Class HtmlDataTable

  extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponent
      extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
          extended by javax.faces.component.UIData
              extended by javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable
                  extended by org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlDataTableHack
                      extended by org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.AbstractHtmlDataTable
                          extended by org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlDataTable
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.faces.component.NamingContainer, javax.faces.component.StateHolder, NewspaperTable, UserRoleAware, ExtendedComponentBase

public class HtmlDataTable
extends AbstractHtmlDataTable

Field Summary
static java.lang.String COMPONENT_FAMILY
static java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_RENDERER_TYPE
Fields inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.AbstractHtmlDataTable
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.myfaces.component.UserRoleAware
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.myfaces.component.NewspaperTable
Fields inherited from interface javax.faces.component.NamingContainer
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAlign()
          HTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element.
 java.lang.String getBodyStyle()
          Corresponds to the HTML style attribute for the table body tag
 java.lang.String getBodyStyleClass()
          Corresponds to the HTML class attribute for the table body tag.
 java.lang.String getDatafld()
          Reserved for future use.
 java.lang.String getDataformatas()
          Reserved for future use.
 java.lang.String getDatasrc()
          Reserved for future use.
 java.lang.String getDetailStampLocation()
          before|after - where to render the detailStamp, before the actual row or after it.
 java.lang.String getEnabledOnUserRole()
          If user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally.
 java.lang.String getFamily()
 int getNewspaperColumns()
          The number of columns to wrap the table over.
 java.lang.String getNewspaperOrientation()
          The orientation of the newspaper columns in the newspaper table - "horizontal" or "vertical".
 java.lang.String getPreviousRowDataVar()
          A parameter name, under which the previous RowData Object is set in request scope similar to the rowIndexVar and rowCountVar parameters.
 java.lang.String getRowCountVar()
          A parameter name, under which the rowCount is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.
 java.lang.String getRowGroupStyle()
          Corresponds to the HTML style attribute for grouped rows.
 java.lang.String getRowGroupStyleClass()
          StyleClass for grouped rows.
 java.lang.String getRowId()
          The id to use for
 java.lang.String getRowIndexVar()
          A parameter name, under which the current rowIndex is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.
 java.lang.String getRowOnClick()
          Defines a JavaScript onclick event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnDblClick()
          Defines a JavaScript ondblclick event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnKeyDown()
          Defines a JavaScript onkeydown event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnKeyPress()
          Defines a JavaScript onkeypress event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnKeyUp()
          Defines a JavaScript onkeyup event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnMouseDown()
          Defines a JavaScript onmpusedown event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnMouseMove()
          Defines a JavaScript onmousemove event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnMouseOut()
          Defines a JavaScript onmouseout event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnMouseOver()
          Defines a JavaScript onmouseover event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getRowOnMouseUp()
          Defines a JavaScript onmouseup event handler for each table row
 java.lang.String getSortedColumnVar()
          A parameter name, under which the a boolean is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.
 java.lang.String getValueType()
          Indicate the expected type of the EL expression pointed by value property.
 java.lang.String getVisibleOnUserRole()
          If user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally.
 boolean isDetailStampExpandedDefault()
          true|false - true if the detailStamp should be expanded by default.
 boolean isEmbedded()
          Avoids rendering the html table tags, thus, giving you a table rendering just rows.
 boolean isRenderedIfEmpty()
          Indicates whether this table should be rendered if the underlying DataModel is empty.
 boolean isSortable()
          Define if the table is sortable or not
 void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext, java.lang.Object state)
 java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext)
 void setAlign(java.lang.String align)
 void setBodyStyle(java.lang.String bodyStyle)
 void setBodyStyleClass(java.lang.String bodyStyleClass)
 void setDatafld(java.lang.String datafld)
 void setDataformatas(java.lang.String dataformatas)
 void setDatasrc(java.lang.String datasrc)
 void setDetailStampExpandedDefault(boolean detailStampExpandedDefault)
 void setDetailStampLocation(java.lang.String detailStampLocation)
 void setEmbedded(boolean embedded)
 void setEnabledOnUserRole(java.lang.String enabledOnUserRole)
 void setNewspaperColumns(int newspaperColumns)
 void setNewspaperOrientation(java.lang.String newspaperOrientation)
 void setPreviousRowDataVar(java.lang.String previousRowDataVar)
 void setRenderedIfEmpty(boolean renderedIfEmpty)
 void setRowCountVar(java.lang.String rowCountVar)
 void setRowGroupStyle(java.lang.String rowGroupStyle)
 void setRowGroupStyleClass(java.lang.String rowGroupStyleClass)
 void setRowId(java.lang.String rowId)
 void setRowIndexVar(java.lang.String rowIndexVar)
 void setRowOnClick(java.lang.String rowOnClick)
 void setRowOnDblClick(java.lang.String rowOnDblClick)
 void setRowOnKeyDown(java.lang.String rowOnKeyDown)
 void setRowOnKeyPress(java.lang.String rowOnKeyPress)
 void setRowOnKeyUp(java.lang.String rowOnKeyUp)
 void setRowOnMouseDown(java.lang.String rowOnMouseDown)
 void setRowOnMouseMove(java.lang.String rowOnMouseMove)
 void setRowOnMouseOut(java.lang.String rowOnMouseOut)
 void setRowOnMouseOver(java.lang.String rowOnMouseOver)
 void setRowOnMouseUp(java.lang.String rowOnMouseUp)
 void setSortable(boolean sortable)
 void setSortedColumnVar(java.lang.String sortedColumnVar)
 void setValueType(java.lang.String valueType)
 void setVisibleOnUserRole(java.lang.String visibleOnUserRole)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.AbstractHtmlDataTable
collapseAllDetails, columnNameToIndex, createDataModel, createSortHeaderComponent, encodeBegin, encodeEnd, expandAllDetails, findComponent, getClientId, getDataModel, getDetailStamp, getFirst, getForceIdIndexFormula, getPreservedDataModel, getRows, getRowStyle, getRowStyleClass, getSerializableDataModel, getSortColumn, getSortColumnIndex, getSortProperty, getSortPropertyFromEL, getSpacer, getTableContext, getVarDetailToggler, invokeOnComponent, isCurrentDetailExpanded, isDetailExpanded, isExpandedEmpty, isPreserveDataModel, isPreserveSort, isRendered, isSortAscending, isSortHeaderNeeded, isValidChildren, processDecodes, processUpdates, processValidators, restoreDescendantComponentStates, saveDescendantComponentStates, setDetailStamp, setExpandedEmpty, setFirst, setForceIdIndexFormula, setIsValidChildren, setPreserveDataModel, setPreservedDataModel, setPreserveSort, setRowIndex, setRows, setRowStyle, setRowStyleClass, setSortAscending, setSortColumn, setSortColumnIndex, setSortProperty, setSpacer, setVarDetailToggler, toggleDetail
Methods inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlDataTableHack
checkUpdateModelError, clearRowStates, deleteRowStateForRow, getDerivedRowKeyPrefix, getDerivedSubClientId, getRowCount, getRowData, getRowIndex, getRowKey, hasErrorMessages, isForceId, isForceIdIndex, isPreserveRowStates, isRowAvailable, restoreDescendantComponentStates, saveDescendantComponentStates, setDataModel, setDerivedRowKeyPrefix, setForceId, setForceIdIndex, setPreserveRowStates, setRowKey, setValue, setValueBinding
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable
getBgcolor, getBorder, getCaptionClass, getCaptionStyle, getCellpadding, getCellspacing, getColumnClasses, getDir, getFooterClass, getFrame, getHeaderClass, getLang, getOnclick, getOndblclick, getOnkeydown, getOnkeypress, getOnkeyup, getOnmousedown, getOnmousemove, getOnmouseout, getOnmouseover, getOnmouseup, getRowClasses, getRules, getStyle, getStyleClass, getSummary, getTitle, getWidth, setBgcolor, setBorder, setCaptionClass, setCaptionStyle, setCellpadding, setCellspacing, setColumnClasses, setDir, setFooterClass, setFrame, setHeaderClass, setLang, setOnclick, setOndblclick, setOnkeydown, setOnkeypress, setOnkeyup, setOnmousedown, setOnmousemove, setOnmouseout, setOnmouseover, setOnmouseup, setRowClasses, setRules, setStyle, setStyleClass, setSummary, setTitle, setWidth
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIData
broadcast, getFooter, getHeader, getValue, getVar, queueEvent, setFooter, setHeader, setValueExpression, setVar
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
addFacesListener, decode, encodeChildren, getAttributes, getChildCount, getChildren, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacetCount, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getParent, getRenderer, getRendererType, getRendersChildren, getValueBinding, isTransient, processRestoreState, processSaveState, removeFacesListener, restoreAttachedState, saveAttachedState, setId, setParent, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
encodeAll, getContainerClientId, getValueExpression
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_FAMILY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_RENDERER_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public HtmlDataTable()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFamily()
getFamily in class javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable


public boolean isSortable()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Define if the table is sortable or not

Specified by:
isSortable in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setSortable(boolean sortable)


public boolean isEmbedded()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Avoids rendering the html table tags, thus, giving you a table rendering just rows. You can use this together with the detailStamp faces of the parent datatable to render child-tables using the same layout as the parent. Notice: You have to ensure both tables do have the same number of columns. Using the colspan attribute of the column tag might help alot.

Specified by:
isEmbedded in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setEmbedded(boolean embedded)


public boolean isDetailStampExpandedDefault()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
true|false - true if the detailStamp should be expanded by default. default: false

Specified by:
isDetailStampExpandedDefault in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setDetailStampExpandedDefault(boolean detailStampExpandedDefault)


public java.lang.String getDetailStampLocation()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
before|after - where to render the detailStamp, before the actual row or after it. default: after

Specified by:
getDetailStampLocation in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setDetailStampLocation(java.lang.String detailStampLocation)


public java.lang.String getRowOnMouseOver()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onmouseover event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnMouseOver in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnMouseOver(java.lang.String rowOnMouseOver)


public java.lang.String getRowOnMouseOut()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onmouseout event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnMouseOut in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnMouseOut(java.lang.String rowOnMouseOut)


public java.lang.String getRowOnClick()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onclick event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnClick in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnClick(java.lang.String rowOnClick)


public java.lang.String getRowOnDblClick()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript ondblclick event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnDblClick in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnDblClick(java.lang.String rowOnDblClick)


public java.lang.String getRowOnKeyDown()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onkeydown event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnKeyDown in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnKeyDown(java.lang.String rowOnKeyDown)


public java.lang.String getRowOnKeyPress()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onkeypress event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnKeyPress in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnKeyPress(java.lang.String rowOnKeyPress)


public java.lang.String getRowOnKeyUp()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onkeyup event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnKeyUp in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnKeyUp(java.lang.String rowOnKeyUp)


public java.lang.String getRowOnMouseDown()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onmpusedown event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnMouseDown in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnMouseDown(java.lang.String rowOnMouseDown)


public java.lang.String getRowOnMouseMove()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onmousemove event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnMouseMove in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnMouseMove(java.lang.String rowOnMouseMove)


public java.lang.String getRowOnMouseUp()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Defines a JavaScript onmouseup event handler for each table row

Specified by:
getRowOnMouseUp in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowOnMouseUp(java.lang.String rowOnMouseUp)


public java.lang.String getRowGroupStyle()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Corresponds to the HTML style attribute for grouped rows.

Specified by:
getRowGroupStyle in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowGroupStyle(java.lang.String rowGroupStyle)


public java.lang.String getRowGroupStyleClass()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
StyleClass for grouped rows.

Specified by:
getRowGroupStyleClass in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowGroupStyleClass(java.lang.String rowGroupStyleClass)


public java.lang.String getBodyStyle()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Corresponds to the HTML style attribute for the table body tag

Specified by:
getBodyStyle in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setBodyStyle(java.lang.String bodyStyle)


public java.lang.String getBodyStyleClass()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Corresponds to the HTML class attribute for the table body tag.

Specified by:
getBodyStyleClass in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setBodyStyleClass(java.lang.String bodyStyleClass)


public int getNewspaperColumns()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
The number of columns to wrap the table over. Default: 1 Set the number of columns the table will be divided over.

Specified by:
getNewspaperColumns in interface NewspaperTable
Specified by:
getNewspaperColumns in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setNewspaperColumns(int newspaperColumns)


public java.lang.String getNewspaperOrientation()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
The orientation of the newspaper columns in the newspaper table - "horizontal" or "vertical". Default: vertical

Specified by:
getNewspaperOrientation in interface NewspaperTable
Specified by:
getNewspaperOrientation in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setNewspaperOrientation(java.lang.String newspaperOrientation)


public boolean isRenderedIfEmpty()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Indicates whether this table should be rendered if the underlying DataModel is empty. You could as well use rendered="#{not empty bean.list}", but this one causes the getList method of your model bean beeing called up to five times per request, which is not optimal when the list is backed by a DB table. Using renderedIfEmpty="false" solves this problem, because the MyFaces extended HtmlDataTable automatically caches the DataModel and calles the model getter only once per request. Default: true

Specified by:
isRenderedIfEmpty in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRenderedIfEmpty(boolean renderedIfEmpty)


public java.lang.String getRowIndexVar()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
A parameter name, under which the current rowIndex is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.

Specified by:
getRowIndexVar in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowIndexVar(java.lang.String rowIndexVar)


public java.lang.String getRowCountVar()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
A parameter name, under which the rowCount is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.

Specified by:
getRowCountVar in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowCountVar(java.lang.String rowCountVar)


public java.lang.String getPreviousRowDataVar()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
A parameter name, under which the previous RowData Object is set in request scope similar to the rowIndexVar and rowCountVar parameters. Mind that the value of this request scope attribute is null in the first row or when isRowAvailable returns false for the previous row.

Specified by:
getPreviousRowDataVar in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setPreviousRowDataVar(java.lang.String previousRowDataVar)


public java.lang.String getSortedColumnVar()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
A parameter name, under which the a boolean is set in request scope similar to the var parameter. TRUE for the column that is currently sorted, FALSE otherwise.

Specified by:
getSortedColumnVar in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setSortedColumnVar(java.lang.String sortedColumnVar)


public java.lang.String getAlign()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
HTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Specified by:
getAlign in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setAlign(java.lang.String align)


public java.lang.String getRowId()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
The id to use for

Specified by:
getRowId in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setRowId(java.lang.String rowId)


public java.lang.String getDatafld()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Reserved for future use.

Specified by:
getDatafld in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setDatafld(java.lang.String datafld)


public java.lang.String getDatasrc()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Reserved for future use.

Specified by:
getDatasrc in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setDatasrc(java.lang.String datasrc)


public java.lang.String getDataformatas()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Reserved for future use.

Specified by:
getDataformatas in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setDataformatas(java.lang.String dataformatas)


public java.lang.String getValueType()
Description copied from class: AbstractHtmlDataTable
Indicate the expected type of the EL expression pointed by value property. It is useful when vb.getType() cannot found the type, like when a map value is resolved on the expression.

Specified by:
getValueType in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void setValueType(java.lang.String valueType)


public java.lang.String getEnabledOnUserRole()
Description copied from interface: UserRoleAware
If user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.



public void setEnabledOnUserRole(java.lang.String enabledOnUserRole)


public java.lang.String getVisibleOnUserRole()
Description copied from interface: UserRoleAware
If user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.



public void setVisibleOnUserRole(java.lang.String visibleOnUserRole)


public java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext)
Specified by:
saveState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
saveState in class AbstractHtmlDataTable


public void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext,
                         java.lang.Object state)
Specified by:
restoreState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
restoreState in class AbstractHtmlDataTable

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