public class


extends AbstractUIImage
implements SupportsMarkup
   ↳ javax.faces.component.UIComponent
     ↳ javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
       ↳ javax.faces.component.UIGraphic
         ↳ org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.component.AbstractUIImage
           ↳ org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UITreeIcon

Class Overview

Renders an image beside a tree node. UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.taglib.component.TreeIconTagDeclaration.


Inherited Constants
From class javax.faces.component.UIGraphic
Inherited Fields
From class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
Public Constructors
Public Methods
Integer getColumnSpan()
Measure getCurrentHeight()
This value will usually be set by the layout manager.
Markup getCurrentMarkup()
Measure getCurrentWidth()
This value will usually be set by the layout manager.
Display getDisplay()
This attribute is for internal use only.
Measure getHeight()
This value will usually be set by the layout manager.
Integer getHorizontalIndex()
This attribute is for internal use only.
Measure getLeft()
This value will usually be set by the layout manager.
Measure getMarginBottom()
Measure getMarginLeft()
Measure getMarginRight()
Measure getMarginTop()
Markup getMarkup()
Measure getMaximumHeight()
Measure getMaximumWidth()
Measure getMinimumHeight()
Measure getMinimumWidth()
Measure getPreferredHeight()
Measure getPreferredWidth()
Integer getRowSpan()
String getTip()
Text value to display as tooltip.
Measure getTop()
This value will usually be set by the layout manager.
Integer getVerticalIndex()
This attribute is for internal use only.
Measure getWidth()
This value will usually be set by the layout manager.
boolean isDisabled()
Flag indicating that this element is disabled.
void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object componentState)
Object saveState(FacesContext context)
void setColumnSpan(Integer columnSpan)
void setCurrentHeight(Measure currentHeight)
void setCurrentMarkup(Markup currentMarkup)
void setCurrentWidth(Measure currentWidth)
void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
void setDisplay(Display display)
void setHeight(Measure height)
void setHorizontalIndex(Integer horizontalIndex)
void setLeft(Measure left)
void setMarginBottom(Measure marginBottom)
void setMarginLeft(Measure marginLeft)
void setMarginRight(Measure marginRight)
void setMarginTop(Measure marginTop)
void setMarkup(Markup markup)
void setMaximumHeight(Measure maximumHeight)
void setMaximumWidth(Measure maximumWidth)
void setMinimumHeight(Measure minimumHeight)
void setMinimumWidth(Measure minimumWidth)
void setPreferredHeight(Measure preferredHeight)
void setPreferredWidth(Measure preferredWidth)
void setRowSpan(Integer rowSpan)
void setTip(String tip)
void setTop(Measure top)
void setVerticalIndex(Integer verticalIndex)
void setWidth(Measure width)
Inherited Methods
From class org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.component.AbstractUIImage
From class javax.faces.component.UIGraphic
From class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
From class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
From class java.lang.Object
From interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
From interface org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.DeprecatedDimension
From interface org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.SupportsMarkup
From interface org.apache.myfaces.tobago.config.Configurable
From interface org.apache.myfaces.tobago.layout.LayoutBase
From interface org.apache.myfaces.tobago.layout.LayoutComponent


public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE

Constant Value: "org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TreeIcon"

Public Constructors

public UITreeIcon ()

Public Methods

public Integer getColumnSpan ()

public Measure getCurrentHeight ()

This value will usually be set by the layout manager. It holds the current height computed by the layout manager.

public Markup getCurrentMarkup ()

public Measure getCurrentWidth ()

This value will usually be set by the layout manager. It holds the current width computed by the layout manager.

public Display getDisplay ()

This attribute is for internal use only.

public Measure getHeight ()

This value will usually be set by the layout manager.

public Integer getHorizontalIndex ()

This attribute is for internal use only.

public Measure getLeft ()

This value will usually be set by the layout manager.

public Measure getMarginBottom ()

public Measure getMarginLeft ()

public Measure getMarginRight ()

public Measure getMarginTop ()

public Markup getMarkup ()

public Measure getMaximumHeight ()

public Measure getMaximumWidth ()

public Measure getMinimumHeight ()

public Measure getMinimumWidth ()

public Measure getPreferredHeight ()

public Measure getPreferredWidth ()

public Integer getRowSpan ()

public String getTip ()

Text value to display as tooltip.

public Measure getTop ()

This value will usually be set by the layout manager.

public Integer getVerticalIndex ()

This attribute is for internal use only.

public Measure getWidth ()

This value will usually be set by the layout manager.

public boolean isDisabled ()

Flag indicating that this element is disabled.
Default: false

public void restoreState (FacesContext context, Object componentState)

public Object saveState (FacesContext context)

public void setColumnSpan (Integer columnSpan)

public void setCurrentHeight (Measure currentHeight)

public void setCurrentMarkup (Markup currentMarkup)

public void setCurrentWidth (Measure currentWidth)

public void setDisabled (boolean disabled)

public void setDisplay (Display display)

public void setHeight (Measure height)

public void setHorizontalIndex (Integer horizontalIndex)

public void setLeft (Measure left)

public void setMarginBottom (Measure marginBottom)

public void setMarginLeft (Measure marginLeft)

public void setMarginRight (Measure marginRight)

public void setMarginTop (Measure marginTop)

public void setMarkup (Markup markup)

public void setMaximumHeight (Measure maximumHeight)

public void setMaximumWidth (Measure maximumWidth)

public void setMinimumHeight (Measure minimumHeight)

public void setMinimumWidth (Measure minimumWidth)

public void setPreferredHeight (Measure preferredHeight)

public void setPreferredWidth (Measure preferredWidth)

public void setRowSpan (Integer rowSpan)

public void setTip (String tip)

public void setTop (Measure top)

public void setVerticalIndex (Integer verticalIndex)

public void setWidth (Measure width)