Uses of Class

Packages that use ExtValCoreConfiguration

Uses of ExtValCoreConfiguration in org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core

Subclasses of ExtValCoreConfiguration in org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core
 class DefaultExtValCoreConfiguration
          Default ExtVal Core Module Configuration that retrieves most of the values from the Web.xml initialization parameters.

Methods in org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core that return ExtValCoreConfiguration
static ExtValCoreConfiguration ExtValCoreConfiguration.get()
          Returns the configuration for the core-module stored in the context.

Methods in org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core with parameters of type ExtValCoreConfiguration
static boolean ExtValCoreConfiguration.use(ExtValCoreConfiguration config, boolean forceOverride)
          Sets a new configuration for the core-module

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