Interface StorageManager<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of Storage that is maintained by the storageManager.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractApplicationScopeAwareStorageManager, AbstractRequestScopeAwareStorageManager, AbstractStorageManager

public interface StorageManager<T>

Storage managers are responsible to create and reset specific storage implementations depending on the scope. A manager can be responsible for multiple (named) storages.


Method Summary
 T create(String key)
          Creates and scope or retrieve a previously created instance, of the storage for the given key.
 void reset(String key)
          Resets the storage linked to the given key.

Method Detail


T create(String key)
Creates and scope or retrieve a previously created instance, of the storage for the given key.

key - The key for a storage that needs to be created
The storage associated with the key or null if the key is unknown to the storageManager.


void reset(String key)
Resets the storage linked to the given key. If the storage isn't created yet or the key is unknown for the storageManager, nothing is performed and no exception is thrown.

key - The key for a storage that needs to be resetted

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