Interface IdentifiableValidationStrategy

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public interface IdentifiableValidationStrategy
extends ValidationStrategy

if an adapter (ValidationStrategy only used for component initialization) is used for several constraints, this interface allows to detect the type of current constraint. It's needed for constraint mappings which don't follow the original approach of ExtVal (e.g. bv)


Field Summary
static String ID_PREFIX
          Separator which should be used by a meta-data transformer factory to create an unambiguous key that consists of the name of the ValidationStrategy and the id provided by getId() which allows to select the correct MetaDataTransformer implementation if an adapter ValidationStrategy is responsible for multiple constraints.
Method Summary
 String getId()
          Returns the unique part for the key which is used to select the correct MetaDataTransformer if the ValidationStrategy is responsible for multiple constraints.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core.validation.strategy.ValidationStrategy

Field Detail


static final String ID_PREFIX
Separator which should be used by a meta-data transformer factory to create an unambiguous key that consists of the name of the ValidationStrategy and the id provided by getId() which allows to select the correct MetaDataTransformer implementation if an adapter ValidationStrategy is responsible for multiple constraints.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


String getId()
Returns the unique part for the key which is used to select the correct MetaDataTransformer if the ValidationStrategy is responsible for multiple constraints.

Unique String to map the current instance of an adapter ValidationStrategy .

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