Portlet API 2

Interface PortletResponse

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface PortletResponse

The PortletResponse interface represents the response sent to the client device.

It is up to the portlet container to enhance, extend, or modify the response as required before it is actually sent to the client device.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void addActionListener(ActionListener listener)
          Adds the given listener to receive action events when one of the portlet URIs is called that will be part of this response.
 PortletURI createURI(Portlet.Mode mode)
          Create a portlet URI for the given portlet mode.
 String encodeURI(String path)
          Returns the encoded URI of the resource at the given path.
 PrintWriter getWriter()
          Returns the writer object that can be used to contribute markup to the portlet response.

Method Detail


public PrintWriter getWriter()
                      throws IOException
Returns the writer object that can be used to contribute markup to the portlet response.

It is important to note that the markup generated by the portlet is either a full document or just a fragment of the markup. A corresponding setting in the deployment descriptor has to be made.

the print writer
IOException - if the I/O operation fails


public PortletURI createURI(Portlet.Mode mode)
Create a portlet URI for the given portlet mode. The returned URI can be further extended by adding portlet-specific parameters and by attaching actions.
mode - the portlet mode
a portlet URI


public String encodeURI(String path)
Returns the encoded URI of the resource at the given path. Encoding may include prefixing, conversion to absolute URL, etc.
path - the path to the resource
the resource URI as string


public void addActionListener(ActionListener listener)
Adds the given listener to receive action events when one of the portlet URIs is called that will be part of this response.

If the given listener is null, this method does nothing.

listener - the listener to be added

Portlet API 2