Package org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core

Interface Summary
ExtValModuleConfiguration Marker interface for type-safe ExtVal configurations.
ExtValModuleConfigurationResolver Allows the retrieval of a custom configuration object.
ValidationModuleAware if an artifact (which supports this concept) should be used just for a/some specific module(s), the artifact has to implement this interface

Class Summary
DefaultExtValCoreConfiguration Default ExtVal Core Module Configuration that retrieves most of the values from the Web.xml initialization parameters.
ExtValCoreConfiguration ExtVal Core Module configuration.
InformationProviderBean centralized in order that these information aren't spread over the complete code base + some of them can be customized within a custom impl. of the bean (extend this class and provide it via convention or web.xml)

the static api should only be used

PhaseIdRecordingPhaseListener e.g. to allow in metadata extraction interceptors to know if they are invoked during validation or component initialization (if needed) example: client-side validation - some functionality shouldn't be processed during rendering
ProjectStage extensible project stage implementation

Enum Summary
CustomInformation ExtVal artifacts supported by the InformationProviderBean
JsfProjectStage project stage equivalent to jsf 2.0 extval 2.x has a special resolver which redirects the call to the new jsf api

Annotation Types Summary
Nested marker annotation e.g. to mark sub-name-mappers

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