Portlet API (V0.7.1)

Package javax.portlet

Portlet API Package description.


Interface Summary
ActionRequest The ActionRequest represents the request sent to the portlet to handle an action.
ActionResponse The ActionResponse interface represents the portlet response to an action request, the invocation of the processAction method.
PortalContext The PortalContext interface gives the portlet the ability to retrieve information about the portal calling this portlet.
Portlet The Portlet interface is used by the portlet container to invoke the portlets.
PortletConfig The PortletConfig interface provides the portlet with its configuration.
PortletContext The PortletContext interface defines a portlet view of the portlet container.
PortletPreferences The PortletPreferences interface allows the portlet to store configuration data.
PortletRequest The PortletRequest is the basic interface extended by all portlet requests.
PortletRequestDispatcher The RequestDispatcher interface defines an object that receives requests from the client and sends them to the specified resources (such as a servlet, HTML file, or JSP file) on the server.
PortletResponse The PortletResponse is the basic interface extended by all portlet responses.
PortletSession The PortletSession interface provides a way to identify a user across more than one request and to store transient information about that user.
PortletURL The PortletURL interface represents a URL that reference the portlet itself.
PreferencesValidator The PreferencesValidator allows the portlet to validate the preference settings before they are stored in the persistent store.
RenderRequest The RenderRequest represents the request sent to the portlet to handle a render.
RenderResponse The RenderResponse defines an object to assist a portlet in sending a response to the portal.

Class Summary
GenericPortlet The GenericPortlet class provides a default implementation for the Portlet interface.
PortletMode The PortletMode class represents the possible modes that a portlet can assume.
PortletSessionUtil The PortletSessionUtil class helps with the decoding of portlet session attributes from the HttpSession that the PortletSession uses.
WindowState The WindowState class represents the possible window states that a portlet window can assume.

Exception Summary
PortletException The PortletException class defines a general exception that a portlet can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
PortletModeException The PortletModeException is thrown when a portlet tries to use or set a portlet mode that is not supported by the current runtime environment.
PortletSecurityException The PortletSecurityException is thrown when a call fails because of security reasons.
UnavailableException The portlet should throw the UnavailableException when the portlet is either temporarily or permanently unavailable to handle requests.
UnmodifiableException The UnmodifiableException is thrown when a portlet tries to change the value for a preference attribute, marked as unmodifiable in the deployment descriptor with the non-modifiable tag, without the needed permissions.
ValidatorException The ValidatorException is thrown when a the validation of a preference failed.
WindowStateException The WindowStateException is thrown when a portlet tries to use a window state that is not supported by the current runtime environment.

Package javax.portlet Description

Portlet API Package description.

The javax.portlet package defines the API for portlets.

A portlet is a Java technology based web component, managed by a portlet container, that processes requests and generates dynamic content. Portlets provide a presentation layer to Information Systems.

Portlets generate fragments of markup (e.g. HTML, XHTML, WML). A portal combines markup fragments generated by different portlets into a portal page.

A portlet container manages the lifecyle of portlets. It also provides the required runtime environment.

Portlets are bundled in Portlet Applications as web applications using the WAR file format. A portlet application consists of two deployment descriptors: one to specify the web application resources (web.xml) and one to specify the portlet resources (portlet.xml).

Click here for an example of a portlet resources deployment descriptor (portlet.xml).

Portlet API (V0.7.1)