Package org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core.validation

Interface Summary
SkipValidationEvaluator Evaluator which checks if the validation process should be skipped for the given component.

Annotation Types Summary
ConstraintSource Annotation that specifies the class that needs to be used as source for the ExtVal constraints.
EmptyValueAwareValidationStrategy Marker annotation to indicate that the strategy can handle empty values (strings of length 0) as values to validate.
IgnoreConstraintSource Marker annotation to indicate that for the annotated property, no source for ExtVal constraints need to be searched in the class indicated by the ConstraintSource annotation.
NullValueAwareValidationStrategy Marker annotation to indicate that the strategy can handle null values as values to validate.
TargetProperty To specify which property should be used as constraint source (instead of the default naming convention).
TargetPropertyId To specify which property should be used as constraint source (instead of the default naming convention).

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