Portlet API 2

Interface PortletPage

public interface PortletPage

The PortletPage contains information about the currently visible page. Also, it is through the page that the portlet has to the personalized data.

Should the other pages of a user that also contain a particular portlet be accessible too?

Method Summary
 DynamicData getData()
          Returns the dynamic data that contains the user's personalized view of the portlet on this particular page.
 DynamicData getData(String name)
          Returns the dynamic data of a shared section with the given name.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of this page.

Method Detail


public String getName()
Returns the name of this page.
the page name


public DynamicData getData()
Returns the dynamic data that contains the user's personalized view of the portlet on this particular page. The information is persistent between requests.

If the portlet is run in HELP or CONFIGURE mode, the dynamic data is not accessible and this method will return null.

the dynamic data
See Also:


public DynamicData getData(String name)
Returns the dynamic data of a shared section with the given name. A shared section allows user-specific data to be shared among the portlets of this page. A portlet needs to know the name of section to gain access. In addition, advanced implementations can restrict access to portlets have been previously authorized to access a certain shared section.

If the portlet is run in HELP or CONFIGURE mode, the dynamic data is not accessible and this method will return null.

name - the name of the shared section
the (shared) dynamic data
See Also:

Portlet API 2