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Use Jetspeed
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  • A Java Servlet Engine/Container. Must be compatible with the Servlet 2.0 API Note that Jetspeed is developed under Tomcat ( so this is the most desirable platform. JServ or Tomcat should serve as fine servlet engines.
  • JDK 1.1.8 or higher Java Virtual Machine. Jetspeed has been tested on most SUN and IBM Virtual Machines. It has not been tested on the Microsoft VM.
  • Netscape Navigator 4.x or Internet Explorer 4.x as a minimum. Mozilla or Internet Explorer 5.x should also work fine.

NOTE: Database User Authentication. Within Jetspeed/Turbine it is possible to authenticate users against a database. This currently is not a requirement within Jetspeed and is disabled by default. To turn it on you will need to change "enable.userauthentication" to true.

The following databases are supported:

  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • Instant DB
  • Sybase
  • Postgres
  • IBM DB2


Note: Since Jetspeed is 100% Java there is no need to recompile. Jetspeed should run on any platform right out of the box.

  • Move the "content" directory to "/content" under your web server. If you already have a "content" directory simply add the files there.
  • Add ./bin/Jetspeed.jar to your classpath. This contains all classes from Jetspeed. You will also need to add required libraries to your classpath. Everything you need should be under ./lib.
  • Configure your Servlet init parameters. Add the property "properties" to point to Jetspeed to the file "./src/config/" that ships with the Jetspeed distribution. This can be done by setting an init parameter in your Servlet Engine (under Jakarta this is defined in WEB-INF/web.xml). You should give the Servlet an alias to something like "jetspeed".
  • Within change the line "" to point to the "" file that comes with Jetspeed.
  • Configure your installation. You should evaluate and JetspeedResources.properies to make sure they match your configuation. There are comments in both of these files which should make configuration fairly easy. Note that Turbine supports user authentication. Jetspeed supports this but it is currently optional and up to you to setup.
  • Possibly restart your servlet engine.
  • Bring up a 4.0 browser and point it to http://HOST/servlet/jetspeed

Additional steps

If all the above steps are completed but Jetspeed still doesn't work as expected, you can place it into debug mode to determine what is going on. Within your file set "logfile" to a file somewhere on your system. Additional information will be logged to this file and you can determine what is breaking.

Known issues

Since Jetspeed relies on remote content for operation, sometimes page rendering can appear extremely slow. This is because Jetspeed may at some times be waiting for HTTP connections to remote sites to complete. If you start the FeedDaemon and DiskCacheDaemon this will take care of 99% of such cases. Note that if the remote URL does not exist that Jetspeed may still hang. This should be fixed in Jetspeed 1.1.

Cocoon. Jetspeed can *not* run from a webserver that is setup to serve all XML URLs from Cocoon. The problem is that Jetspeed expects that it's XML content is not changed and Cocoon breaks this. Note that Jetspeed uses Cocon as an Engine and you can use it from within Jetspeed. See the FAQ for more information.

Configuration files

Tomcat configuration file web.xml:


Starting the Java Virtual Machine

The standard JVM has multiple options that can improved Jetspeed's performance.

Under JDK 1.1.8:

java -ms128000000 -mx256000000 -noclassgc org.apache.jserv.JServ /usr/local/apache/conf/

Under JDK 1.2 or 1.3:

java -Xms128000000 -Xmx256000000 org.apache.jserv.JServ /usr/local/apache/conf/

Under JDK 1.1 it is important to specify -noclassgc so that Singletons are not garbage collected. You should also specify the minimum and maximum memory sizes. In the above examples I specified a minimum of 128M with a max of 256M. Performance can be improved if you specify the lower level to be higher than the default because this way the JVM does not need to guess what your heap size should be. A decent value for Jetspeed should be about 40M.

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