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Changed Methods
void addColsToTuple(DataInput, Tuple) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. The type of next object has been determined to be of type Tuple add the columns that belong to the tuple to given tuple argument t
Class getTupleRawComparatorClass() Changed from non-abstract to abstract.  
Object readDatum(DataInput) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Get the next object from DataInput in
Object readDatum(DataInput, byte) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Get the next object from DataInput in of the type of type argument The type information has been read from DataInput.
void writeDatum(DataOutput, Object) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Write given object val to DataOutput out
void writeDatum(DataOutput, Object, byte) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Write given object val of DataType type to DataOutput out