Interface ForceIdAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDiv, AbstractFieldset, AbstractHtmlCommandButton, AbstractHtmlCommandLink, AbstractHtmlCommandNavigation, AbstractHtmlCommandNavigationItem, AbstractHtmlCommandSortHeader, AbstractHtmlDataScroller, AbstractHtmlGraphicImage, AbstractHtmlHeaderLink, AbstractHtmlInputCalendar, AbstractHtmlInputDate, AbstractHtmlInputHidden, AbstractHtmlInputSecret, AbstractHtmlInputText, AbstractHtmlInputTextarea, AbstractHtmlInputTextHelp, AbstractHtmlMessage, AbstractHtmlMessages, AbstractHtmlOutputLabel, AbstractHtmlOutputText, AbstractHtmlPanelGrid, AbstractHtmlPanelGroup, AbstractHtmlPanelNavigation, AbstractHtmlPanelNavigationMenu, AbstractHtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox, AbstractHtmlSelectManyCheckbox, AbstractHtmlSelectManyListbox, AbstractHtmlSelectManyMenu, AbstractHtmlSelectManyPicklist, AbstractHtmlSelectOneListbox, AbstractHtmlSelectOneMenu, AbstractHtmlSelectOneRadio, AbstractHtmlTag, AbstractSelectOneCountry, AbstractSelectOneLanguage, org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlCommandLink, org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlInputText, org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlPanelGroup, org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlSelectManyListbox, org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlSelectOneMenu, org.apache.myfaces.custom.htmlTag.HtmlTag, InputHtml

public interface ForceIdAware

Behavioral interface. Components that support forceId generation should implement this interface to optimize property access.

$Revision: 691856 $ $Date: 2008-09-03 21:40:30 -0500 (Wed, 03 Sep 2008) $
Leonardo Uribe (latest modification by $Author: lu4242 $)

Method Summary
 boolean isForceId()
          If true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.
 boolean isForceIdIndex()
          If false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)
 void setForceId(boolean forceId)
 void setForceIdIndex(boolean forceIdIndex)

Method Detail


boolean isForceId()
If true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.



void setForceId(boolean forceId)


boolean isForceIdIndex()
If false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)



void setForceIdIndex(boolean forceIdIndex)

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