2016/02/07 - Apache Onami has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.




AllPersistenceServices Interface for aggregation of multiple PersistenceServices
AllUnitsOfWork Interface for aggregation of multiple UnitsOfWork
AnnotatedPersistenceUnitBuilder 3rd step of the persistence unit builder process. 
EntityManagerProvider Provider for EntityManager. 
PersistenceFilter Filter for use in container. 
PersistenceService This is the main control to the entire persistence engine. 
UnannotatedPersistenceUnitBuilder 2nd step of the persistence unit builder process. 
UnconfiguredPersistenceUnitBuilder 4th step of the persistence unit builder process. 
UnitOfWork The Unit of work correlates with the life cycle of the EntityManager. 


PersistenceModule Main module of the onami persist guice extension.