Generated by

Class org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.util.CombinerOptimizerUtil

Added Methods
void addAlgebraicFuncToCombineFE(POForEach, Map) add algebraic functions with appropriate projection to new foreach in combiner
void changeFunc(POForEach, byte) Change the algebriac function type for algebraic functions in map and combine In map and combine the algebraic functions will be leaf of the plan
POForEach createForEachWithGrpProj(POForEach, byte) Create a new foreach with same scope alias as given foreach add an inner plan that projects the group column which is going to be the first input
OperatorKey createOperatorKey(String)  
PhysicalPlan createPlanWithPredecessors(PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan) Create new plan and add to it the clones of operator algeOp and its predecessors from the physical plan pplan .
List findAlgebraicOps(List) find algebraic operators and also check if the foreach statement is suitable for combiner use
POLocalRearrange getNewRearrange(POLocalRearrange) create new Local rearrange by cloning existing rearrange and add plan for projecting the key
POPreCombinerLocalRearrange getPreCombinerLR(POLocalRearrange) @param rearrange