
Monthly Newsletter

The Newsletter is published once a month, usually in the first week or two. It is distributed via the low volume "Announce" mailing list, which is used for all the important announcements from the Community.

You can read past issues of the Newsletter by browsing the "Announce" list archives - look for " Newsletter" in the Subject line.

If you would like to subscribe to the "Announce" list, send a blank email to You will be sent an email with instructions how to confirm your subscription. Once you have confirmed your subscription, you will receive any future emails from the "Announce" list until you unsubscribe. Please note that the mailing list is fully automated, so if you use spam-filtering software, please make sure it will accept emails from and before you try and subscribe.

More frequent news?

One of the best ways to keep informed is to listen to people blogging about For a list of blogs and Planets (consolidations of blogs) see the Bloggers' Page.

Historic Archive of really old Newsletters

Newsletter 6: On's Size and What it Means

Newsletter 5: Active Projects

Newsletter 4: Marketing Project

Spotlight 20: On Community Localizations--Hungarian

Spotlight 19: On Viewers, TRU 64 and Irix

Spotlight 18: Multiusers

Spotlight 17: Operating Systems

Spotlight 16: User Mail List

Spotlight 15: One Million Downloads

Spotlight 14: Gianluca Turconi

Spotlight 13: Scott Hutinger: Developer

Spotlight 12: H.Z. and Localized Builds

Spotlight 11: On Licensing

Spotlight 10: Project Merge

Spotlight 9: Scott Carr

Spotlight 8: Whiteboard Projects

Spotlight 7: Porting and Building

Spotlight 6: Building Momentum

Spotlight 5: Mission Statement

Spotlight 4: The International Discussions, I & II

Spotlight 3: Allchin and Foot-in-Mouth Disease

Spotlight 2: Groupware

Spotlight 1: Jörg Brunsmann