Spotlight: On Developers and Technology



Spotlight 18: On Multiusers is not jut a single-user product. It is a product that has been designed to accommodate multiple users. On 2002 January 17, Dirk Voelzke of the Installation Project proposed a change in the installation setup for the suite. The proposal, which seeks to further enhance the suite's multi-user setup, has so far garnered serious consideration from community members. Add your voice: post a message on the topic to our discuss list.

KDE and GNOME desktop integration: Early this week, Oliver Braun raised the important issue regarding's integration into the KDE and GNOME desktops. At the moment, the suite does not come with a KDE or GNOME integration, whereas StarOffice does. So: should emulate StarOffice's aesthetics and structure or should it craft its own? The issue merits community attention, as it relates not just to appearance but to the suite's independence. Please visit the thread and express your views.


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