear backoff retry strategy for
- StormClientErrorHandler - Class in backtype.storm.messaging.netty
- StormClientHandler - Class in backtype.storm.messaging.netty
- StormRunner - Class in storm.starter.util
- StormSubmitter - Class in backtype.storm
Use this class to submit topologies to run on the Storm cluster.
- StormSubmitter() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
- StormSubmitter.ProgressListener - Interface in backtype.storm
Interface use to track progress of file upload
- StormTopology - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- StormTopology() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- StormTopology(Map<String, SpoutSpec>, Map<String, Bolt>, Map<String, StateSpoutSpec>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- StormTopology(StormTopology) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
Performs a deep copy on other.
- StormTopology._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- stream - Variable in class backtype.storm.hooks.info.EmitInfo
- stream - Variable in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTuple
- Stream - Class in storm.trident
- Stream(TridentTopology, String, Node) - Constructor for class storm.trident.Stream
- StreamDef - Class in org.apache.storm.flux.model
Represents a stream of tuples from one Storm component (Spout or Bolt) to another (an edge in the topology DAG).
- StreamDef() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.model.StreamDef
- streamId - Variable in class storm.trident.planner.Node
- StreamInfo - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- StreamInfo() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- StreamInfo(List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- StreamInfo(StreamInfo) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
Performs a deep copy on other.
- StreamInfo._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- string_arg(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg
- STRING_SCHEME_KEY - Static variable in class storm.kafka.StringScheme
- StringKeyValueScheme - Class in storm.kafka
- StringKeyValueScheme() - Constructor for class storm.kafka.StringKeyValueScheme
- StringLength - Class in storm.trident.testing
- StringLength() - Constructor for class storm.trident.testing.StringLength
- StringOrStringListValidator - Static variable in class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation
Validates a String or a list of Strings
- StringScheme - Class in storm.kafka
- StringScheme() - Constructor for class storm.kafka.StringScheme
- StringsValidator - Static variable in class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation
Validates a list of Strings.
- subject() - Method in class backtype.storm.security.auth.ReqContext
Retrieve client subject associated with this request context
- subList(int, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.ListDelegate
- submitJar(Map, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
Submit jar file
- submitJar(Map, String, StormSubmitter.ProgressListener) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
Submit jar file
- submitJarAs(Map, String, StormSubmitter.ProgressListener, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
- SubmitOptions - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- SubmitOptions() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- SubmitOptions(TopologyInitialStatus) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- SubmitOptions(SubmitOptions) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
Performs a deep copy on other.
- SubmitOptions._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- submitTopology(String, String, String, StormTopology, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- submitTopology(String, String, String, StormTopology, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- submitTopology() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopology
- submitTopology(String, String, String, StormTopology) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- submitTopology(String, String, String, StormTopology) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
- submitTopology() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.submitTopology
- submitTopology(String, Map, StormTopology) - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalCluster
- submitTopology(String, Map, StormTopology) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
Submits a topology to run on the cluster.
- submitTopology(String, Map, StormTopology, SubmitOptions) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
Submits a topology to run on the cluster.
- submitTopology(String, Map, StormTopology, SubmitOptions, StormSubmitter.ProgressListener) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
Submits a topology to run on the cluster.
- submitTopology(String[], StormTopology) - Method in class org.apache.storm.eventhubs.samples.EventCount
- submitTopology_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- submitTopology_args(String, String, String, StormTopology) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- submitTopology_args(Nimbus.submitTopology_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- submitTopology_call(String, String, String, StormTopology, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.submitTopology_call
- submitTopology_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- submitTopology_result(AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- submitTopology_result(Nimbus.submitTopology_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- submitTopologyAs(String, Map, StormTopology, SubmitOptions, StormSubmitter.ProgressListener, String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
- submitTopologyWithOpts(String, String, String, StormTopology, SubmitOptions, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient
- submitTopologyWithOpts(String, String, String, StormTopology, SubmitOptions, AsyncMethodCallback) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncIface
- submitTopologyWithOpts() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- submitTopologyWithOpts(String, String, String, StormTopology, SubmitOptions) - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client
- submitTopologyWithOpts(String, String, String, StormTopology, SubmitOptions) - Method in interface backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface
- submitTopologyWithOpts() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor.submitTopologyWithOpts
- submitTopologyWithOpts(String, Map, StormTopology, SubmitOptions) - Method in interface backtype.storm.ILocalCluster
- submitTopologyWithOpts_args() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- submitTopologyWithOpts_args(String, String, String, StormTopology, SubmitOptions) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- submitTopologyWithOpts_args(Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- submitTopologyWithOpts_call(String, String, String, StormTopology, SubmitOptions, AsyncMethodCallback, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.AsyncClient.submitTopologyWithOpts_call
- submitTopologyWithOpts_result() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- submitTopologyWithOpts_result(AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- submitTopologyWithOpts_result(Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- submitTopologyWithProgressBar(String, Map, StormTopology) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
Submits a topology to run on the cluster with a progress bar.
- submitTopologyWithProgressBar(String, Map, StormTopology, SubmitOptions) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
Submits a topology to run on the cluster with a progress bar.
- SubtopologyBolt - Class in storm.trident.planner
- SubtopologyBolt(DirectedGraph, Set<Node>, Map<Node, String>) - Constructor for class storm.trident.planner.SubtopologyBolt
- SubtopologyBolt.InitialReceiver - Class in storm.trident.planner
- succeedVersion(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionedStore
- success(TransactionAttempt) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.BatchSpoutExecutor.BatchSpoutEmitter
- success(long) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.BatchSpoutExecutor.EmptyCoordinator
- success(long) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ITridentSpout.BatchCoordinator
- success(TransactionAttempt) - Method in interface storm.trident.spout.ITridentSpout.Emitter
This attempt committed successfully, so all state for this commit and before can be safely cleaned up.
- success(long) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor.Coordinator
- success(TransactionAttempt) - Method in class storm.trident.spout.OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor.Emitter
- success(long) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout.FeederCoordinator
- success(TransactionAttempt) - Method in class storm.trident.testing.FeederBatchSpout.FeederEmitter
- SUCCESS_STREAM_ID - Static variable in class storm.trident.topology.MasterBatchCoordinator
- Sum - Class in storm.trident.operation.builtin
- Sum() - Constructor for class storm.trident.operation.builtin.Sum
- SUPERVISOR_CHILDOPTS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
This parameter is used by the storm-deploy project to configure the
jvm options for the supervisor daemon.
- SUPERVISOR_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_ENABLE - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Whether or not the supervisor should launch workers assigned to it.
- SUPERVISOR_ENABLE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
how often the supervisor sends a heartbeat to the master.
- SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How often the supervisor checks the worker heartbeats to see if any of them
need to be restarted.
- SUPERVISOR_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_RUN_WORKER_AS_USER - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Should the supervior try to run the worker as the lauching user or not.
- SUPERVISOR_RUN_WORKER_AS_USER_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_SCHEDULER_META - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
the metadata configured on the supervisor
- SUPERVISOR_SCHEDULER_META_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_SLOTS_PORTS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
A list of ports that can run workers on this supervisor.
- SUPERVISOR_SLOTS_PORTS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_WORKER_LAUNCHER - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
Full path to the worker-laucher executable that will be used to lauch workers when
- SUPERVISOR_WORKER_LAUNCHER_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_WORKER_SHUTDOWN_SLEEP_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How many seconds to sleep for before shutting down threads on worker
- SUPERVISOR_WORKER_SHUTDOWN_SLEEP_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_WORKER_START_TIMEOUT_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How long a worker can go without heartbeating during the initial launch before
the supervisor tries to restart the worker process.
- SUPERVISOR_WORKER_START_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SUPERVISOR_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
How long a worker can go without heartbeating before the supervisor tries to
restart the worker process.
- SUPERVISOR_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Config
- SupervisorDetails - Class in backtype.storm.scheduler
- SupervisorDetails(String, Object) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails
- SupervisorDetails(String, Object, Collection<Number>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails
- SupervisorDetails(String, String, Object, Collection<Number>) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails
- SupervisorInfo - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- SupervisorInfo() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- SupervisorInfo(long, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- SupervisorInfo(SupervisorInfo) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
Performs a deep copy on other.
- SupervisorInfo._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- SupervisorSummary - Class in backtype.storm.generated
- SupervisorSummary() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- SupervisorSummary(String, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- SupervisorSummary(SupervisorSummary) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
Performs a deep copy on other.
- SupervisorSummary._Fields - Enum in backtype.storm.generated
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
- synchronize(SynchronizeOutputCollector) - Method in interface backtype.storm.state.IStateSpout
- SynchronizeOutputCollector - Class in backtype.storm.state
- SynchronizeOutputCollector() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.state.SynchronizeOutputCollector
- syncPolicy - Variable in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.AbstractHdfsBolt
- SyncPolicy - Interface in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.sync
Interface for controlling when the HdfsBolt
syncs and flushes the filesystem.
- SyncPolicy - Interface in org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.sync
Interface for controlling when the HdfsBolt
syncs and flushes the filesystem.
- SYSTEM_COMPONENT_ID - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Constants
- SYSTEM_EXECUTOR_ID - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Constants
- SYSTEM_TASK_ID - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Constants
- SYSTEM_TICK_STREAM_ID - Static variable in class backtype.storm.Constants
- SystemBolt - Class in backtype.storm.metric
- SystemBolt() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.metric.SystemBolt
- val - Variable in class storm.trident.state.map.CachedBatchReadsMap.RetVal
- valAt(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl
- valAt(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- valAt(Object, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- validate() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Assignment
- validate() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Bolt
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Credentials
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result
- validate() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId
- validate() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo
- validate() - Method in exception backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormBase
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo
- validate() - Method in class backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary
- validate(String, Map, StormTopology) - Method in class backtype.storm.nimbus.DefaultTopologyValidator
- validate(String, Map, StormTopology) - Method in interface backtype.storm.nimbus.ITopologyValidator
- validate() - Method in class org.apache.storm.flux.model.TopologyDef
- validateField(String, Object) - Method in interface backtype.storm.ConfigValidation.FieldValidator
Validates the given field.
- validateField(String, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation.NestableFieldValidator
- validateField(String, String, Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.ConfigValidation.NestableFieldValidator
Validates the given field.
- validateZKDigestPayload(String) - Static method in class backtype.storm.StormSubmitter
- value - Variable in class backtype.storm.metric.api.IMetricsConsumer.DataPoint
- value() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hbase.common.IColumn
- value(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.DefaultSequenceFormat
- value(Tuple) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.SequenceFormat
Given a tuple, return the value that should be written to the sequence file.
- value(TridentTuple) - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.DefaultSequenceFormat
- value(TridentTuple) - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.SequenceFormat
Given a tuple, return the value that should be written to the sequence file.
- Value() - Constructor for class storm.starter.TransactionalGlobalCount.Value
- valueClass() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.DefaultSequenceFormat
- valueClass() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format.SequenceFormat
Value class used by implementation (e.g.
- valueClass() - Method in class org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.DefaultSequenceFormat
- valueClass() - Method in interface org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.format.SequenceFormat
Value class used by implementation (e.g.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Assignment._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Bolt._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Credentials._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Grouping._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NumErrorsChoice
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormBase._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInitialStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.messaging.ConnectionWithStatus.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg.ShellLogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftConnectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.OSType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.TimedRotationPolicy.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.TimedRotationPolicy.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.redis.common.mapper.RedisDataTypeDescription.RedisDataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum storm.kafka.KafkaError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum storm.trident.JoinType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum storm.trident.planner.SpoutNode.SpoutType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum storm.trident.state.StateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- ValuePointer - Class in storm.trident.tuple
- ValuePointer(int, int, String) - Constructor for class storm.trident.tuple.ValuePointer
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Assignment._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.AuthorizationException._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Bolt._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.BoltStats._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ComponentObject._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Credentials._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCExecutionException._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.DRPCRequest._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorStats._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Grouping._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObject._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.JavaObjectArg._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalAssignment._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LocalStateData._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSApprovedWorkers._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSSupervisorId._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.activate_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileDownload_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NodeInfo._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NullStruct._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.NumErrorsChoice
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ShellComponent._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SpoutStats._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormBase._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SubmitOptions._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.ThriftSerializedObject._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInitialStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologyStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class backtype.storm.hooks.info.EmitInfo
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.messaging.ConnectionWithStatus.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.multilang.ShellMsg.ShellLogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.security.auth.ThriftConnectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class backtype.storm.testing.FixedTuple
- Values - Class in backtype.storm.tuple
A convenience class for making tuple values using new Values("field1", 2, 3)
- Values() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.tuple.Values
- Values(Object...) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.tuple.Values
- values() - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.IndifferentAccessMap
- values() - Static method in enum backtype.storm.utils.ShellUtils.OSType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.flux.model.GroupingDef.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation.TimedRotationPolicy.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.hdfs.trident.rotation.TimedRotationPolicy.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.apache.storm.redis.common.mapper.RedisDataTypeDescription.RedisDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum storm.kafka.KafkaError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum storm.trident.JoinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum storm.trident.planner.SpoutNode.SpoutType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum storm.trident.state.StateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- ValueUpdater<T> - Interface in storm.trident.state
- VersionedStore - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- VersionedStore(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.VersionedStore
- VersionInfo - Class in backtype.storm.utils
- VersionInfo(String) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.utils.VersionInfo
- VersionInfoMojo - Class in org.apache.storm.maven.plugin.versioninfo
- VersionInfoMojo() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.maven.plugin.versioninfo.VersionInfoMojo
- versionPath(long) - Method in class backtype.storm.utils.VersionedStore
- VertexDef - Class in org.apache.storm.flux.model
Abstract parent class of component definitions
- VertexDef() - Constructor for class org.apache.storm.flux.model.VertexDef