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Class LookupUnmarshalException

    • Field Detail

      • registrars

        private ServiceRegistrar[] registrars
        Array containing the set of instances of ServiceRegistrar that were successfully unmarshalled during the process in which at least one failure occurred. This set may be null or have zero length.
      • marshalledRegistrars

        private MarshalledObject[] marshalledRegistrars
        Array containing the set of ServiceRegistrar instances that could not be unmarshalled. This set should not be null and should contain at least one element.
      • exceptions

        private Throwable[] exceptions
        Array containing the set of exceptions that occurred during the unmarshalling process. Each element in this set should be an instance of IOException, ClassNotFoundException, or some unchecked exception. Furthermore, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between each element in this set and each element in the set of still-to-be-unmarshalled ServiceRegistrar instances. That is, the element of this set corresponding to index i should be an instance of the exception that occurred while attempting to unmarshal the element at index i of marshalledRegistrars. This set should not be null and should contain at least one element.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LookupUnmarshalException

        public LookupUnmarshalException(ServiceRegistrar[] registrars,
                                        MarshalledObject[] marshalledRegistrars,
                                        Throwable[] exceptions)
        Constructs a new instance of LookupUnmarshalException.
        registrars - Array containing the set of instances of ServiceRegistrar that were successfully unmarshalled.
        marshalledRegistrars - Array containing the set of marshalled ServiceRegistrar instances that could not be unmarshalled.
        exceptions - Array containing the set of exceptions that occurred during the unmarshalling process. Each element in this set should be an instance of IOException, ClassNotFoundException, or some unchecked exception. Furthermore, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between each element in this set and each element in the marshalledRegistrars parameter.

        That is, the element of this set corresponding to index i should be an instance of the exception that occurred while attempting to unmarshal the element at index i of the marshalledRegistrars parameter.

        NullPointerException - this exception occurs when null is input for either the marshalledRegistrars parameter or the exceptions parameter.
        IllegalArgumentException - this exception occurs when either the marshalledRegistrars parameter or the exceptions parameter has zero length; or when the lengths of those two parameters are not equal.
      • LookupUnmarshalException

        public LookupUnmarshalException(ServiceRegistrar[] registrars,
                                        MarshalledObject[] marshalledRegistrars,
                                        Throwable[] exceptions,
                                        String message)
        Constructs a new instance of LookupUnmarshalException.
        registrars - Array containing the set of instances of ServiceRegistrar that were successfully unmarshalled.
        marshalledRegistrars - Array containing the set of marshalled ServiceRegistrar instances that could not be unmarshalled.
        exceptions - Array containing the set of exceptions that occurred during the unmarshalling process. Each element in this set should be an instance of IOException, ClassNotFoundException, or some unchecked exception. Furthermore, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between each element in this set and each element in the marshalledRegistrars parameter.

        That is, the element of this set corresponding to index i should be an instance of the exception that occurred while attempting to unmarshal the element at index i of the marshalledRegistrars parameter.

        message - String describing the nature of the exception
        NullPointerException - this exception occurs when null is input for either the marshalledRegistrars parameter or the exceptions parameter.
        IllegalArgumentException - this exception occurs when either the marshalledRegistrars parameter or the exceptions parameter has zero length; or when the lengths of those two parameters are not equal.
    • Method Detail

      • getRegistrars

        public ServiceRegistrar[] getRegistrars()
        Accessor method that returns an array consisting of instances of ServiceRegistrar, where each element of the array corresponds to a successfully unmarshalled object. Note that the same array is returned on each invocation of this method; that is, a copy is not made.
        array of instances of ServiceRegistrar, where each element corresponds to a successfully unmarshalled object.
      • getMarshalledRegistrars

        public MarshalledObject[] getMarshalledRegistrars()
        Accessor method that returns an array consisting of instances of MarshalledObject, where each element of the array is a marshalled instance of the ServiceRegistrar interface, and corresponds to an object that could not be successfully unmarshalled. Note that the same array is returned on each invocation of this method; that is, a copy is not made.
        array of marshalled instances of ServiceRegistrar, where each element corresponds to an object in which failure occurred while attempting to unmarshal the object.
      • getExceptions

        public Throwable[] getExceptions()
        Accessor method that returns an array consisting of instances of Throwable, where each element of the array corresponds to one of the exceptions that occurred during the unmarshalling process. Note that the same array is returned on each invocation of this method; that is, a copy is not made.

        Each element in the return set should be an instance of IOException, ClassNotFoundException, or some unchecked exception. Additionally, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between each element in the array returned by this method and the array returned by the getMarshalledRegistrars method. That is, the i-th element of the set returned by this method should be an instance of the exception that occurred while attempting to unmarshal the i-th element of the set returned by the method getMarshalledRegistrars.

        array of instances of Throwable, where each element corresponds to one of the exceptions that occurred during the unmarshalling process.
      • init

        private void init(ServiceRegistrar[] registrars,
                          MarshalledObject[] marshalledRegistrars,
                          Throwable[] exceptions)
        Initializes the abstract state of this class.
        registrars - Array containing the set of instances of ServiceRegistrar that were successfully unmarshalled.
        marshalledRegistrars - Array containing the set of marshalled ServiceRegistrar instances that could not be unmarshalled.
        exceptions - Array containing the set of exceptions that occurred during the unmarshalling process.
        NullPointerException - this exception occurs when null is input for either the marshalledRegistrars parameter or the exceptions parameter.
        IllegalArgumentException - this exception occurs when either the marshalledRegistrars parameter or the exceptions parameter has zero length; or when the lengths of those two parameters are not equal.
      • readObject

        private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
                         throws IOException,
        When an instance of this class is deserialized, this method is automatically invoked. This implementation of this method validates the state of the deserialized instance.
        InvalidObjectException - if the state of the deserialized instance of this class is found to be invalid.

Copyright 2007-2013, multiple authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see the NOTICE file for attributions.