Package org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext

Class Summary
AbstractHtmlDataTable The MyFacesDataTable extends the standard JSF DataTable by two important features:
Possiblity to save the state of the DataModel. Support for clickable sort headers (see SortHeader component).
Extended data_table that adds some additional features to the standard data_table action: see attribute descriptions for preserveDataModel, sortColumn, sortAscending and preserveSort.
AbstractHtmlMessage MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see summaryDetailSeparator attribute.
AbstractHtmlMessages MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see showInputLabel attribute.
AbstractHtmlOutputText Extends standard outputText with user role support.
AbstractHtmlPanelGroup Extends standard panelGroup with user role support.
AbstractHtmlSelectManyCheckbox Extends standard selectManyCheckbox with user role support and a valueType attribute.
AbstractHtmlSelectManyListbox Extends standard selectManyListbox with user role support and a valueType attribute.
AbstractHtmlSelectManyMenu Extends standard selectManyMenu with user role support and a valueType attribute.
HtmlDataTableHack Reimplement all UIData functionality to be able to have (protected) access the internal DataModel.
HtmlTableRow This component is used to render one row in a t:dataTable, when ajaxRowRender="true" is set.

Enum Summary

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