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Class org.apache.pig.PigConfiguration

Added Fields
String PIG_COMPRESS_INPUT_SPLITS This key is used to configure compression for the pig input splits which are not FileSplit.
String PIG_DATETIME_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE The timezone to be used by Pig datetime datatype
String PIG_SKEWEDJOIN_REDUCE_MEM Memory available (in bytes) in reduce when calculating memory available for skewed join.
String PIG_TEZ_GRACE_PARALLELISM This key is used to configure grace parallelism in tez.
String PIG_TEZ_INPUT_SPLITS_MEM_THRESHOLD Serialize input splits to disk if the input splits size exceeds a threshold to avoid hitting default RPC transfer size limit of 64MB.
String PIG_USER_CACHE_REPLICATION Replication factor for files in pig jar cache