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Package net.jini.loader

Provides interfaces and utility classes related to dynamic class loading with RMIClassLoader.

See: Description

Package net.jini.loader Description

Provides interfaces and utility classes related to dynamic class loading with RMIClassLoader. Some of these APIs depend on support that is not required of all RMIClassLoader providers.

The ClassAnnotation interface may be implemented by a ClassLoader to customize the behavior of RMIClassLoader.getClassAnnotation for classes defined by an instance of such a class loader (if ClassAnnotation is supported by the current RMIClassLoader provider).

DownloadPermission can be used to restrict the CodeSource values (codebase URLs and signers) with which downloaded classes can be defined using RMIClassLoader (if DownloadPermission is supported by the current RMIClassLoader provider).

ClassLoading provides static methods for loading classes using RMIClassLoader with optional verification that the codebase URLs used to load classes provide content integrity.

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