
Loss module includes a set of training loss implmentations. Some are converted from C++ implementation, and the rest are implemented directly using python Tensor.

Example usage:

from singa import tensor
from singa import loss

x = tensor.Tensor((3, 5))
x.uniform(0, 1)  # randomly genearte the prediction activation
y = tensor.from_numpy(np.array([0, 1, 3], dtype=np.int))  # set the truth

f = loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropy()
l = f.forward(True, x, y)  # l is tensor with 3 loss values
g = f.backward()  # g is a tensor containing all gradients of x w.r.t l
class singa.loss.Loss

Bases: object

Base loss class.

Subclasses that wrap the C++ loss classes can use the inherited foward, backward, and evaluate functions of this base class. Other subclasses need to override these functions


the grad of x w.r.t. the loss

evaluate(flag, x, y)
  • flag (int) – must be kEval, to be removed

  • x (Tensor) – the prediction Tensor

  • y (Tensor) – the ground truth Tnesor


the averaged loss for all samples in x.

forward(flag, x, y)

Compute the loss values.

  • flag – kTrain/kEval or bool. If it is kTrain/True, then the backward function must be called before calling forward again.

  • x (Tensor) – the prediction Tensor

  • y (Tensor) – the ground truch Tensor, x.shape[0] must = y.shape[0]


a tensor of floats for the loss values, one per sample

class singa.loss.SigmoidCrossEntropy(epsilon=1e-08)

Bases: singa.loss.Loss

This loss evaluates the cross-entropy loss between the prediction and the truth values with the prediction probability generated from Sigmoid.


Compute the gradient of loss w.r.t to x.


dx = pi - yi.

evaluate(flag, x, y)

Compuate the averaged error.


a float value as the averaged error

forward(flag, x, y)

loss is -yi * log pi - (1-yi) log (1-pi), where pi=sigmoid(xi)

  • flag (bool) – true for training; false for evaluation

  • x (Tensor) – the prediction Tensor

  • y (Tensor) – the truth Tensor, a binary array value per sample


a Tensor with one error value per sample

class singa.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropy

Bases: singa.loss.Loss

This loss function is a combination of SoftMax and Cross-Entropy loss.

It converts the inputs via SoftMax function and then computes the cross-entropy loss against the ground truth values.

For each sample, the ground truth could be a integer as the label index; or a binary array, indicating the label distribution. The ground truth tensor thus could be a 1d or 2d tensor. The data/feature tensor could 1d (for a single sample) or 2d for a batch of samples.

class singa.loss.SquaredError

Bases: singa.loss.Loss

This loss evaluates the squared error between the prediction and the truth values.

It is implemented using Python Tensor operations.


Compute the gradient of x w.r.t the error.


x - y

evaluate(flag, x, y)

Compuate the averaged error.


a float value as the averaged error

forward(flag, x, y)

Compute the error as 0.5 * ||x-y||^2.

  • flag (int) – kTrain or kEval; if kTrain, then the backward must be called before calling forward again.

  • x (Tensor) – the prediction Tensor

  • y (Tensor) – the truth Tensor, an integer value per sample, whose value is [0, x.shape[1])


a Tensor with one error value per sample