




Get Involved

To DO List

This document describes functionality that is either missing or not finished within Jetspeed as well as the owners of implementing or coordinating the implementation of these features.

If you are a new developer to Jetspeed or even an existing developer, these are areas where you can take ownership and help complete.

It is always possible to take ownership of any portion of the project. The way to do this is to communicate with the owner of the portion and then come to some sort of agreement about what portions you will be splitting up or taking over. If you cannot get a response from the people in charge of the projects, assume they are dead and fill yourself in.

If you need more detailed help, please send mail to the mailing list ( and ask your specific questions there.

Items for 1.4b2 release
Bug # Description Owner
5442 Update the JSP template so they in parity with the Velocity templates  
  Update jars to their latest production release. In addition to updating the jars, document their home page, i.e. for Cactus, and how their are used in Jetspeed
This includes:
  • Ant version 1.5. (PS) Done
  • Commons-Collections version 2.0. (PS) Done
  • Cactus to version 1.3
  • Log4J to version 1.2.6 (PS) Done
  • Velocity to version 1.3 (PS) Done
  • Xalan version 2.3.1 (PS) Done
  • Xerces to version 1.4.4 (Castor does not support v2.x) (PS) Done
  • Hypersonic
  • Turbine to release 2.2b2 and related
  • Torque including Commons-Lang
  • Castor version
  • Documentation Page for Jar Files.
    Initial pass done. See
  Implement Icons for Portlets and Entries Paul Spencer
  Complete Reference customization
Paul Spencer
  Review all Bugs in Bugzilla. Create a list of ones we want to fix and assign amonst us. PS, DT
  Fix all other bugs identified in above Task  
  Cleanup JRP, TRP DT
  Jetspeed Security Enhancements.
  • Change Security as proposed by Jan Grant (DT)
  • Owner rule (Add "owner" support in authorization) (PS) Done
  • default security ref per portlet, per portlet-set (for customizer during Add Portlet)
  Cleanup Media Types, remove AutoProfile DT
  Add Checkstyle task to Build. Done PS
  Cactus test TestMimeType is failing DT
11705 Duplicate other PSMLs for default user, not just default.psml DT
11697 Customizer parameter presentation styles. Done MO
11735 Role Profile Merging. Done MO
11565 Portlet Preview MO
11737 Portlet Usage Logging. Done MO
11736 Password Expiration and Validation. Done MO
11738 Registry Maintenance Application MO
11599 On-Line Profile Import-Export. Done MO
11741 "Print Friendly Format" action icon. Done MO

Items for 1.4b3 release

The intent of this release is cleanup and documentation.

Bug # Description Owner
  Documentation. General review, document all features. DT, PS, ...
  Document new Registry implementation and configuration files  
  Completed writing Jetspeed Portlet Tutorial DT
  Combine PortletInstance and PortletConfig in such a way that instance specific values are accessable by AbstractPortlet. Right now it is confusing to figure out where to add functionality  
  Edit/add Registry items (portlets, Controller, MediaTypes)  
  Edit PSML MetaInfo in the customizer. Customizer should assign tab names  
  Implement MetaData for internationalized metaInfo  
  Verify UTF-8 and UTF-16 support of XML files. There have been some question around "foreign" characters showing up as "?".  
  HTTP based authentication server (PS)  
  For Registry based security - Edit Security Registry Entries  
  New Portlets Wishlist
  • Lucene
  • Email
  • Scarab Bug Tracking
  • WIKI
  • Google
  Cleanup the logging. This is mainly housekeeping, but it include ssurrounding resource intensive debug logging with if (Log.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {}  
  Removes System.out.println()  
5441 Remove redundant JSP files in the template directory. The files are no longer need since the Navigation Template and Internationalization have been implemented  

Items for 1.4.0 release

The goal is to release this soon after Beta 3 since their are no To Do items.

Items that would be nice to included any time
Bug # Description Owner
5440 Move localization property files, /src/java/org/apache/jetspeed/modules/localization/, to the WEB-INF/conf directory. This is simplify the configuration process, i.e. the number of directories..  
  Lucene Search portlet Paul Spencer
  Configurable CapibilityMap.  
  Rewrite diskcache as a Turbine service  
  Update URLManager service and syndication system to use different update schedules and use an event based refresh notification  

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