Interface GroupStorage

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultBeanValidationGroupStorage, DefaultGroupStorage, ExtValBeanValidationContext

public interface GroupStorage

Suggested interface for a group storage used by the bvi module and add-ons

it allows to manage groups for the current request


Method Summary
 void addGroup(Class groupClass, String viewId, String clientId)
          Add the group, identified by the groupClass parameter, for the component identified by the clientId for the view viewId.
 Class[] getGroups(String viewId, String clientId)
          Gets the list of groups defined for the component with the clientId specified as parameter in the view.
 void lockGroups(String viewId)
          If the storage is locked, it isn't possible to change the state
 void resetGroups(String viewId)
          Allows to reset all groups which have been added so far.
 void restrictGroup(Class groupClass, String viewId, String clientId)
          Add the group in the restricted group list ,identified by the groupClass parameter, for the component identified by the clientId for the view viewId.
 void unlockGroups(String viewId)
          Allows to change the storage again

Method Detail


void addGroup(Class groupClass,
              String viewId,
              String clientId)
Add the group, identified by the groupClass parameter, for the component identified by the clientId for the view viewId.

groupClass - The group to add.
viewId - The view where the uiComponent is located where we want to add the group.
clientId - The clientId value of the component within the view.


void restrictGroup(Class groupClass,
                   String viewId,
                   String clientId)
Add the group in the restricted group list ,identified by the groupClass parameter, for the component identified by the clientId for the view viewId.

groupClass - The group to add in the restricted group list.
viewId - The view where the uiComponent is located where we want to add the group.
clientId - The clientId value of the component within the view.


Class[] getGroups(String viewId,
                  String clientId)
Gets the list of groups defined for the component with the clientId specified as parameter in the view. The array is the values of the groups added minus the groups from the restricted group list.

viewId - The view where the uiComponent is located.
clientId - The clientId value of the component within the view.
Array of groups defined for the component.


void resetGroups(String viewId)
Allows to reset all groups which have been added so far.

viewId - allows to reset groups only for one view-id that allows to keep the groups e.g. of the current or the target view (depending on the given value). if it is null, all stored view-ids will be affected.


void lockGroups(String viewId)
If the storage is locked, it isn't possible to change the state

viewId - allows to lock groups only for one view-id that allows to keep the groups e.g. of the current or the target view (depending on the given value) if it is null, all stored view-ids will be affected.


void unlockGroups(String viewId)
Allows to change the storage again

viewId - allows to lock groups only for one view-id that allows to keep the groups e.g. of the current or the target view (depending on the given value) if it is null, all stored view-ids will be affected.

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