Package org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core.validation.strategy

Interface Summary
BeanValidationStrategyAdapter Adapter to connect validation strategies with meta-data transformers, if the validation strategy is defined as bean and e.g. spring creates a proxy.
IdentifiableValidationStrategy if an adapter (ValidationStrategy only used for component initialization) is used for several constraints, this interface allows to identify instances.
ValidationStrategy Base interface for ValidationStrategies.

Class Summary
AbstractAnnotationValidationStrategy<A extends Annotation> This class provides an easier handling of violation messages.
AbstractValidationStrategy Provides the ability to use ValidatorException (as expected by the user) instead of the internally needed ConverterException.
AbstractVirtualValidationStrategy To map constraints directly to a meta-data transformer if there is no validation strategy (required by jsr 303).
BeanValidationStrategyAdapterImpl Adapter to connect validation strategies with meta-data transformers, if the validation strategy is defined as bean and e.g. spring creates a proxy.
DefaultValidationStrategyFactory Factory which creates the ValidationStrategy for a given Meta-Data Key

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