Uses of Class

Packages that use ShaleWebContext
org.apache.shale.application This package contains application scope Command implementations that may be useful in the preprocess or postprocess command chains in the shale catalog. 

Uses of ShaleWebContext in org.apache.shale.application

Methods in org.apache.shale.application with parameters of type ShaleWebContext
protected  void AbstractRegExpFilter.accept(ShaleWebContext context)
          Perform whatever processing is necessary to mark this request as being accepted.
protected  void AbstractRegExpFilter.reject(ShaleWebContext context)
          Perform whatever processing is necessary to mark this request as being rejected.
protected abstract  String AbstractRegExpFilter.value(ShaleWebContext context)
          Return the value, from the specified context, that should be used to match against the configured exclude and include patterns.
protected  String RemoteHostFilter.value(ShaleWebContext context)
          Return the value to be tested against exclude and include patterns.
protected  String ContextRelativePathFilter.value(ShaleWebContext context)
          Return the servlet path (if any) concatenated with the path info (if any) for this request.
protected  String RemoteAddrFilter.value(ShaleWebContext context)
          Return the value to be tested against exclude and include patterns.

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