Portlet API 2

Interface PortletTitle

public interface PortletTitle

The PortletTitle interface has to be implemented if a portlet wants to support client, device, and/or user dependant titles. An instance of the implementation can be set in the portlet window, otherwise the portlet container will pick the title from the portlet configuration.

See Also:

Method Summary
 String getText(Locale locale, Client client, PortletSession session)
          Called by the portlet container to retrieve the text of the portlet title.

Method Detail


public String getText(Locale locale,
                      Client client,
                      PortletSession session)
Called by the portlet container to retrieve the text of the portlet title. The given locale, client, and session can but don't have to be considered all at once. Examples are
locale - the locale
client - the client
session - the portlet session
the text of the portlet title

Portlet API 2