




Get Involved

Status of this document

This document is very much a "Work in Progress". Although some sections are incomplete, I hope what is here is helpful. Comments and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. They can be set to

General Configuration steps

The following steps are purely guide. Some steps are not required.

Define portlets in local-portlets

Any site specific portlets should be define in <jetspeed_home>/WEB-INF/conf/local-portlets.xreg. because this file will not be overwritten by upgrades.

See the Portlet Catalog for portlet configuration documentation.

Define skins in local-skins.xreg

Any site specific skins should be define in <jetspeed_home>/WEB-INF/conf/local-skins.xreg. because this file will not be overwritten by upgrades.

See the Skin configuration guide for more information.

Define local controls and controllers in local-managers.xreg

Any site specific controls and controllers should be define in <jetspeed_home>/WEB-INF/conf/local-managers.xreg. because this file will not be overwritten by upgrades.

Define content feeds

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Configure the layout and navigation bars

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The look of Jetspeed's portal is controlled by the layout and navigation templates. Below are some of the file that define that look.

A Layout Manager is used in the generation of the resulting portal. Jetspeed support 2 Layout Manager, JSP and Velocity. Both layout manager produce the similar results, which one you use is dictated by which language you prefer.

The parameter services.TemplateService.default.extension in defines the Layout manager used.

Value Description
jsp The JSP layout manager will be used. This is the 1.3a1 default
vm The vm layout manager will be used. This is 1.3a2 default

Files uses by the Velocity Layout Manager
Display the logo in the upper left hand corner and the define the top, bottom, and left navigation bars.
Top navigation bar when the user it NOT logged in.
Left navigation bar for all users.
Bottom navigation bar for all users.

Files uses by the JSP Layout Manager
Display the logo in the upper left hand corner and the define the top, bottom, and left navigation bars.
Top navigation bar when the user is NOT logged in.
Top navigation bar for logged in users.
Left navigation bar for all users.
Bottom navigation bar for all users.

To customize the navigation bars, the following steps are suggested:

  • Replace the reference to the Jetspeed logo with your logo in default.xx
  • Add "banner adds" to top.vm or top_default.jsp and top_loggedin.jsp
  • If no left navigation bar is desired, them remove the referance from default.xx
  • If a left navigation bar is desired, then update left.xx
  • Add any copyright notices, disclaimers, logos, ... to bottom.xx

Configure default home page

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The default home page is stored in the <jetspeed_home>/WEB-INF/psml/anon directory. Currently this is not directly configurable with the customizer. A suggested procedure is to create a HomePageUser, do the desired configuration as that user, then copy the resulting files to the default home page.

Define users

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Configure the admin and turbine users

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Change the passwords!

Define default portal for new users

A new users home page is copied from the user TURBINE. Thus you should customized the TURBINE's user home page to reflect the desired default home page for new users.

Set portlet caching and other refresh rates

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Set Jetspeed logging

Jetspeed utilizes the logging services provided by Turbine. The logfile(s) are a valuable tool in trouble shooting problems and monitoring the general health of Jetspeed an it's portlets.

The logging level should be set according the the current needs. DEBUG logging is suggested during portlet testing, while INFO logging is appropriate for every-day activity in a stable environment.

Not all of Turbine's logging services are included. Additional documentation can be found at

Facility Description
rotation Rotation of log files. This will limit the amount of disk space consumed by the log file. Not supported by all loggers.
schedule A facility for the scheduler service To disable started/stopped messages set the level to ERROR
security A facility for security audit. NOTE! As of 23 Jan 2001 Turbine does not have any standard security auditing functionality. It's up to your application.
system A facility for system logging.
sql A facility for SQL query logging To enable SQL query logging, set the level to DEBUG


This is a logging service provide with Turbine.

Additional information can be found at

Facility Description
destination.file Name of the log file relative to <jetspeed-home>
Value Description
ERROR Designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running
WARN Designates potentially harmful situations
INFO Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at course-grained level.
DEBUG Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application
destination.console Optional, default = false
Value Description
false message will NOT be sent to the console
true message will ALSO be sent to the console


This is a more functional logging service that can interact with operating specific facilities like UNIX's syslog and Window's Event Logger

Additional information can be found at and

Configuration notes:

  • All loggers define in services.LoggingService.facilities must be the same type when using the Log4J services.
  • When using log file rotation, the rotation facility must be the first in the services.LoggingService.facilities list.

Facility Description
destination.file Name of the log file relative to <jetspeed-home>
Value Description
FATAL Designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.
ERROR Designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running
WARN Designates potentially harmful situations
INFO Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
DEBUG Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application
destination.console Optional, default = false
Value Description
false message will NOT be sent to the console
true message will ALSO be sent to the console
file.size Approximate log file size in bytes. 1MB = 1048576 bytes
file.backups Number of backup log files to maintain. The actual number of log files will be file.backups + 1.

Example configuration

The following configuration will rotate the logging among 6 files. All logging will be at the DEBUG level.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
#  L O G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the configuration for the logging system. In most cases
# you don't need to modify anything. However, if you wish to add more
# facilities or modify the existing settings, then you can do so.
# destination.file: A path relative to the web app root
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

# A facility for system logging.

# A facility for the scheduler service
# To disable started/stopped messages set the level to ERROR

# A facility for debugging applications. Messages will go both
# to the log file and the server console.

# A facility for SQL query logging
# To enable SQL query logging, set the level to DEBUG

# A facility for security audit. NOTE! As of 23 Jan 2001
# Turbine does not have any standard security auditing
# functionality. It's up to your application.

# An example configuration for automatic log rotation using Log4Java
# This will keep the log file size under 1MB and save up to 5 backup copies

Enable e-mail confirmation

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Logon Configuration
Case Insensitive Logon

Jetspeed can be configured to automatically force all usernames and passwords to upper or lower case. By setting the "caseinsensitive" property for the username or password to "true", then the "caseinsensitive.upper" property can be applied. When it is true, the username or password is converted to uppercase. When false, username or password are converted to lowercase. The default setting is false, where the username and password will be case-sensitive and the "caseinsensitive.upper" property is ignored.


Logon Rules

When a new user is created, the PSML resources for the new user are copied from another user's account. This account is configurable with the property:


Setting it to nothing configures role-based psml as the default method for new users.


Role Based PSML

Some configuration will want to share PSML resources among users. In this case, users will not have their own PSML resources. Enable Role Based PSML with this property set to true:


Remember to set the "services.Profiler.newuser.template" property to nothing.

Assigning Roles, Media Type

When a new user is created, you can configure which roles are automatically signed to that new user. You may also configure which media types that new user will support. Use commas to separate multiple entries.


Account Disabling

Accounts can be auto-disabled with a failed-logon tracking feature. To turn on this feature, set this property:

Account Disabling is controlled by the parameters: count, interval, and max. These parameters are applied over the lifetime of the server. When the server is shutdown, all counts are reset. However, the 'disabled' status is persisted in the database. With the parameters below, the user is given 3 failed attempts over 300 seconds (5 minutes). After 5 minutes or a successful logon, the strike count is reset. After 3 failed attempts within 5 minutes, the account is disabled and the Over the entire run of the server, and the "logon.disabled.form" is displayed whenever the user attempts to logon again. The 'max' parameter counts all failed logon attempts over the entire lifetime of the server. After 10 failed attempts over the lifetime of the server, the account is disabled. Accounts can be enabled from the Jetspeed Admin User Maintenance screen.

# 3 logon strikes per 300 seconds and your out
# dont allow more than 10 over any time period

Backup and Test

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Backup early and often!

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