Package org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core.validation.parameter

Interface Summary
DisableClientSideValidation A special validationParameter to indicate that no information what so ever of the validation information (like length or required) should be placed on the UIComponent so that client side could do any validation.
ValidationParameter Marker interface for validation parameters.
ValidationParameterExtractor Allows the extraction of ValidationParameters.
ValidationParameterExtractorFactory Interface for a factory which is responsible for creating a ValidationParameterExtractor
ViolationSeverity ValidationParameter to indicate the severity of the FacesMessage in case of a validation failure.
ViolationSeverity.Error ViolationSeverity Error.
ViolationSeverity.Fatal ViolationSeverity Fatal.
ViolationSeverity.Info ViolationSeverity Info.
ViolationSeverity.Warn ViolationSeverity Warn.
ViolationSeverityInterpreter mechanism to change the default behavior of extval

Class Summary
DefaultValidationParameterExtractor Default implementation of the class which is capable of extracting ValidationParameter's from an annotation.
DefaultValidationParameterFactory maps internal parameters to optionally available custom parameters
DefaultViolationSeverityInterpreter mechanism to change the default behavior of extval

Annotation Types Summary
ParameterKey Optional key to identify a ValidationParameter if there are multiple parameters of the same type.
ParameterValue Marker for values within a ValidationParameter implementation.

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