Class ScrollerActionEvent

  extended by java.util.EventObject
      extended by javax.faces.event.FacesEvent
          extended by javax.faces.event.ActionEvent
              extended by org.apache.myfaces.custom.datascroller.ScrollerActionEvent
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ScrollerActionEvent
extends javax.faces.event.ActionEvent

An event representing a click on some scroller control to change the currently displayed table rows.

$Revision$ $Date$
Mathias Broekelmann (latest modification by $Author$)
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class java.util.EventObject
Constructor Summary
ScrollerActionEvent(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component, int pageIndex)
          An event representing a user's choice to jump straight to page #pageIndex of the available pages of data.
ScrollerActionEvent(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component, String scrollerfacet)
          An event representing a user's choice of navigation option except jumping to a specific page.
Method Summary
 int getPageIndex()
          Return the page of data the user wants to see, or -1 if the user didn't choose a page# navigation option.
 String getScrollerfacet()
          Returns a string which matches one of the HtmlDataScroller.FACET_* public constants, or null if the user chose a page# navigation option.
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.event.ActionEvent
isAppropriateListener, processListener
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.event.FacesEvent
getComponent, getPhaseId, queue, setPhaseId
Methods inherited from class java.util.EventObject
getSource, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ScrollerActionEvent(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component,
                           String scrollerfacet)
An event representing a user's choice of navigation option except jumping to a specific page. Param scrollerFacet contains the name of the operation performed, which matches one of the public HtmlDataScroller.FACET_* constants.


public ScrollerActionEvent(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component,
                           int pageIndex)
An event representing a user's choice to jump straight to page #pageIndex of the available pages of data.

component - is the DataScroller component
pageIndex - is in the range 0..(nPages-1), where nPages is (rowsOfDataAvailable/rowsPerPage).
Method Detail


public String getScrollerfacet()
Returns a string which matches one of the HtmlDataScroller.FACET_* public constants, or null if the user chose a page# navigation option.


public int getPageIndex()
Return the page of data the user wants to see, or -1 if the user didn't choose a page# navigation option.

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