Interface PortletWindow

public interface PortletWindow

The PortletWindow represents the window that encloses a portlet. The portlet window can send events on manipulation of its various window controls, like the "minimize" or "close" buttons. But a portlet also interrogate the portlet window about its current visibility state. For example, a portlet may render its content differently depending on whether its window is maximized or not.

Thomas F. Boehme

Nested Class Summary
static class PortletWindow.State
          The State class is a finite enumeration of the possible states that a window can assume.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          Returns the title of this window.
 boolean isDetached()
          Returns whether this portlet window is currently detached.
 boolean isMaximized()
          Returns whether this portlet window is currently maximized.
 boolean isMinimized()
          Returns whether this portlet window is currently minimized.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getTitle()
Returns the title of this window. This method returns either a dynamic title or a static title from the portlet configuration.

the portlet title


public boolean isDetached()
Returns whether this portlet window is currently detached.

true if this window is detached,
false otherwise


public boolean isMaximized()
Returns whether this portlet window is currently maximized.

true if this window is maximized,
false otherwise


public boolean isMinimized()
Returns whether this portlet window is currently minimized.

true if this window is minimized,
false otherwise

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