Conference logo Conference (OOoCon 2007)

19th-21st.September 2007
Barcelona, Spain


Airports Barcelona is served by three airports. The closest one to town is the Barcelona International Airport, known as El Prat.

By Car Located 12 kilometres from the Barcelona City Centre, the route between the airport and city is extremely well sign posted.

By Taxi Cost between 15€ - 25€ dependent on pick/up drop off point in Barcelona. Journey time is approx 20 minutes. There is also a supplement for each large piece of luggage carried in taxi boot (approx 1 euro per piece).

By Train Cost one way 2,25€. Departs from platform located between Terminals A and B which can be accessed by crossing the long overhead moving walkway. Operates every half hour with a journey time of 20 minutes.

Aerobus Cost one way 3,50€. Airport shuttle bus stops outside each terminal every 15 minutes and goes to central Plaça Catalunya. This 35 minute journey is the most popular way to transfer due to frequency and comfort level.

There are also daily flights into the Reus or the Girona airports, usually at bargain prices. However, Reus and Girona are ~100km away from Barcelona, and you may find the lower price you pay by flying there instead of El Prat may not be worth the extra time and money spent on transportation to Barcelona.

Typical flight costs from:
London 280 euros
Paris 200 euros
Beijing 770 euros
Sydney 900 euros
New York 510 euros
Hamburg 230 euros
Dublin 230 euros
San Francisco 880 Euros
South Africa 700 euros
Tokyo 920 euros


Google map Please click here

4 star hotels

Numància, 32
08029 Barcelona
Phone: +34 936003100

Pau Claris, 122
08009 Barcelona
Phone: +34 932723810

3 star hotels

Pelai, 20
08001 Barcelona

La Rambla, 138
08002 Barcelona
Phone:+34 933012570

2 star hotels

Santa Anna, 24
08002 Barcelona
Phone: +34 933019150

Boqueria, 23
08002 Barcelona
Telèfon: +34 933181882

Low cost accomodation

We are trying to arrange a limited number of cheap university rooms close to the University of Barcelona. Prices are likely to be:
Individual room: Bed & Breakfast: 33 euros / night; Half board: 40 euros / night
Twin room: Bed & Breakfast: 46 euros / night; Half board: 60 euros / night
all + 7% VAT but with free internet access. Further details will be posted here when available.

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