Package org.apache.myfaces.debug

This package defines types for myfaces debuggging (not Myfaces itself but facelets files, Myfaces lifecycle etc.)

See: Description

Package org.apache.myfaces.debug Description

This package defines types for myfaces debuggging (not Myfaces itself but facelets files, Myfaces lifecycle etc.)

Purpose of Aware interfaces

Identify object that are capable to "know something" about important classes in JSF/Myfaces.

For example, the most important type in JSF is UIComponent -> ComponentAware; In Facelets Location (line/column in facelets file) is important -> LocationAware.

Example of usage. JSF/myfaces code throw many different kinds of exceptions. In exception handlig code client can use instanceof

    if (e instanceof ComponentAware)
        ComponentAware componentAware = (ComponentAware) e;

to check if info about component is available.

Note: there is a Aware interface for each important type. Have all information in one big interface is not suitable, because we need to distinguish in client code:
  1. if type is capable of knowing (with instanceof)
  2. if instance has that information (componentAware.getComponent() != null)

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