Portlet API 2

Interface MessageEvent

All Superinterfaces:

public interface MessageEvent
extends Event

A MessageEvent is sent by the portlet container if one portlets send a message to another.

See Also:
PortletMessage, MessageListener, MessageAdapter

Field Summary
          Event identifier indicating that a message has been received.
Method Summary
 PortletMessage getMessage()
          Returns the message that this event carries.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.Event
getRequest, getSession

Field Detail


public static final int MESSAGE_RECEIVED
Event identifier indicating that a message has been received.

An event with this id is fired when one portlet (the source) sends a message to another portlet (the target). The target portlet is specified by name.

Method Detail


public PortletMessage getMessage()
Returns the message that this event carries. The message format is entirely open and has to be defined and documented by the source portlet.
the portlet message

Portlet API 2