Class AbstractStorageManager<T>

  extended by org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core.factory.AbstractNameMapperAwareFactory<String>
      extended by<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameMapperAwareFactory<NameMapper<String>>, StorageManager<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractApplicationScopeAwareStorageManager, AbstractRequestScopeAwareStorageManager

public abstract class AbstractStorageManager<T>
extends AbstractNameMapperAwareFactory<String>
implements StorageManager<T>

Generic storage manager implementation based on name mappers. There exists 2 subclasses, AbstractApplicationScopeAwareStorageManager and AbstractRequestScopeAwareStorageManager, that use JSF scopes to store the information.


Field Summary
protected  Logger logger
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 T create(String storageName)
          Creates and scope or retrieve a previously created instance, of the storage for the given key.
protected  List<NameMapper<String>> getNameMapperList()
abstract  String getStorageManagerKey()
          Returns the key where the cached instances can be found in the JSF Scope.
 void reset(String storageKey)
          Resets the storage linked to the given key.
protected  T resolveStorage(String storageKey, String storageClassName)
          Retrieves the storage Manager from the cached instances, if already created previously.
protected abstract  Map<String,T> resolveStorageMap()
          Subclasses need to supply the list of all cached instances.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core.factory.AbstractNameMapperAwareFactory
deny, deregister, getComparator, register
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Logger logger
Constructor Detail


public AbstractStorageManager()
Method Detail


public T create(String storageName)
Creates and scope or retrieve a previously created instance, of the storage for the given key. Implementation classes for the key (also named storageName), are supplied by registered nameMappers.

Specified by:
create in interface StorageManager<T>
storageName - The key for a storage that needs to be created
The storage associated with the key or null if the key is unknown to the storageManager.


protected T resolveStorage(String storageKey,
                           String storageClassName)
Retrieves the storage Manager from the cached instances, if already created previously. In the other case, a new instance is created and stored to the cache.

storageKey - The type of storage that needs to be created
storageClassName - The class name of the implementation of the storage manager.
Implementation of the storage manager. Could be null if name mapper supplied non existent class name.


protected abstract Map<String,T> resolveStorageMap()
Subclasses need to supply the list of all cached instances.

Map of all cached storage Manager implementations keyed on the type of storage.


public void reset(String storageKey)
Description copied from interface: StorageManager
Resets the storage linked to the given key. If the storage isn't created yet or the key is unknown for the storageManager, nothing is performed and no exception is thrown.

Specified by:
reset in interface StorageManager<T>
storageKey - The key for a storage that needs to be resetted


protected List<NameMapper<String>> getNameMapperList()
Specified by:
getNameMapperList in class AbstractNameMapperAwareFactory<String>


public abstract String getStorageManagerKey()
Returns the key where the cached instances can be found in the JSF Scope.

key for finding the cached instances in thre JSF Scope.

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