Package org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event

Interface Summary
ActionEvent An ActionEvent is sent by the portlet container when an HTTP request is received that is associated with one more actions.
ActionListener The ActionListener interface must be implemented, if an object wishes to receive action events.
Event The Event is the base interface for all events that can occur whithin the portlet container.
MessageEvent A MessageEvent is sent by the portlet container if one portlets send a message to another.
MessageListener The MessageListener interface must be implemented, if an object wishes to receive message events.
WindowEvent A WindowEvent is sent by a portlet window whenever the user or the portal interacts with its controls.
WindowListener The WindowListener interface must be implemented, if an object wishes to receive events from a portlet window.

Class Summary
ActionAdapter The ActionAdapter is an action listener in which all callback methods are empty implementations.
MessageAdapter The MessageAdapter is an message listener in which all callback methods are empty implementations.
WindowAdapter The WindowAdapter is a window listener in which all callback methods are empty implementations.

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