Class DojoInitializer

  extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponent
      extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
          extended by javax.faces.component.UIOutput
              extended by org.apache.myfaces.custom.dojo.DojoInitializer
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.faces.component.StateHolder, javax.faces.component.ValueHolder

public class DojoInitializer
extends javax.faces.component.UIOutput

Default component for the dojo intializer
This component is purely non visual, and serves for quick hacking, and prototyping the dojo toolkit within verbatimed html.
Dojo initializer helper tag for debugging and communication flags. This tag encapsules the Dojo DjConfig meta configuration and also adds the needed dojo required functionality.

$Revision: 672986 $ $Date: 2008-06-30 23:13:55 -0500 (Mon, 30 Jun 2008) $
Werner Punz (latest modification by $Author: lu4242 $)

Field Summary
static java.lang.String COMPONENT_FAMILY
static java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_RENDERER_TYPE
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Boolean getAllowQueryConfig()
          Triggers a standard dojo allowQueryConfig as defined by the Dojo Toolkit.
 java.lang.String getBaseScriptUri()
          Triggers a standard dojo baseScriptUri as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

Allows the alteration of the dojo loading root path used by require.
 java.lang.String getBindEncoding()
          Triggers a standard dojo bindEncoding as defined by the Dojo Toolkit Although this control most of the times is not needed one usage in plain jsf applications can be thought of.
 java.lang.String getComponentType()
 java.lang.Boolean getDebug()
          Triggers a standard dojo debug as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

Enables the dojo debugging framework.
 java.lang.Boolean getDebugAtAllCosts()
          Triggers a standard dojo debugAtAllCosts as defined by the Dojo Toolkit
Tries to enforce debugging even if the browser version does not allow it to work properlys
 java.lang.Boolean getDebugConsole()
          Triggers a standard dojo debugConsole as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

This flag pops up a separate in frame floating window which receives the debugging output.
 java.lang.String getDebugContainerId()
          Triggers a standard dojo debugContainerId as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

This flag notifies the Dojo toolkit about the id which should receive the debug output.
 java.lang.Boolean getDevelopment()
          Triggers a standard dojo development as defined by the Dojo Toolkit If this parameter is set to true.
 DojoConfig getDojoConfig()
 java.lang.Boolean getExpanded()
          Triggers a standard dojo development as defined by the Dojo Toolkit If you can find additional info about this attribute please fill in here
 java.lang.String getFamily()
 java.lang.Boolean getIgnoreClassNames()
          Triggers a standard dojo ignoreClassNames as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

This attribute turns on the case insensitive handling of classnames by require and other Dojo class loader mechanisms.
 java.lang.String getIoSendTransport()
          Dojo in its underlying architecture allows various options of server-client side communication.
 java.lang.Boolean getParseWidgets()
          Triggers a standard dojo parseWidgets as defined by the Dojo Toolkit This parameter is used to turn on or off the dojo widgeting parsing.
 java.lang.Boolean getPreventBackButtonFix()
          Dojo uses internally back button blockers to avoid problems with ajax requests causing the back button, to move out of the back page navigation order.
 java.lang.String getProvide()
          Triggers a standard dojo provide as defined by the Dojo Toolkit
 java.lang.String getRendererType()
 java.lang.String getRequire()
          Triggers a standard dojo provide as defined by the Dojo Toolkit
 java.lang.String getSearchIds()
          Triggers a standard dojo development as defined by the Dojo Toolkit If you can find additional info about this attribute please fill in here
 java.lang.Object getValue()
 boolean isDojoConfigParamSet()
 void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, java.lang.Object state)
 java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
 void setAllowQueryConfig(java.lang.Boolean allowQueryConfig)
 void setBaseScriptUri(java.lang.String baseScriptUri)
 void setBindEncoding(java.lang.String bindEncoding)
 void setDebug(java.lang.Boolean debug)
 void setDebugAtAllCosts(java.lang.Boolean debugAtAllCosts)
 void setDebugConsole(java.lang.Boolean debugConsole)
 void setDebugContainerId(java.lang.String debugContainerId)
 void setDevelopment(java.lang.Boolean development)
 void setDojoConfigParamSet(boolean dojoConfigParamSet)
 void setExpanded(java.lang.Boolean expanded)
 void setIgnoreClassNames(java.lang.Boolean ignoreClassNames)
 void setIoSendTransport(java.lang.String ioSendTransport)
 void setParseWidgets(java.lang.Boolean parseWidgets)
 void setPreventBackButtonFix(java.lang.Boolean preventBackButtonFix)
 void setProvide(java.lang.String provide)
 void setRequire(java.lang.String required)
 void setSearchIds(java.lang.String searchIds)
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIOutput
getConverter, getLocalValue, setConverter, setValue
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
addFacesListener, broadcast, decode, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getAttributes, getChildCount, getChildren, getClientId, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacetCount, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getParent, getRenderer, getRendersChildren, getValueBinding, invokeOnComponent, isRendered, isTransient, processDecodes, processRestoreState, processSaveState, processUpdates, processValidators, queueEvent, removeFacesListener, restoreAttachedState, saveAttachedState, setId, setParent, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient, setValueBinding
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
encodeAll, getContainerClientId, getValueExpression, setValueExpression
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_RENDERER_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_FAMILY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DojoInitializer()
Method Detail


public java.lang.Boolean getAllowQueryConfig()
Triggers a standard dojo allowQueryConfig as defined by the Dojo Toolkit. If someone has additional infos about this tag, please fill in here.


public java.lang.String getBaseScriptUri()
Triggers a standard dojo baseScriptUri as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

Allows the alteration of the dojo loading root path used by require.


public java.lang.String getBindEncoding()
Triggers a standard dojo bindEncoding as defined by the Dojo Toolkit Although this control most of the times is not needed one usage in plain jsf applications can be thought of. The changing of the bind encodings, if you check the parameter list of the control ioSendTransport can be used to change this encoding to any encoding parameter needed. This can be used to change the internal ajax request encodings of various controls in a global manner.


public java.lang.String getComponentType()


public java.lang.Boolean getDebug()
Triggers a standard dojo debug as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

Enables the dojo debugging framework. The usage of dojo.debug causes output to be displayed in either the current container or a target container, if one is set.


public java.lang.Boolean getDebugAtAllCosts()
Triggers a standard dojo debugAtAllCosts as defined by the Dojo Toolkit
Tries to enforce debugging even if the browser version does not allow it to work properlys


public java.lang.Boolean getDebugConsole()
Triggers a standard dojo debugConsole as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

This flag pops up a separate in frame floating window which receives the debugging output.

Note: This flag only works if debugging is enabled generally via the debug="true" flag set


public java.lang.String getDebugContainerId()
Triggers a standard dojo debugContainerId as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

This flag notifies the Dojo toolkit about the id which should receive the debug output. Dojo has a full debugging framework in it which allows to turn on debug output via a logging mechanism @see dojo.debug() for further references.

The debugging output is not limited to the current container triggering the debugging statement any container can receive the debugging output this flag is the flag which has to be set for setting a different target id for the debugging output.


public DojoConfig getDojoConfig()


public java.lang.Boolean getExpanded()
Triggers a standard dojo development as defined by the Dojo Toolkit If you can find additional info about this attribute please fill in here


public java.lang.String getFamily()
getFamily in class javax.faces.component.UIOutput


public java.lang.Boolean getIgnoreClassNames()
Triggers a standard dojo ignoreClassNames as defined by the Dojo Toolkit

This attribute turns on the case insensitive handling of classnames by require and other Dojo class loader mechanisms.

Case sensitivity is by default turned on.


public java.lang.String getIoSendTransport()
Dojo in its underlying architecture allows various options of server-client side communication. This setting allows the alteration of the communication layer to a different protocol. Currently only in usage is xmlhttprequest, hence setting this encoding will not change too much. But different encodings like iframe are planned for the future.


public java.lang.Boolean getParseWidgets()
Triggers a standard dojo parseWidgets as defined by the Dojo Toolkit This parameter is used to turn on or off the dojo widgeting parsing. The parsing is not used by MyFaces for various reasons, but can be used by your own html code.

For addititional information regarding the Dojo Toolkit widget parsing, visit the
Dojo Toolkit Homepage


public java.lang.Boolean getPreventBackButtonFix()
Dojo uses internally back button blockers to avoid problems with ajax requests causing the back button, to move out of the back page navigation order. Sometimes this behavior is not wanted and can be turned off with this on a global scale;


public java.lang.String getProvide()
Triggers a standard dojo provide as defined by the Dojo Toolkit


public java.lang.String getRendererType()
getRendererType in class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase


public java.lang.String getRequire()
Triggers a standard dojo provide as defined by the Dojo Toolkit


public java.lang.String getSearchIds()
Triggers a standard dojo development as defined by the Dojo Toolkit If you can find additional info about this attribute please fill in here


public java.lang.Boolean getDevelopment()
Triggers a standard dojo development as defined by the Dojo Toolkit If this parameter is set to true. The expanded debuggable version of dojo is included if set to false the compressed one is included.


public java.lang.Object getValue()
Specified by:
getValue in interface javax.faces.component.ValueHolder
getValue in class javax.faces.component.UIOutput


public boolean isDojoConfigParamSet()


public void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                         java.lang.Object state)
Specified by:
restoreState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
restoreState in class javax.faces.component.UIOutput


public java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Specified by:
saveState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
saveState in class javax.faces.component.UIOutput


public void setAllowQueryConfig(java.lang.Boolean allowQueryConfig)


public void setBaseScriptUri(java.lang.String baseScriptUri)


public void setBindEncoding(java.lang.String bindEncoding)


public void setDebug(java.lang.Boolean debug)


public void setDebugAtAllCosts(java.lang.Boolean debugAtAllCosts)


public void setDebugConsole(java.lang.Boolean debugConsole)


public void setDebugContainerId(java.lang.String debugContainerId)


public void setDojoConfigParamSet(boolean dojoConfigParamSet)


public void setExpanded(java.lang.Boolean expanded)


public void setIgnoreClassNames(java.lang.Boolean ignoreClassNames)


public void setIoSendTransport(java.lang.String ioSendTransport)


public void setParseWidgets(java.lang.Boolean parseWidgets)


public void setPreventBackButtonFix(java.lang.Boolean preventBackButtonFix)


public void setProvide(java.lang.String provide)


public void setRequire(java.lang.String required)


public void setSearchIds(java.lang.String searchIds)


public void setDevelopment(java.lang.Boolean development)

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