Uses of Class

Packages that use StateManager.SerializedView

Uses of StateManager.SerializedView in javax.faces.application

Methods in javax.faces.application that return StateManager.SerializedView
abstract  StateManager.SerializedView StateManager.saveSerializedView(FacesContext context)
          Invokes getTreeStructureToSave and getComponentStateToSave, then return an object that wraps the two resulting objects.

Methods in javax.faces.application with parameters of type StateManager.SerializedView
abstract  void StateManager.writeState(FacesContext context, StateManager.SerializedView state)
          Associate the provided state object with the current response being generated.

Uses of StateManager.SerializedView in javax.faces.render

Methods in javax.faces.render with parameters of type StateManager.SerializedView
abstract  void ResponseStateManager.writeState(FacesContext context, StateManager.SerializedView state)

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