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How to Build a Release of OpenMeetings

To build a binary release of OpenMeetings you need:

Check that all files:
are up to date and refer to the right version.

Create a TAG of the SVN tree that you would like to release

Get the source from your TAG:

svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/openmeetings/$TREE/$BRANCHORTAG/
$TREE and $BRANCHORTAG should be replaced with your new TAG

Edit the file build.properties




Run the command:

ant dist-release

Test building the source on windows and OSx or Linux

Test running the binary's

Create MD5 checksums and signatures with the your KEY

Upload the build artefacts to your public_html in your home directory at people.apache.org

Send a "VOTE" to the developer mailing list including links to release artefacts.
After that send a vote to the general-incubator mailing list.
You need at least 3 IPMC votes

If successful: Upload the release

The distribution upload location (www.apache.org/dist) for all Apache projects is the /www/www.apache.org/dist directory on people.apache.org. Each project (including the Incubator) owns a directory within dist.

Wait 24 hours (until all Apache mirrors have synced the packages) and send an announcment to the mailing list + blog and any other channel.

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