Portlet API 2

Interface ActionEvent

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ActionEvent
extends Event

An ActionEvent is sent by the portlet container when an HTTP request is received that is associated with one more actions.

See Also:
PortletAction, ActionListener, ActionAdapter

Field Summary
          Event identifier indicating that portlet request has been received that one or more actions associated with it.
Method Summary
 PortletAction getAction()
          Returns the action that this action event carries.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.Event
getRequest, getSession

Field Detail


public static final int ACTION_PERFORMED
Event identifier indicating that portlet request has been received that one or more actions associated with it. Each action will result in a separate event being fired.

An event with this id is fired when an action has to be performed.

Method Detail


public PortletAction getAction()
Returns the action that this action event carries.
the portlet action

Portlet API 2