Uses of Interface

Packages that use UserRoleAware

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlCommandButton
          Extends standard commandButton by user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlCommandLink
          Extends standard commandLink by user role support and the HTML target attribute.
 class AbstractHtmlDataTable
          The MyFacesDataTable extends the standard JSF DataTable by two important features:
Possiblity to save the state of the DataModel. Support for clickable sort headers (see SortHeader component).
Extended data_table that adds some additional features to the standard data_table action: see attribute descriptions for preserveDataModel, sortColumn, sortAscending and preserveSort.
 class AbstractHtmlGraphicImage
          Extends standard graphicImage.
 class AbstractHtmlInputSecret
          Extends standard inputSecret, adding the "redisplay" property.
 class AbstractHtmlInputText
          Extends standard inputText by user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlInputTextarea
          Extends standard inputTextarea by user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlMessage
          MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see summaryDetailSeparator attribute.
 class AbstractHtmlMessages
          MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see showInputLabel attribute.
 class AbstractHtmlOutputLabel
          Extends standard outputLabel with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlOutputText
          Extends standard outputText with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlPanelGrid
          Extends standard panelGrid with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlPanelGroup
          Extends standard panelGroup with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox
          Extends standard selectBooleanCheckbox with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlSelectManyCheckbox
          Extends standard selectManyCheckbox with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlSelectManyListbox
          Extends standard selectManyListbox with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlSelectManyMenu
          Extends standard selectManyMenu with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlSelectOneListbox
          Extends standard selectOneListbox with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlSelectOneMenu
          Extends standard selectOneMenu with user role support.
 class AbstractHtmlSelectOneRadio
          Implements the standard html selectOneRadio tag, with additional features.
 class org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlCommandLink
 class org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlInputText
 class org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlPanelGroup
 class org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlSelectManyListbox
 class org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlSelectOneMenu

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlInputCalendar
           Provides a calendar.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.checkbox

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.checkbox that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlCheckbox
          Renders a HTML input of type "checkbox".

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.collapsiblepanel

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.collapsiblepanel that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlCollapsiblePanel
          A component which just renders as a single icon (with optional label) when "collapsed", hiding all child components.
 class AbstractHtmlHeaderLink
          Link used to collapse or expand a t:collapsiblePanel.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.datalist

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.datalist that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlDataList
          Similar to dataTable, but does not render a table.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.datascroller

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.datascroller that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlDataScroller
          Scroller for UIData components eg.

Uses of UserRoleAware in

Classes in that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlInputDate
          Custom input control for dates and times.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.div

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.div that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractDiv
          Places a div around its children.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.fieldset

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.fieldset that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractFieldset
          Renders an HTML Fieldset

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.fileupload

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.fileupload that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlInputFileUpload
          Creates a file-selection widget in the rendered page which allows a user to select a file for uploading to the server.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.htmlTag

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.htmlTag that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlTag
          Creates an arbitrary HTML tag which encloses any child components.
 class org.apache.myfaces.custom.htmlTag.HtmlTag

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.inputHtml

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.inputHtml that implement UserRoleAware
 class InputHtml
          HTML Editor using the kupu library.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.inputTextHelp

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.inputTextHelp that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlInputTextHelp
          Extends standard inputText by helptext support.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.navigation

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.navigation that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlCommandNavigation
          Command, that represents a navigation item.
 class AbstractHtmlPanelNavigation
          Renders a vertical menu structure with support for nested menu items.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.navmenu

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.navmenu that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractUINavigationMenuItem
          A menu item.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.navmenu.htmlnavmenu

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.navmenu.htmlnavmenu that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlCommandNavigationItem
          Must be nested inside a panel_navigation action and renders a clickable navigation item.
 class AbstractHtmlPanelNavigationMenu
          Renders a vertical menu structure with support for nested menu items.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.navmenu.jscookmenu

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.navmenu.jscookmenu that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlCommandJSCookMenu
          Renders a Javascript Menu.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.picklist

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.picklist that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlSelectManyPicklist
          A picklist component that allows to select items from one list to another

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.popup

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.popup that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlPopup
          Renders a popup which displays on a mouse event.

Uses of UserRoleAware in

Classes in that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlRadio
          This tag is used in conjunction with the extended selectOneRadio tag when the "spread" layout is selected.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.schedule

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.schedule that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlSchedule
          A schedule component similar to the ones found in Outlook or Evolution

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.selectOneCountry

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.selectOneCountry that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractSelectOneCountry
          A localized list of countries choose box.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.selectOneLanguage

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.selectOneLanguage that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractSelectOneLanguage
          A localized list of languages choose box.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.sortheader

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.sortheader that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlCommandSortHeader
          Clickable sort column header.

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.stylesheet

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.stylesheet that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractStylesheet
          Renders the path to a common CSS-file

Uses of UserRoleAware in org.apache.myfaces.custom.tabbedpane

Classes in org.apache.myfaces.custom.tabbedpane that implement UserRoleAware
 class AbstractHtmlPanelTab
          TODO: Document this component.
 class AbstractHtmlPanelTabbedPane
          TODO: Document this component.

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