
This package contains the implementation of the driver side of the Group Communication Service using the tree/flat topology.

See: Description

Package Description

This package contains the implementation of the driver side of the Group Communication Service using the tree/flat topology. The Service can be configured with many named Communication Groups and each Communication Group can be configured with many named operators. This configuration is typically done on the GroupCommDriver object injected into the driver. During this specification only the root nodes are specified. After the GroupCommDriver is configured the driver would want to submit tasks with the Communication Groups and their operators configured. To do that the user has to create a partial task configuration containing his set of configurations and add it to the relevant communication group. Based on whether the given task is a Master/Slave different roles for the operators are configured. Once added, the final Configuration containing operators and their roles encoded can be obtained by the CommunicationGroupDriver.getConfiguration() call. The topology is complete once the minimum number of tasks needed for the group to function have been added. The initial configuration dished out by the service creates a bunch of tasks that are not connected. Connections are established when the Tasks start running. Each operator defines its own topology and can have potentially different root nodes. Each node in the topology called a TaskNode is a logical representation of a running Task. Adding a task to a group creates its TaskNode with TaskState NOT_STARTED. The driver side of the service plays a major role in setting up the topology and making sure that topology is set-up only when the parties involved are ready to participate in the communication. A topology will not contain parties that are not active. Active status is given to parties who have acknowledged the presence of their neighbors and who have been acknowledged by their neighbors as present. The connection between two parties is initiated by the driver and the driver then expects the parties to ACK that their end of the connection has been set-up. Once a party has ACK its end of all connections and all its neighbors ACK the outgoing part of their connection to this party the driver sends a TopologySetup msg to indicate that the topology is usable by this party now. The driver also listens in on failure events and appropriately updates its state so that it does not wait for ACKs from failed tasks. There are two chains of control: 1. Driver Events (Running/Failed Tasks) 2. Tasks (Msgs sent by Task side of Group Communication Service) All events and msgs are funneled through the CommunicationGroupDriver so that all the topologies belonging to different operators configured on the group are in sync. Without this there is possibility of a deadlock between the tasks and the driver. So there is no finer level locking other than that in the CommunicationGroupDriver. 1. Driver Events These are routed to all communication groups and each communication group routes it to all topologies. The topology will then route this event to the corresponding TaskNode which will process that event. When a task starts running it is notified of its running neighbors and the running neighbors are notified of its running. The TaskNodeStatus object keeps track of the state of the local topology for this TaskNode. What msgs have been sent to this node that need to be ACKed, the status of its neighbors and whether this TaskNode is ready to accept data from a neighboring TaskNode when we ask the neighbor to check if he was only waiting for this TaskNode to ACK in order to send TopologySetup. So when we are sending (Parent|Child)(Add|Dead) msgs we first note that we expect an ACK back for this. These ACK expectations are then deleted if the node fails. Neighbor failures are also updated. All the msg sending is done by the TaskNode. The TaskNodeStatus is only a state manager to consult on the status of ACKs and neighbors. This is needed by the chkAndSendTopSetup logic. These events also send msgs related to failure of tasks so that any task in the toplogy that waited for a response from the failed task can move on. 2. Tasks We get ACK msgs from tasks and they update the status of ACK expectations. Here the TaskNodeStatus acts as a bridge between the initiation of a link between two parties and the final set-up of the link. Once all ACKs have been received we ask the TaskNode to check if it is ready to send a TopologySetup msg. Every ACK can also trigger the chkAndSendTopSetup for a neighbor. The above concerns the topology set-up and fault notiifcations. However, the other major task that the driver helps with is in updating a topology. When requested for the update of a Topology using the UpdateTopology msg, the driver notifies all the parties that have to update their topologies by sending an UpdateTopology msg to the affected parties. The tasks then try to enter the UpdateToplogy phase and as soon as they can do(by acquiring a lock) they respond that they have done so. The driver will wait till all the affected parties do so and then sends the initiator a msg that Topology has been updated. The effect of this is that the unaffected regions of the topology can continue to work normally while the affected regions are healing. The affected regions heal their (local)topologies using the TopologySetup mechanism described above. Both update topology and inital set-up use the minimum number of tasks to define when the set-up is complete. The CommGroupDriver class also takes care of minor alterations to event ordering by the use of locks to coerce the events to occur in a definite way.

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