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Class myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils

Defined in: _AjaxUtils.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A set of helper routines which are utilized within our Ajax subsystem and nowhere else TODO move this into a singleton, the current structure is still a j4fry legacy we need to get rid of it in the long run
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
appendIssuingItem(item, targetBuf)
appends the issuing item if not given already
encodeElement(element, targetBuf)
encodes a single input element for submission
encodeSubmittableFields(targetBuf, parentItem, partialIds)
determines fields to submit
Class Detail
A set of helper routines which are utilized within our Ajax subsystem and nowhere else TODO move this into a singleton, the current structure is still a j4fry legacy we need to get rid of it in the long run
Method Detail
appendIssuingItem(item, targetBuf)
appends the issuing item if not given already

encodeElement(element, targetBuf)
encodes a single input element for submission
{Node} element
- to be encoded
- a target array buffer receiving the encoded strings

encodeSubmittableFields(targetBuf, parentItem, partialIds)
determines fields to submit
{Object} targetBuf
- the target form buffer receiving the data
{Node} parentItem
- form element item is nested in
{Array} partialIds
- ids fo PPS

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.0 on Thu Mar 31 2016 20:57:55 GMT-0000 (GMT)