Uses of Interface

Packages that use Converter

Uses of Converter in javax.faces.application

Methods in javax.faces.application that return Converter
abstract  Converter Application.createConverter(Class targetClass)
abstract  Converter Application.createConverter(String converterId)

Uses of Converter in javax.faces.component

Methods in javax.faces.component that return Converter
 Converter ValueHolder.getConverter()
 Converter UIOutput.getConverter()
          An expression that specifies the Converter for this component.

Methods in javax.faces.component with parameters of type Converter
 void ValueHolder.setConverter(Converter converter)
 void UIOutput.setConverter(Converter converter)

Uses of Converter in javax.faces.convert

Classes in javax.faces.convert that implement Converter
 class BigDecimalConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class BigIntegerConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class BooleanConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class ByteConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class CharacterConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class DateTimeConverter
          This tag associates a date time converter with the nearest parent UIComponent.
 class DoubleConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class EnumConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class FloatConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class IntegerConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class LongConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification
 class NumberConverter
          This tag creates a number formatting converter and associates it with the nearest parent UIComponent.
 class ShortConverter
          see Javadoc of JSF Specification

Uses of Converter in javax.faces.webapp

Methods in javax.faces.webapp that return Converter
protected  Converter ConverterTag.createConverter()
protected abstract  Converter ConverterELTag.createConverter()

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